[Libreoffice-commits] core.git: bridges/inc bridges/Library_cpp_uno.mk bridges/source

Jan-Marek Glogowski (via logerrit) logerrit at kemper.freedesktop.org
Wed Sep 16 22:02:45 UTC 2020

 bridges/Library_cpp_uno.mk                           |    1 
 bridges/inc/msvc/cpp2uno.hxx                         |   31 +
 bridges/source/cpp_uno/msvc_shared/cpp2uno.cxx       |  354 +++++++++++++++++++
 bridges/source/cpp_uno/msvc_win32_intel/cpp2uno.cxx  |  319 -----------------
 bridges/source/cpp_uno/msvc_win32_x86-64/cpp2uno.cxx |  303 ----------------
 5 files changed, 390 insertions(+), 618 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit 8a56900c61b82e9571d64add833784acfb628853
Author:     Jan-Marek Glogowski <glogow at fbihome.de>
AuthorDate: Sat Sep 5 15:20:51 2020 +0200
Commit:     Jan-Marek Glogowski <glogow at fbihome.de>
CommitDate: Thu Sep 17 00:01:50 2020 +0200

    WIN bridges: unify cpp2uno common code
    Change-Id: I614fb662b164b0af9ca03c3ab8006b9105380112
    Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/c/core/+/102865
    Tested-by: Jenkins
    Reviewed-by: Jan-Marek Glogowski <glogow at fbihome.de>

diff --git a/bridges/Library_cpp_uno.mk b/bridges/Library_cpp_uno.mk
index 67a66cdadfb5..e1cf6f52cff2 100644
--- a/bridges/Library_cpp_uno.mk
+++ b/bridges/Library_cpp_uno.mk
@@ -273,6 +273,7 @@ $(eval $(call gb_Library_add_exception_objects,$(gb_CPPU_ENV)_uno,\
 ifeq ($(COM),MSC)
 $(eval $(call gb_Library_add_exception_objects,$(gb_CPPU_ENV)_uno,\
+    bridges/source/cpp_uno/msvc_shared/cpp2uno \
     bridges/source/cpp_uno/msvc_shared/except \
diff --git a/bridges/inc/msvc/cpp2uno.hxx b/bridges/inc/msvc/cpp2uno.hxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..47091ed3bce3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bridges/inc/msvc/cpp2uno.hxx
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
+ * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
+ *
+ * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
+ *
+ * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
+ *
+ *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
+ *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
+ *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
+ *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+ *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .
+ */
+#pragma once
+#define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
+#include <windows.h>
+#include <sal/config.h>
+#include <typelib/typeclass.h>
+typelib_TypeClass __cdecl cpp_mediate(void** pCallStack, sal_Int32 nFunctionIndex,
+                                      sal_Int32 nVtableOffset, sal_Int64* const pRegisterReturn);
+/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */
diff --git a/bridges/source/cpp_uno/msvc_shared/cpp2uno.cxx b/bridges/source/cpp_uno/msvc_shared/cpp2uno.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..51186d1859fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bridges/source/cpp_uno/msvc_shared/cpp2uno.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,354 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
+ * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
+ *
+ * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
+ *
+ * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
+ *
+ *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
+ *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
+ *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
+ *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+ *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .
+ */
+#include <malloc.h>
+#include <com/sun/star/uno/genfunc.hxx>
+#include <sal/log.hxx>
+#include <uno/data.h>
+#include <typelib/typedescription.hxx>
+#include "bridge.hxx"
+#include "cppinterfaceproxy.hxx"
+#include "types.hxx"
+#include "vtablefactory.hxx"
+#include <msvc/except.hxx>
+#include <msvc/cpp2uno.hxx>
+using namespace ::com::sun::star;
+static typelib_TypeClass
+cpp2uno_call(bridges::cpp_uno::shared::CppInterfaceProxy* pThis,
+             const typelib_TypeDescription* pMemberTD,
+             typelib_TypeDescriptionReference* pReturnTypeRef, // nullptr indicates void return
+             const sal_Int32 nParams, typelib_MethodParameter* pParams, void** pCallStack,
+             void** const pReturnAddr)
+    // return type
+    typelib_TypeDescription* pReturnTD = nullptr;
+    if (pReturnTypeRef)
+        TYPELIB_DANGER_GET(&pReturnTD, pReturnTypeRef);
+    // if we don't return via register, the first stack parameter is the return value
+    int nFirstRealParam = 2;
+    if (pReturnAddr == pCallStack)
+        ++nFirstRealParam;
+    void* pUnoReturn = nullptr;
+    // complex return ptr: if != nullptr && != pUnoReturn, reconversion needed
+    void* pCppReturn = nullptr;
+    if (pReturnTD)
+    {
+        if (bridges::cpp_uno::shared::isSimpleType(pReturnTD))
+            pUnoReturn = pReturnAddr;
+        else
+        {
+            pCppReturn = pCallStack[nFirstRealParam++];
+            pUnoReturn = (bridges::cpp_uno::shared::relatesToInterfaceType(pReturnTD)
+                              ? alloca(pReturnTD->nSize)
+                              : pCppReturn);
+        }
+    }
+    // parameters passed to the UNO function
+    void** pUnoArgs = static_cast<void**>(alloca(sizeof(void*) * nParams));
+    // parameters received from C++
+    void** pCppArgs = static_cast<void**>(alloca(sizeof(void*) * nParams));
+    // TODO: switch to typedef std::pair<sal_Int32, typelib_TypeDescription*> ReconversationInfo;
+    sal_Int32 nTempIndex = 0;
+    // indexes of values this have to be converted (interface conversion C++<=>UNO)
