[Libreoffice-commits] core.git: wizards/source

Jean-Pierre Ledure (via logerrit) logerrit at kemper.freedesktop.org
Thu Nov 26 10:06:31 UTC 2020

 wizards/source/sfdialogs/SF_Dialog.xba |  200 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 1 file changed, 189 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit 4311ba342f20c0a5e025c93da22c23dc709ce58f
Author:     Jean-Pierre Ledure <jp at ledure.be>
AuthorDate: Wed Nov 25 17:42:34 2020 +0100
Commit:     Jean-Pierre Ledure <jp at ledure.be>
CommitDate: Thu Nov 26 11:05:36 2020 +0100

    ScriptForge - (SF_Dialog) get OnEvent properties
    Applied on Dialog class:
    OnXxx properties return the triggered script as a string
    or a zero-length string when not defined
    Change-Id: I85b6b80811e09f921f993c707002263235f70c9d
    Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/c/core/+/106604
    Tested-by: Jean-Pierre Ledure <jp at ledure.be>
    Tested-by: Jenkins
    Reviewed-by: Jean-Pierre Ledure <jp at ledure.be>

diff --git a/wizards/source/sfdialogs/SF_Dialog.xba b/wizards/source/sfdialogs/SF_Dialog.xba
index befa333b70c6..a508505f372f 100644
--- a/wizards/source/sfdialogs/SF_Dialog.xba
+++ b/wizards/source/sfdialogs/SF_Dialog.xba
@@ -144,6 +144,126 @@ Property Get Name() As String
 	Name = _PropertyGet("Name")
 End Property	'	SFDialogs.SF_Dialog.Name
+REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Property Get OnFocusGained() As Variant
+'''	Get the script associated with the OnFocusGained event
+	OnFocusGained = _PropertyGet("OnFocusGained")
+End Property	'	SFDialogs.SF_Dialog.OnFocusGained (get)
+REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Property Let OnFocusGained(Optional ByVal pvOnFocusGained As Variant)
+'''	Set the updatable property OnFocusGained
+	_PropertySet("OnFocusGained", pvOnFocusGained)
+End Property	'	SFDialogs.SF_Dialog.OnFocusGained (let)
+REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Property Get OnFocusLost() As Variant
+'''	Get the script associated with the OnFocusLost event
+	OnFocusLost = _PropertyGet("OnFocusLost")
+End Property	'	SFDialogs.SF_Dialog.OnFocusLost (get)
+REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Property Let OnFocusLost(Optional ByVal pvOnFocusLost As Variant)
+'''	Set the updatable property OnFocusLost
+	_PropertySet("OnFocusLost", pvOnFocusLost)
+End Property	'	SFDialogs.SF_Dialog.OnFocusLost (let)
+REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Property Get OnKeyPressed() As Variant
+'''	Get the script associated with the OnKeyPressed event
+	OnKeyPressed = _PropertyGet("OnKeyPressed")
+End Property	'	SFDialogs.SF_Dialog.OnKeyPressed (get)
+REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Property Let OnKeyPressed(Optional ByVal pvOnKeyPressed As Variant)
+'''	Set the updatable property OnKeyPressed
+	_PropertySet("OnKeyPressed", pvOnKeyPressed)
+End Property	'	SFDialogs.SF_Dialog.OnKeyPressed (let)
+REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Property Get OnKeyReleased() As Variant
+'''	Get the script associated with the OnKeyReleased event
+	OnKeyReleased = _PropertyGet("OnKeyReleased")
+End Property	'	SFDialogs.SF_Dialog.OnKeyReleased (get)
+REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Property Let OnKeyReleased(Optional ByVal pvOnKeyReleased As Variant)
+'''	Set the updatable property OnKeyReleased
+	_PropertySet("OnKeyReleased", pvOnKeyReleased)
+End Property	'	SFDialogs.SF_Dialog.OnKeyReleased (let)
+REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Property Get OnMouseDragged() As Variant
+'''	Get the script associated with the OnMouseDragged event
+	OnMouseDragged = _PropertyGet("OnMouseDragged")
+End Property	'	SFDialogs.SF_Dialog.OnMouseDragged (get)
+REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Property Let OnMouseDragged(Optional ByVal pvOnMouseDragged As Variant)
+'''	Set the updatable property OnMouseDragged