+    sal_Int32* pTempIndexes = static_cast<sal_Int32*>(alloca(sizeof(sal_Int32) * nParams));
+    // type descriptions for reconversions
+    typelib_TypeDescription** ppTempParamTD
+        = static_cast<typelib_TypeDescription**>(alloca(sizeof(void*) * nParams));
+    for (std::pair<sal_Int32, void**> p(0, pCallStack + nFirstRealParam); p.first < nParams;
+         ++p.first, ++p.second)
+    {
+        const auto& nPos = p.first;
+        auto& pCppIncomingParams = p.second;
+        const typelib_MethodParameter& rParam = pParams[nPos];
+        typelib_TypeDescription* pParamTD = nullptr;
+        TYPELIB_DANGER_GET(&pParamTD, rParam.pTypeRef);
+        if (!rParam.bOut && bridges::cpp_uno::shared::isSimpleType(pParamTD))
+        {
+            pCppArgs[nPos] = pCppIncomingParams;
+            pUnoArgs[nPos] = pCppIncomingParams;
+            if (sizeof(void*) == sizeof(sal_Int32)) // acccount 64bit types on 32bit arch
+            {
+                switch (pParamTD->eTypeClass)
+                {
+                    case typelib_TypeClass_HYPER:
+                    case typelib_TypeClass_UNSIGNED_HYPER:
+                    case typelib_TypeClass_DOUBLE:
+                        ++pCppIncomingParams;
+                        break;
+                    default:
+                        break;
+                }
+            }
+            TYPELIB_DANGER_RELEASE(pParamTD);
+        }
+        else // ptr to complex value | ref
+        {
+            pCppArgs[nPos] = *pCppIncomingParams;
+            if (!rParam.bIn) // is pure out
+            {
+                // UNO out is unconstructed memory
+                pUnoArgs[nPos] = alloca(pParamTD->nSize);
+                // pParamTD will be released at reconversion
+                pTempIndexes[nTempIndex] = nPos;
+                ppTempParamTD[nTempIndex++] = pParamTD;
+            }
+            // is in/inout
+            else if (bridges::cpp_uno::shared::relatesToInterfaceType(pParamTD))
+            {
+                ::uno_copyAndConvertData(pUnoArgs[nPos] = alloca(pParamTD->nSize),
+                                         *pCppIncomingParams, pParamTD,
+                                         pThis->getBridge()->getCpp2Uno());
+                // pParamTD will be released at reconversion
+                pTempIndexes[nTempIndex] = nPos;
+                ppTempParamTD[nTempIndex++] = pParamTD;
+            }
+            else // direct way
+            {
+                pUnoArgs[nPos] = *pCppIncomingParams;
+                TYPELIB_DANGER_RELEASE(pParamTD);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    // ExceptionHolder
+    uno_Any aUnoExc; // Any will be constructed by callee
+    uno_Any* pUnoExc = &aUnoExc;
+    // invoke UNO dispatch call
+    pThis->getUnoI()->pDispatcher(pThis->getUnoI(), pMemberTD, pUnoReturn, pUnoArgs, &pUnoExc);
+    // in case an exception occurred...
+    if (pUnoExc)
+    {
+        // destruct temporary in/inout params
+        while (nTempIndex--)
+        {
+            const sal_Int32 nIndex = pTempIndexes[nTempIndex];
+            if (pParams[nIndex].bIn) // is in/inout => was constructed
+                ::uno_destructData(pUnoArgs[nIndex], ppTempParamTD[nTempIndex], nullptr);
+            TYPELIB_DANGER_RELEASE(ppTempParamTD[nTempIndex]);
+        }
+        if (pReturnTD)
+            TYPELIB_DANGER_RELEASE(pReturnTD);
+        msvc_raiseException(&aUnoExc, pThis->getBridge()->getUno2Cpp()); // has to destruct the any
+        // is here for dummy
+        return typelib_TypeClass_VOID;
+    }
+    else // no exception occurred...
+    {
+        // handle temporary params
+        while (nTempIndex--)
+        {
+            const sal_Int32 nIndex = pTempIndexes[nTempIndex];
+            typelib_TypeDescription* pParamTD = ppTempParamTD[nTempIndex];
+            if (pParams[nIndex].bOut) // inout/out
+            {
+                // convert and assign
+                ::uno_destructData(pCppArgs[nIndex], pParamTD, uno::cpp_release);
+                ::uno_copyAndConvertData(pCppArgs[nIndex], pUnoArgs[nIndex], pParamTD,
+                                         pThis->getBridge()->getUno2Cpp());
+            }
+            // destroy temp UNO param
+            ::uno_destructData(pUnoArgs[nIndex], pParamTD, nullptr);
+            TYPELIB_DANGER_RELEASE(pParamTD);
+        }
+        // handle return
+        if (pCppReturn) // has complex return
+        {
+            if (pUnoReturn != pCppReturn) // needs reconversion
+            {
+                ::uno_copyAndConvertData(pCppReturn, pUnoReturn, pReturnTD,
+                                         pThis->getBridge()->getUno2Cpp());
+                // destroy temp UNO return
+                ::uno_destructData(pUnoReturn, pReturnTD, nullptr);
+            }
+            *pReturnAddr = pCppReturn;
+        }
+        if (!pReturnTD)
+            return typelib_TypeClass_VOID;
+        else
+        {
+            typelib_TypeClass eRet = pReturnTD->eTypeClass;
+            TYPELIB_DANGER_RELEASE(pReturnTD);
+            return eRet;
+        }
+    }
+typelib_TypeClass __cdecl cpp_mediate(void** pCallStack, const sal_Int32 nFunctionIndex,
+                                      const sal_Int32 nVtableOffset,
+                                      sal_Int64* const pRegisterReturn)
+    // pCallStack:
+    // x64: ret value, ret adr, this, [complex ret *], cpp params
+    // x86: ret adr, this, [complex ret *], cpp params
+    //
+    // pRegisterReturn is just set on x86
+    // the return value is either the direct set for simply types, or it is set
+    // to "complex ret *" and the real return value is constructed at that memory.
+    // if we don't return via register, the first stack parameter is the return value
+    void** const pReturnAddr
+        = pRegisterReturn ? reinterpret_cast<void**>(pRegisterReturn) : pCallStack;
+    void* const pThis = static_cast<char*>(pCallStack[pRegisterReturn ? 1 : 2]) - nVtableOffset;
+    bridges::cpp_uno::shared::CppInterfaceProxy* pCppI
+        = bridges::cpp_uno::shared::CppInterfaceProxy::castInterfaceToProxy(pThis);
+    typelib_InterfaceTypeDescription* pInterfaceTD = pCppI->getTypeDescr();
+    SAL_INFO("bridges", "cpp_vtable_call: pCallStack=["
+                            << std::hex << pCallStack[0] << "," << pCallStack[1] << ","
+                            << pCallStack[2] << ",...], pThis=" << pThis << ", pCppI=" << pCppI
+                            << std::dec << ", nFunctionIndex=" << nFunctionIndex
+                            << ", nVtableOffset=" << nVtableOffset);
+    SAL_INFO("bridges", "name=" << OUString::unacquired(&pInterfaceTD->aBase.pTypeName));
+    if (nFunctionIndex >= pInterfaceTD->nMapFunctionIndexToMemberIndex)
+    {
+        OUString sError = "illegal " + OUString::unacquired(&pInterfaceTD->aBase.pTypeName)
+                          + " vtable index " + OUString::number(nFunctionIndex) + "/"
+                          + OUString::number(pInterfaceTD->nMapFunctionIndexToMemberIndex);
+        SAL_WARN("bridges", sError);
+        throw uno::RuntimeException(sError, reinterpret_cast<uno::XInterface*>(pThis));
+    }
+    // determine called method
+    sal_Int32 nMemberPos = pInterfaceTD->pMapFunctionIndexToMemberIndex[nFunctionIndex];
+    assert(nMemberPos < pInterfaceTD->nAllMembers);
+    uno::TypeDescription aMemberDescr(pInterfaceTD->ppAllMembers[nMemberPos]);
+    SAL_INFO("bridges", "Calling " << OUString::unacquired(&aMemberDescr.get()->pTypeName));
+    typelib_TypeClass eRet = typelib_TypeClass_VOID;
+    switch (aMemberDescr.get()->eTypeClass)
+    {
+        case typelib_TypeClass_INTERFACE_ATTRIBUTE:
+        {
+            typelib_TypeDescriptionReference* pAttrTypeRef
+                = reinterpret_cast<typelib_InterfaceAttributeTypeDescription*>(aMemberDescr.get())
+                      ->pAttributeTypeRef;
+            if (pInterfaceTD->pMapMemberIndexToFunctionIndex[nMemberPos] == nFunctionIndex)
+            { // is GET method
+                eRet = cpp2uno_call(pCppI, aMemberDescr.get(), pAttrTypeRef, 0, nullptr, pCallStack,
+                                    pReturnAddr);
+            }
+            else
+            { // is SET method
+                typelib_MethodParameter aParam;
+                aParam.pTypeRef = pAttrTypeRef;
+                aParam.bIn = true;
+                aParam.bOut = false;
+                eRet = cpp2uno_call(pCppI, aMemberDescr.get(), nullptr, 1, &aParam, pCallStack,
+                                    pReturnAddr);
+            }
+            break;
+        }
+        case typelib_TypeClass_INTERFACE_METHOD:
+        {
+            // is METHOD
+            switch (nFunctionIndex)
+            {
+                // standard XInterface vtable calls
+                case 1: // acquire()
+                    pCppI->acquireProxy(); // non virtual call!
+                    eRet = typelib_TypeClass_VOID;
+                    break;
+                case 2: // release()
+                    pCppI->releaseProxy(); // non virtual call!
+                    eRet = typelib_TypeClass_VOID;
+                    break;
+                case 0: // queryInterface() opt
+                {
+                    const unsigned int nCppStackPos = (pReturnAddr == pCallStack) ? 4 : 3;
+                    typelib_TypeDescription* pQueryTD = nullptr;
+                    TYPELIB_DANGER_GET(
+                        &pQueryTD,
+                        static_cast<uno::Type*>(pCallStack[nCppStackPos])->getTypeLibType());
+                    if (pQueryTD)
+                    {
+                        uno::XInterface* pInterface = nullptr;
+                        pCppI->getBridge()->getCppEnv()->getRegisteredInterface(
+                            pCppI->getBridge()->getCppEnv(), reinterpret_cast<void**>(&pInterface),
+                            pCppI->getOid().pData,
+                            reinterpret_cast<typelib_InterfaceTypeDescription*>(pQueryTD));
+                        if (pInterface)
+                        {
+                            const unsigned int nReturnAddrPos = nCppStackPos - 1;
+                            ::uno_any_construct(static_cast<uno_Any*>(pCallStack[nReturnAddrPos]),
+                                                &pInterface, pQueryTD, uno::cpp_acquire);
+                            pInterface->release();
+                            TYPELIB_DANGER_RELEASE(pQueryTD);
+                            *pReturnAddr = pCallStack[nReturnAddrPos];
+                            eRet = typelib_TypeClass_ANY;
+                            break;
+                        }
+                        TYPELIB_DANGER_RELEASE(pQueryTD);
+                    }
+                    [[fallthrough]];
+                }
+                default: // perform queryInterface()
+                {
+                    typelib_InterfaceMethodTypeDescription* pMethodTD
+                        = reinterpret_cast<typelib_InterfaceMethodTypeDescription*>(
+                            aMemberDescr.get());