+	_PropertySet("OnMouseDragged", pvOnMouseDragged)
+End Property	'	SFDialogs.SF_Dialog.OnMouseDragged (let)
+REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Property Get OnMouseEntered() As Variant
+'''	Get the script associated with the OnMouseEntered event
+	OnMouseEntered = _PropertyGet("OnMouseEntered")
+End Property	'	SFDialogs.SF_Dialog.OnMouseEntered (get)
+REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Property Let OnMouseEntered(Optional ByVal pvOnMouseEntered As Variant)
+'''	Set the updatable property OnMouseEntered
+	_PropertySet("OnMouseEntered", pvOnMouseEntered)
+End Property	'	SFDialogs.SF_Dialog.OnMouseEntered (let)
+REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Property Get OnMouseExited() As Variant
+'''	Get the script associated with the OnMouseExited event
+	OnMouseExited = _PropertyGet("OnMouseExited")
+End Property	'	SFDialogs.SF_Dialog.OnMouseExited (get)
+REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Property Let OnMouseExited(Optional ByVal pvOnMouseExited As Variant)
+'''	Set the updatable property OnMouseExited
+	_PropertySet("OnMouseExited", pvOnMouseExited)
+End Property	'	SFDialogs.SF_Dialog.OnMouseExited (let)
+REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Property Get OnMouseMoved() As Variant
+'''	Get the script associated with the OnMouseMoved event
+	OnMouseMoved = _PropertyGet("OnMouseMoved")
+End Property	'	SFDialogs.SF_Dialog.OnMouseMoved (get)
+REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Property Let OnMouseMoved(Optional ByVal pvOnMouseMoved As Variant)
+'''	Set the updatable property OnMouseMoved
+	_PropertySet("OnMouseMoved", pvOnMouseMoved)
+End Property	'	SFDialogs.SF_Dialog.OnMouseMoved (let)
+REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Property Get OnMousePressed() As Variant
+'''	Get the script associated with the OnMousePressed event
+	OnMousePressed = _PropertyGet("OnMousePressed")
+End Property	'	SFDialogs.SF_Dialog.OnMousePressed (get)
+REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Property Let OnMousePressed(Optional ByVal pvOnMousePressed As Variant)
+'''	Set the updatable property OnMousePressed
+	_PropertySet("OnMousePressed", pvOnMousePressed)
+End Property	'	SFDialogs.SF_Dialog.OnMousePressed (let)
+REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Property Get OnMouseReleased() As Variant
+'''	Get the script associated with the OnMouseReleased event
+	OnMouseReleased = _PropertyGet("OnMouseReleased")
+End Property	'	SFDialogs.SF_Dialog.OnMouseReleased (get)
+REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Property Let OnMouseReleased(Optional ByVal pvOnMouseReleased As Variant)
+'''	Set the updatable property OnMouseReleased
+	_PropertySet("OnMouseReleased", pvOnMouseReleased)
+End Property	'	SFDialogs.SF_Dialog.OnMouseReleased (let)
 REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Property Get Page() As Variant
 '''	A dialog may have several pages that can be traversed by the user step by step. The Page property of the Dialog object defines which page of the dialog is active.
@@ -437,13 +557,23 @@ End Function	'	SFDialogs.SF_Dialog.Methods
 REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Public Function Properties() As Variant
-'''	Return the list or properties of the Timer class as an array
+'''	Return the list or properties of the Dialog class as an array
 	Properties = Array( _
 					"Caption" _
 					, "Height" _
 					, "Modal" _
 					, "Name" _
+					, "OnFocusGained" _
+					, "OnFocusLost" _
+					, "OnKeyPressed" _
+					, "OnKeyReleased" _
+					, "OnMouseDragged" _
+					, "OnMouseEntered" _
+					, "OnMouseExited" _
+					, "OnMouseMoved" _
+					, "OnMousePressed" _
+					, "OnMouseReleased" _
 					, "Page" _
 					, "Visible" _
 					, "Width" _
@@ -529,6 +659,42 @@ End Function	'	SFDialogs.SF_Dialog.Terminate
 REM =========================================================== PRIVATE FUNCTIONS
+REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Public Function _GetEventName(ByVal psProperty As String) As String
+'''	Return the LO internal event name derived from the SF property name
+'''	The SF property name is not case sensitive, while the LO name is case-sensitive
+'	Corrects the typo on ErrorOccur(r?)ed, if necessary
+Dim vProperties As Variant			'	Array of class properties
+Dim sProperty As String				'	Correctly cased property name
+	vProperties = Properties()
+	sProperty = vProperties(ScriptForge.SF_Array.IndexOf(vProperties, psProperty, SortOrder := "ASC"))
+	_GetEventName = LCase(Mid(sProperty, 3, 1)) & Right(sProperty, Len(sProperty) - 3)
+End Function	'	SFDialogs.SF_Dialog._GetEventName
+REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Private Function _GetListener(ByVal psEventName As String) As String
+'''	Getting/Setting macros triggered by events requires a Listener-EventName pair
+'''	Return the X...Listener corresponding with the event name in argument
+	Select Case UCase(psEventName)
+		Case UCase("OnFocusGained"), UCase("OnFocusLost")
+			_GetListener = "XFocusListener"
+		Case UCase("OnKeyPressed"), UCase("OnKeyReleased")
+			_GetListener = "XKeyListener"
+		Case UCase("OnMouseDragged"), UCase("OnMouseMoved")
+			_GetListener = "XMouseMotionListener"
+		Case UCase("OnMouseEntered"), UCase("OnMouseExited"), UCase("OnMousePressed"), UCase("OnMouseReleased")
+			_GetListener = "XMouseListener"
+		Case Else
+			_GetListener = ""
+	End Select
+End Function	'	SFDialogs.SF_Dialog._GetListener
 REM -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Public Sub _Initialize()
 '''	Complete the object creation process:
@@ -585,6 +751,8 @@ Private Function _PropertyGet(Optional ByVal psProperty As String) As Variant
 '''		psProperty: the name of the property
 Static oSession As Object					'	Alias of SF_Session
+Dim oDialogEvents As Object					'	com.sun.star.container.XNameContainer
+Dim sEventName As String					'	Internal event name
 Dim cstThisSub As String
 Const cstSubArgs = ""
@@ -595,24 +763,34 @@ Const cstSubArgs = ""
 	If Not _IsStillAlive() Then GoTo Finally
 	If IsNull(oSession) Then Set oSession = ScriptForge.SF_Services.CreateScriptService("Session")
-	Select Case psProperty
-		Case "Caption"
+	Select Case UCase(psProperty)
+		Case UCase("Caption")
 			If oSession.HasUNOProperty(_DialogModel, "Title") Then _PropertyGet = _DialogModel.Title
-		Case "Height"
+		Case UCase("Height")
 			If oSession.HasUNOProperty(_DialogModel, "Height") Then _PropertyGet = _DialogModel.Height
-		Case "Modal"
+		Case UCase("Modal")
 			_PropertyGet = _Modal
-		Case "Name"
+		Case UCase("Name")
 			_PropertyGet = _Name
-		Case "Page"
+		Case UCase("OnFocusGained"), UCase("OnFocusLost"), UCase("OnKeyPressed"), UCase("OnKeyReleased") _
+				, UCase("OnMouseDragged"), UCase("OnMouseEntered"), UCase("OnMouseExited"), UCase("OnMouseMoved") _
+				, UCase("OnMousePressed"), UCase("OnMouseReleased")
+			Set oDialogEvents = _DialogModel.getEvents()
+			sEventName = "com.sun.star.awt." & _GetListener(psProperty) & "::" & _GetEventName(psProperty)
+			If oDialogEvents.hasByName(sEventName) Then
+				_PropertyGet = oDialogEvents.getByName(sEventName).ScriptCode
+			Else
+				_PropertyGet = ""
+			End If
+		Case UCase("Page")
 			If oSession.HasUNOProperty(_DialogModel, "Step") Then _PropertyGet = _DialogModel.Step
-		Case "Visible"
+		Case UCase("Visible")
 			If oSession.HasUnoMethod(_DialogControl, "isVisible") Then _PropertyGet = CBool(_DialogControl.isVisible())
-		Case "Width"
+		Case UCase("Width")
 			If oSession.HasUNOProperty(_DialogModel, "Width") Then _PropertyGet = _DialogModel.Width
-		Case "XDialogModel"
+		Case UCase("XDialogModel")
 			Set _PropertyGet = _DialogModel
-		Case "XDialogView"
+		Case UCase("XDialogView")
 			Set _PropertyGet = _DialogControl
 		Case Else
 			_PropertyGet = Null

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