+                    eRet = cpp2uno_call(pCppI, aMemberDescr.get(), pMethodTD->pReturnTypeRef,
+                                        pMethodTD->nParams, pMethodTD->pParams, pCallStack,
+                                        pReturnAddr);
+                }
+            }
+            break;
+        }
+        default:
+            throw uno::RuntimeException("no member description found!",
+                                        reinterpret_cast<uno::XInterface*>(pThis));
+    }
+    return eRet;
+/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */
diff --git a/bridges/source/cpp_uno/msvc_win32_intel/cpp2uno.cxx b/bridges/source/cpp_uno/msvc_win32_intel/cpp2uno.cxx
index 22e91e4ba8d3..0908c7666b50 100644
--- a/bridges/source/cpp_uno/msvc_win32_intel/cpp2uno.cxx
+++ b/bridges/source/cpp_uno/msvc_win32_intel/cpp2uno.cxx
@@ -31,330 +31,13 @@
 #include "vtablefactory.hxx"
 #include <msvc/x86.hxx>
+#include <msvc/cpp2uno.hxx>
 using namespace ::com::sun::star;
-static inline typelib_TypeClass cpp2uno_call(
-    bridges::cpp_uno::shared::CppInterfaceProxy * pThis,
-    const typelib_TypeDescription * pMemberTD,
-    typelib_TypeDescriptionReference * pReturnTypeRef, // nullptr indicates void return
-    sal_Int32 nParams,
-    typelib_MethodParameter * pParams,
-    void ** pCallStack,
-    sal_Int64 * pRegisterReturn /* space for register return */)
-    // pCallStack: ret, this, [complex return ptr], params
-    char * pCppCallStack = (char *)(pCallStack +2);
-    // return type
-    typelib_TypeDescription * pReturnTD = nullptr;
-    if (pReturnTypeRef)
-        TYPELIB_DANGER_GET(&pReturnTD, pReturnTypeRef);
-    void * pUnoReturn = nullptr;
-    void * pCppReturn = nullptr; // complex return ptr: if != nullptr && != pUnoReturn, reconversion need
-    if (pReturnTD)
-    {
-        if (bridges::cpp_uno::shared::isSimpleType(pReturnTD))
-            pUnoReturn = pRegisterReturn;
-        else
-        {
-            pCppReturn = *(void **)pCppCallStack;
-            pCppCallStack += sizeof(void *);
-            pUnoReturn = (bridges::cpp_uno::shared::relatesToInterfaceType(pReturnTD)
-                          ? alloca(pReturnTD->nSize) : pCppReturn);
-        }
-    }
-    static_assert(sizeof(void *) == sizeof(sal_Int32), "### unexpected size!");
-    // parameters passed to the UNO function
-    void ** pUnoArgs = static_cast<void **>(alloca(4 * sizeof(void *) * nParams));
-    // parameters received from C++
-    void ** pCppArgs = pUnoArgs + nParams;
-    // indexes of values this have to be converted (interface conversion C++<=>UNO)
-    sal_Int32 * pTempIndexes = reinterpret_cast<sal_Int32 *>(pUnoArgs + (2 * nParams));
-    // type descriptions for reconversions
-    typelib_TypeDescription ** ppTempParamTD =
-        reinterpret_cast<typelib_TypeDescription **>(pUnoArgs + (3 * nParams));
-    sal_Int32 nTempIndex = 0;
-    for (sal_Int32 nPos = 0; nPos < nParams; ++nPos)
-    {
-        const typelib_MethodParameter & rParam = pParams[nPos];
-        typelib_TypeDescription * pParamTD = nullptr;
-        TYPELIB_DANGER_GET(&pParamTD, rParam.pTypeRef);
-        if (!rParam.bOut && bridges::cpp_uno::shared::isSimpleType(pParamTD))
-        {
-            pCppArgs[nPos] = pCppCallStack;
-            pUnoArgs[nPos] = pCppCallStack;
-            switch (pParamTD->eTypeClass)
-            {
-            case typelib_TypeClass_HYPER:
-            case typelib_TypeClass_UNSIGNED_HYPER:
-            case typelib_TypeClass_DOUBLE:
-                pCppCallStack += sizeof(sal_Int32); // extra long
-                break;
-            default:
-                break;
-            }
-            // no longer needed
-            TYPELIB_DANGER_RELEASE(pParamTD);
-        }
-        else // ptr to complex value | ref
-        {
-            pCppArgs[nPos] = *(void **)pCppCallStack;
-            if (!rParam.bIn) // is pure out
-            {
-                // UNO out is unconstructed mem
-                pUnoArgs[nPos] = alloca(pParamTD->nSize);
-                pTempIndexes[nTempIndex] = nPos;
-                // pParamTD will be released at reconversion
-                ppTempParamTD[nTempIndex++] = pParamTD;
-            }
-            // is in/inout
-            else if (bridges::cpp_uno::shared::relatesToInterfaceType(pParamTD))
-            {
-                ::uno_copyAndConvertData(
-                    pUnoArgs[nPos] = alloca(pParamTD->nSize),
-                    *(void **)pCppCallStack, pParamTD,
-                    pThis->getBridge()->getCpp2Uno());
-                pTempIndexes[nTempIndex] = nPos; // has to be reconverted
-                // pParamTD will be released at reconversion
-                ppTempParamTD[nTempIndex++] = pParamTD;
-            }
-            else // direct way
-            {
-                pUnoArgs[nPos] = *(void **)pCppCallStack;
-                // no longer needed
-                TYPELIB_DANGER_RELEASE(pParamTD);
-            }
-        }
-        pCppCallStack += sizeof(sal_Int32); // standard parameter length
-    }
-    // ExceptionHolder
-    uno_Any aUnoExc; // Any will be constructed by callee
-    uno_Any * pUnoExc = &aUnoExc;
-    // invoke UNO dispatch call
-    (*pThis->getUnoI()->pDispatcher)(
-        pThis->getUnoI(), pMemberTD, pUnoReturn, pUnoArgs, &pUnoExc);
-    // in case an exception occurred...
-    if (pUnoExc)
-    {
-        // destruct temporary in/inout params
-        while (nTempIndex--)
-        {
-            sal_Int32 nIndex = pTempIndexes[nTempIndex];
-            if (pParams[nIndex].bIn) // is in/inout => was constructed
-                ::uno_destructData(pUnoArgs[nIndex], ppTempParamTD[nTempIndex], nullptr);
-            TYPELIB_DANGER_RELEASE(ppTempParamTD[nTempIndex]);
-        }
-        if (pReturnTD)
-            TYPELIB_DANGER_RELEASE(pReturnTD);
-        msvc_raiseException(
-            &aUnoExc, pThis->getBridge()->getUno2Cpp()); // has to destruct the any
-        // is here for dummy
-        return typelib_TypeClass_VOID;
-    }
-    else // no exception occurred...
-    {
-        // temporary params
-        while (nTempIndex--)
-        {
-            sal_Int32 nIndex = pTempIndexes[nTempIndex];
-            typelib_TypeDescription * pParamTD = ppTempParamTD[nTempIndex];
-            if (pParams[nIndex].bOut) // inout/out
-            {
-                // convert and assign
-                ::uno_destructData(pCppArgs[nIndex], pParamTD, uno::cpp_release);
-                ::uno_copyAndConvertData(
-                    pCppArgs[nIndex], pUnoArgs[nIndex], pParamTD,
-                    pThis->getBridge()->getUno2Cpp());
-            }
-            // destroy temp UNO param
-            ::uno_destructData(pUnoArgs[nIndex], pParamTD, nullptr);
-            TYPELIB_DANGER_RELEASE(pParamTD);
-        }
-        // return
-        if (pCppReturn) // has complex return
-        {
-            if (pUnoReturn != pCppReturn) // needs reconversion
-            {
-                ::uno_copyAndConvertData(
-                    pCppReturn, pUnoReturn, pReturnTD,
-                    pThis->getBridge()->getUno2Cpp());
-                // destroy temp UNO return
-                ::uno_destructData(pUnoReturn, pReturnTD, nullptr);
-            }
-            // complex return ptr is set to eax
-            *(void **)pRegisterReturn = pCppReturn;
-        }
-        if (pReturnTD)
-        {
-            typelib_TypeClass eRet = pReturnTD->eTypeClass;
-            TYPELIB_DANGER_RELEASE(pReturnTD);
-            return eRet;
-        }
-        else
-            return typelib_TypeClass_VOID;
-    }
-static typelib_TypeClass __cdecl cpp_mediate(
-    void ** pCallStack,
-    sal_Int32 nFunctionIndex,
-    sal_Int32 nVtableOffset,
-    sal_Int64 * pRegisterReturn) // space for register return
-    static_assert(sizeof(sal_Int32)==sizeof(void *), "### unexpected!");
-    // pCallStack: ret adr, this, [ret *], params
-    // pRegisterReturn is either the direct "return value", or is set to
-    // "ret *" and the real return value is constructed at that pointer.
-    void* pThis = static_cast<char*>(pCallStack[1]) - nVtableOffset;
-    bridges::cpp_uno::shared::CppInterfaceProxy* pCppI
-        = bridges::cpp_uno::shared::CppInterfaceProxy::castInterfaceToProxy(pThis);
-    typelib_InterfaceTypeDescription * pInterfaceTD = pCppI->getTypeDescr();
-    SAL_INFO("bridges", "cpp_vtable_call: pCallStack=["
-                            << std::hex << pCallStack[0] << "," << pCallStack[1] << ","
-                            << pCallStack[2] << ",...], pThis=" << pThis << ", pCppI=" << pCppI
-                            << std::dec << ", nFunctionIndex=" << nFunctionIndex
-                            << ", nVtableOffset=" << nVtableOffset);
-    SAL_INFO("bridges", "name=" << OUString::unacquired(&pInterfaceTD->aBase.pTypeName));
-    if (nFunctionIndex >= pInterfaceTD->nMapFunctionIndexToMemberIndex)
-    {
-        OUString sError = "illegal " + OUString::unacquired(&pInterfaceTD->aBase.pTypeName)
-                          + " vtable index " + OUString::number(nFunctionIndex) + "/"
-                          + OUString::number(pInterfaceTD->nMapFunctionIndexToMemberIndex);
-        SAL_WARN("bridges", sError);
-        throw uno::RuntimeException(sError, reinterpret_cast<uno::XInterface*>(pThis));
-    }
-    // determine called method
-    sal_Int32 nMemberPos = pInterfaceTD->pMapFunctionIndexToMemberIndex[nFunctionIndex];
-    assert(nMemberPos < pInterfaceTD->nAllMembers);
-    uno::TypeDescription aMemberDescr(pInterfaceTD->ppAllMembers[nMemberPos]);
-    SAL_INFO( "bridges", "Calling " << OUString::unacquired(&aMemberDescr.get()->pTypeName) );
-    typelib_TypeClass eRet = typelib_TypeClass_VOID;
-    switch (aMemberDescr.get()->eTypeClass)
-    {
-        case typelib_TypeClass_INTERFACE_ATTRIBUTE:
-        {
-            typelib_TypeDescriptionReference *pAttrTypeRef
-                = reinterpret_cast<typelib_InterfaceAttributeTypeDescription *>(aMemberDescr.get())
-                      ->pAttributeTypeRef;
-            if (pInterfaceTD->pMapMemberIndexToFunctionIndex[nMemberPos] == nFunctionIndex)
-            {
-                // is GET method
-                eRet = cpp2uno_call(pCppI, aMemberDescr.get(), pAttrTypeRef, 0, nullptr, pCallStack,
-                                    pRegisterReturn);
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                // is SET method
-                typelib_MethodParameter aParam;
-                aParam.pTypeRef = pAttrTypeRef;
-                aParam.bIn = true;
-                aParam.bOut = false;
-                eRet = cpp2uno_call(pCppI, aMemberDescr.get(), nullptr, 1, &aParam, pCallStack,
-                                    pRegisterReturn);
-            }
-            break;
-        }
-        case typelib_TypeClass_INTERFACE_METHOD:
-        {
-            // is METHOD
-            switch (nFunctionIndex)
-            {
-                // standard XInterface vtable calls
-                case 1: // acquire()
-                    pCppI->acquireProxy(); // non virtual call!
-                    eRet = typelib_TypeClass_VOID;
-                    break;
-                case 2: // release()
-                    pCppI->releaseProxy(); // non virtual call!
-                    eRet = typelib_TypeClass_VOID;
-                    break;
-                case 0: // queryInterface() opt
-                {
-                    typelib_TypeDescription* pQueryTD = nullptr;
-                    TYPELIB_DANGER_GET(&pQueryTD,
-                                       static_cast<uno::Type*>(pCallStack[3])->getTypeLibType());
-                    if (pQueryTD)
-                    {
-                        uno::XInterface* pInterface = nullptr;
-                        pCppI->getBridge()->getCppEnv()->getRegisteredInterface(
-                            pCppI->getBridge()->getCppEnv(), reinterpret_cast<void**>(&pInterface),
-                            pCppI->getOid().pData,
-                            reinterpret_cast<typelib_InterfaceTypeDescription*>(pQueryTD));
-                        if (pInterface)
-                        {
-                            ::uno_any_construct(static_cast<uno_Any*>(pCallStack[2]), &pInterface,
-                                                pQueryTD, uno::cpp_acquire);
-                            pInterface->release();
-                            TYPELIB_DANGER_RELEASE(pQueryTD);
-                            *(void **)pRegisterReturn = pCallStack[2];
-                            eRet = typelib_TypeClass_ANY;
-                            break;
-                        }
-                        TYPELIB_DANGER_RELEASE(pQueryTD);
-                    }
-                    [[fallthrough]];
-                }
-                default: // perform queryInterface()
-                {
-                    typelib_InterfaceMethodTypeDescription* pMethodTD
-                        = reinterpret_cast<typelib_InterfaceMethodTypeDescription*>(
-                            aMemberDescr.get());
-                    eRet = cpp2uno_call(pCppI, aMemberDescr.get(), pMethodTD->pReturnTypeRef,
-                                        pMethodTD->nParams, pMethodTD->pParams, pCallStack,
-                                        pRegisterReturn);
-                }
-            }
-            break;
-        }
-        default:
-            throw uno::RuntimeException("no member description found!",
-                                        reinterpret_cast<uno::XInterface*>(pThis));
-    }
-    return eRet;
  * is called on incoming vtable calls
  * (called by asm snippets)
diff --git a/bridges/source/cpp_uno/msvc_win32_x86-64/cpp2uno.cxx b/bridges/source/cpp_uno/msvc_win32_x86-64/cpp2uno.cxx
index 6ed58ed4c9e6..34ba34fb2856 100644
--- a/bridges/source/cpp_uno/msvc_win32_x86-64/cpp2uno.cxx
+++ b/bridges/source/cpp_uno/msvc_win32_x86-64/cpp2uno.cxx
@@ -31,313 +31,16 @@
 #include <vtablefactory.hxx>
 #include "call.hxx"
+#include <msvc/cpp2uno.hxx>
 #include <msvc/amd64.hxx>
 using namespace ::com::sun::star;
-static typelib_TypeClass cpp2uno_call(
-    bridges::cpp_uno::shared::CppInterfaceProxy * pThis,
-    const typelib_TypeDescription * pMemberTD,
-    typelib_TypeDescriptionReference * pReturnTypeRef, // nullptr indicates void return
-    sal_Int32 nParams,
-    typelib_MethodParameter * pParams,
-    void ** pCallStack)
-    // return type
-    typelib_TypeDescription * pReturnTD = nullptr;
-    if (pReturnTypeRef)
-        TYPELIB_DANGER_GET(&pReturnTD, pReturnTypeRef);
-    int nFirstRealParam = 3;    // Index into pCallStack, past return
-                                // value, return address and 'this'
-                                // pointer.
-    void * pUnoReturn = nullptr;
-    void * pCppReturn = nullptr; // complex return ptr: if != nullptr && != pUnoReturn, reconversion need
-    if (pReturnTD)
-    {
-        if (bridges::cpp_uno::shared::isSimpleType(pReturnTD))
-            pUnoReturn = pCallStack;
-        else
-        {
-            pCppReturn = pCallStack[nFirstRealParam++];
-            pUnoReturn = (bridges::cpp_uno::shared::relatesToInterfaceType(pReturnTD)
-                          ? alloca(pReturnTD->nSize) : pCppReturn);
-        }
-    }
-    void ** pCppIncomingParams = pCallStack + nFirstRealParam;
-    // Unlike this method for other archs, prefer clarity to
-    // micro-optimization, and allocate these array separately
-    // parameters passed to the UNO function
-    void ** pUnoArgs = static_cast<void **>(alloca(sizeof(void *) * nParams));
-    // parameters received from C++
-    void ** pCppArgs = static_cast<void **>(alloca(sizeof(void *) * nParams));
-    // indexes of values this have to be converted (interface conversion C++<=>UNO)
-    sal_Int32 * pTempIndexes = static_cast<sal_Int32 *>(alloca(sizeof(sal_Int32) * nParams));
-    // type descriptions for reconversions
-    typelib_TypeDescription ** ppTempParamTD =
-        static_cast<typelib_TypeDescription **>(alloca(sizeof(void *) * nParams));
-    sal_Int32 nTempIndex = 0;
-    for (sal_Int32 nPos = 0; nPos < nParams; ++nPos)
-    {
-        const typelib_MethodParameter & rParam = pParams[nPos];
-        typelib_TypeDescription * pParamTD = nullptr;
-        TYPELIB_DANGER_GET(&pParamTD, rParam.pTypeRef);
-        if (!rParam.bOut && bridges::cpp_uno::shared::isSimpleType(pParamTD))
-        {
-            pCppArgs[nPos] = pUnoArgs[nPos] = pCppIncomingParams++;
-            TYPELIB_DANGER_RELEASE(pParamTD);
-        }
-        else // ptr to complex value | ref
-        {
-            void * pCppCallStack;
-            pCppArgs[nPos] = pCppCallStack = *pCppIncomingParams++;
-            if (!rParam.bIn) // is pure out
-            {
-                // UNO out is unconstructed mem
-                pUnoArgs[nPos] = alloca(pParamTD->nSize);
-                pTempIndexes[nTempIndex] = nPos;
-                // pParamTD will be released at reconversion
-                ppTempParamTD[nTempIndex++] = pParamTD;
-            }
-            else if (bridges::cpp_uno::shared::relatesToInterfaceType(pParamTD))
-            {
-                ::uno_copyAndConvertData(
-                    pUnoArgs[nPos] = alloca(pParamTD->nSize),
-                    pCppCallStack, pParamTD,
-                    pThis->getBridge()->getCpp2Uno());
-                pTempIndexes[nTempIndex] = nPos; // has to be reconverted
-                // pParamTD will be released at reconversion
-                ppTempParamTD[nTempIndex++] = pParamTD;
-            }
-            else // direct way
-            {
-                pUnoArgs[nPos] = pCppCallStack;
-                // no longer needed
-                TYPELIB_DANGER_RELEASE(pParamTD);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    // ExceptionHolder
-    uno_Any aUnoExc; // Any will be constructed by callee
-    uno_Any * pUnoExc = &aUnoExc;
-    // invoke UNO dispatch call
-    (*pThis->getUnoI()->pDispatcher)(
-        pThis->getUnoI(), pMemberTD, pUnoReturn, pUnoArgs, &pUnoExc);
-    // in case an exception occurred...
-    if (pUnoExc)
-    {
-        // destruct temporary in/inout params
-        while (nTempIndex--)
-        {
-            sal_Int32 nIndex = pTempIndexes[nTempIndex];
-            if (pParams[nIndex].bIn) // is in/inout => was constructed
-                ::uno_destructData(pUnoArgs[nIndex], ppTempParamTD[nTempIndex], nullptr);
-            TYPELIB_DANGER_RELEASE(ppTempParamTD[nTempIndex]);
-        }
-        if (pReturnTD)
-            TYPELIB_DANGER_RELEASE(pReturnTD);
-        msvc_raiseException(
-            &aUnoExc, pThis->getBridge()->getUno2Cpp()); // has to destruct the any
-        // is here for dummy
-        return typelib_TypeClass_VOID;
-    }
-    else // no exception occurred...
-    {
-        // temporary params
-        while (nTempIndex--)
-        {
-            sal_Int32 nIndex = pTempIndexes[nTempIndex];
-            typelib_TypeDescription * pParamTD = ppTempParamTD[nTempIndex];
-            if (pParams[nIndex].bOut) // inout/out
-            {
-                // convert and assign
-                ::uno_destructData(pCppArgs[nIndex], pParamTD, uno::cpp_release);
-                ::uno_copyAndConvertData(
-                    pCppArgs[nIndex], pUnoArgs[nIndex], pParamTD,
-                    pThis->getBridge()->getUno2Cpp());
-            }
-            // destroy temp UNO param
-            ::uno_destructData(pUnoArgs[nIndex], pParamTD, nullptr);
-            TYPELIB_DANGER_RELEASE(pParamTD);
-        }
-        // return
-        if (pCppReturn) // has complex return
-        {
-            if (pUnoReturn != pCppReturn) // needs reconversion
-            {
-                ::uno_copyAndConvertData(
-                    pCppReturn, pUnoReturn, pReturnTD,
-                    pThis->getBridge()->getUno2Cpp());
-                // destroy temp UNO return
-                ::uno_destructData(pUnoReturn, pReturnTD, nullptr);
-            }
-            // complex return ptr is set to eax
-            pCallStack[0] = pCppReturn;
-        }
-        if (pReturnTD)
-        {
-            typelib_TypeClass eRet = pReturnTD->eTypeClass;
-            TYPELIB_DANGER_RELEASE(pReturnTD);
-            return eRet;
-        }
-        else
-            return typelib_TypeClass_VOID;
-    }
-extern "C" typelib_TypeClass cpp_vtable_call(
-    sal_Int64 nOffsetAndIndex,
-    void ** pCallStack)
+extern "C" typelib_TypeClass cpp_vtable_call(sal_Int64 nOffsetAndIndex, void ** pCallStack)
     sal_Int32 nFunctionIndex = (nOffsetAndIndex & 0xFFFFFFFF);
     sal_Int32 nVtableOffset = ((nOffsetAndIndex >> 32) & 0xFFFFFFFF);
-    // pCallStack: ret value, ret adr, this, [ret *], params
-    // pCallStack[0] is either the direct "return value", or is set to "ret *" and
-    // the real return value is constructed at that memory.
-    void* pThis = static_cast<char*>(pCallStack[2]) - nVtableOffset;
-    bridges::cpp_uno::shared::CppInterfaceProxy* pCppI
-        = bridges::cpp_uno::shared::CppInterfaceProxy::castInterfaceToProxy(pThis);
-    typelib_InterfaceTypeDescription * pInterfaceTD = pCppI->getTypeDescr();
-    SAL_INFO("bridges", "cpp_vtable_call: pCallStack=["
-                            << std::hex << pCallStack[0] << "," << pCallStack[1] << ","
-                            << pCallStack[2] << ",...], pThis=" << pThis << ", pCppI=" << pCppI
-                            << std::dec << ", nFunctionIndex=" << nFunctionIndex
-                            << ", nVtableOffset=" << nVtableOffset);
-    SAL_INFO("bridges", "name=" << OUString::unacquired(&pInterfaceTD->aBase.pTypeName));
-    if (nFunctionIndex >= pInterfaceTD->nMapFunctionIndexToMemberIndex)
-    {
-        OUString sError = "illegal " + OUString::unacquired(&pInterfaceTD->aBase.pTypeName)
-                          + " vtable index " + OUString::number(nFunctionIndex) + "/"
-                          + OUString::number(pInterfaceTD->nMapFunctionIndexToMemberIndex);
-        SAL_WARN("bridges", sError);
-        throw uno::RuntimeException(sError, reinterpret_cast<uno::XInterface*>(pThis));
-    }
-    // determine called method
-    sal_Int32 nMemberPos = pInterfaceTD->pMapFunctionIndexToMemberIndex[nFunctionIndex];
-    assert(nMemberPos < pInterfaceTD->nAllMembers);
-    uno::TypeDescription aMemberDescr(pInterfaceTD->ppAllMembers[nMemberPos]);
-    SAL_INFO( "bridges", "Calling " << OUString::unacquired(&aMemberDescr.get()->pTypeName) );
-    typelib_TypeClass eRet = typelib_TypeClass_VOID;
-    switch (aMemberDescr.get()->eTypeClass)
-    {
-        case typelib_TypeClass_INTERFACE_ATTRIBUTE:
-        {
-            typelib_TypeDescriptionReference *pAttrTypeRef
-                = reinterpret_cast<typelib_InterfaceAttributeTypeDescription *>(aMemberDescr.get())
-                      ->pAttributeTypeRef;
-            if (pInterfaceTD->pMapMemberIndexToFunctionIndex[nMemberPos] == nFunctionIndex)
-            {
-                // is GET method
-                eRet = cpp2uno_call(pCppI, aMemberDescr.get(), pAttrTypeRef, 0, nullptr, pCallStack);
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                // is SET method
-                typelib_MethodParameter aParam;
-                aParam.pTypeRef = pAttrTypeRef;
-                aParam.bIn = true;
-                aParam.bOut = false;
-                eRet = cpp2uno_call(pCppI, aMemberDescr.get(), nullptr, 1, &aParam, pCallStack);
-            }
-            break;
-        }
-        case typelib_TypeClass_INTERFACE_METHOD:
-        {
-            // is METHOD
-            switch (nFunctionIndex)
-            {
-                case 1: // acquire()
-                    pCppI->acquireProxy(); // non virtual call!
-                    eRet = typelib_TypeClass_VOID;
-                    break;
-                case 2: // release()
-                    pCppI->releaseProxy(); // non virtual call!
-                    eRet = typelib_TypeClass_VOID;
-                    break;
-                case 0: // queryInterface() opt
-                {
-                    typelib_TypeDescription* pQueryTD = nullptr;
-                    TYPELIB_DANGER_GET(&pQueryTD,
-                                       static_cast<uno::Type*>(pCallStack[4])->getTypeLibType());
-                    if (pQueryTD)
-                    {
-                        uno::XInterface* pInterface = nullptr;
-                        pCppI->getBridge()->getCppEnv()->getRegisteredInterface(
-                            pCppI->getBridge()->getCppEnv(), reinterpret_cast<void**>(&pInterface),
-                            pCppI->getOid().pData,
-                            reinterpret_cast<typelib_InterfaceTypeDescription*>(pQueryTD));
-                        if (pInterface)
-                        {
-                            // pCallStack[3] = hidden return value pointer
-                            ::uno_any_construct(static_cast<uno_Any*>(pCallStack[3]), &pInterface,
-                                                pQueryTD, uno::cpp_acquire);
-                            pInterface->release();
-                            TYPELIB_DANGER_RELEASE(pQueryTD);
-                            pCallStack[0] = pCallStack[3];
-                            eRet = typelib_TypeClass_ANY;
-                            break;
-                        }
-                        TYPELIB_DANGER_RELEASE(pQueryTD);
-                    }
-                    [[fallthrough]];
-                }
-                default: // perform queryInterface()
-                {
-                    typelib_InterfaceMethodTypeDescription* pMethodTD
-                        = reinterpret_cast<typelib_InterfaceMethodTypeDescription*>(
-                            aMemberDescr.get());
-                    eRet = cpp2uno_call(pCppI, aMemberDescr.get(), pMethodTD->pReturnTypeRef,
-                                        pMethodTD->nParams, pMethodTD->pParams, pCallStack);
-                }
-            }
-            break;
-        }
-        default:
-            throw uno::RuntimeException("No member description found!",
-                                        reinterpret_cast<uno::XInterface*>(pThis));
-    }
-    return eRet;
+    return cpp_mediate(pCallStack, nFunctionIndex, nVtableOffset, nullptr);
 int const codeSnippetSize = 48;

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