[Libreoffice-commits] translations.git: Branch 'libreoffice-7-1' - source/ab source/af source/am source/an source/ar source/as source/ast source/az source/be source/bg source/bn source/bn-IN source/bo source/br source/brx source/bs source/ca source/ca-valencia source/ckb source/cs source/cy source/da source/de source/dgo source/dsb source/dz source/el source/en-GB source/en-ZA source/eo source/es source/et source/eu source/fa source/fi source/fr source/fur source/fy source/ga source/gd source/gl source/gu source/gug source/he source/hi source/hr source/hsb source/hu source/id source/is source/it source/ja source/jv source/ka source/kab source/kk source/kl source/km source/kmr-Latn source/kn source/ko source/kok source/ks source/ky source/lb source/lo source/lt source/lv source/mai source/mk source/ml source/mn source/mni source/mr source/my source/nb source/ne source/nl source/nn source/nr source/nso source/oc source/om source/or source/pa-IN source/pl source/pt source/pt-BR source/ro source/ru s ource/rw source/sah source/sa-IN source/sat source/sd source/si source/sid source/sk source/sq source/sr source/sr-Latn source/ss source/st source/sv source/sw-TZ source/szl source/ta source/te source/tg source/th source/ti source/tn source/tr source/ts source/tt source/ug source/uk source/ur source/uz source/ve source/vec source/vi source/xh source/zh-CN source/zh-TW source/zu

Christian Lohmaier (via logerrit) logerrit at kemper.freedesktop.org
Thu Apr 15 17:20:23 UTC 2021

 source/ab/cui/messages.po                                                      |  352 -
 source/ab/extras/source/autocorr/emoji.po                                      |    8 
 source/af/cui/messages.po                                                      |  352 -
 source/am/cui/messages.po                                                      |  354 -
 source/am/filter/messages.po                                                   |    6 
 source/am/formula/messages.po                                                  |    6 
 source/am/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/01.po                                |   29 
 source/am/officecfg/registry/data/org/openoffice/Office.po                     |   38 
 source/am/sfx2/messages.po                                                     |   32 
 source/an/cui/messages.po                                                      |  352 -
 source/ar/connectivity/messages.po                                             |    6 
 source/ar/cui/messages.po                                                      |  358 -
 source/ar/editeng/messages.po                                                  |   30 
 source/ar/extensions/messages.po                                               |    4 
 source/ar/filter/source/config/fragments/filters.po                            |    6 
 source/ar/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/01.po                                |   31 
 source/ar/officecfg/registry/data/org/openoffice/Office/UI.po                  |   24 
 source/ar/sc/messages.po                                                       |  202 
 source/ar/sd/messages.po                                                       |    4 
 source/ar/sfx2/messages.po                                                     |    5 
 source/ar/svx/messages.po                                                      |   14 
 source/ar/sw/messages.po                                                       |    6 
 source/as/cui/messages.po                                                      |  352 -
 source/ast/cui/messages.po                                                     |  354 -
 source/ast/helpcontent2/source/text/sdraw/guide.po                             |   12 
 source/ast/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/01.po                               |   31 
 source/ast/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/autopi.po                           |   10 
 source/ast/helpcontent2/source/text/swriter/guide.po                           |    8 
 source/ast/officecfg/registry/data/org/openoffice/Office/UI.po                 |   18 
 source/ast/sc/messages.po                                                      |    8 
 source/ast/sfx2/messages.po                                                    |   10 
 source/ast/svx/messages.po                                                     |   10 
 source/ast/sw/messages.po                                                      |    9 
 source/az/cui/messages.po                                                      |  352 -
 source/be/cui/messages.po                                                      |  352 -
 source/bg/cui/messages.po                                                      |  352 -
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 source/bg/helpcontent2/source/text/scalc/01.po                                 |   18 
 source/bg/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/01.po                                |   31 
 source/bg/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/explorer/database.po                 |    6 
 source/bg/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/guide.po                             |    6 
 source/bn-IN/cui/messages.po                                                   |  352 -
 source/bn-IN/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/01.po                             |   29 
 source/bn/cui/messages.po                                                      |  352 -
 source/bn/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/01.po                                |   29 
 source/bo/cui/messages.po                                                      |  352 -
 source/bo/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/01.po                                |   29 
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 source/brx/cui/messages.po                                                     |  352 -
 source/bs/cui/messages.po                                                      |  352 -
 source/bs/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/01.po                                |   29 
 source/ca-valencia/cui/messages.po                                             |  352 -
 source/ca-valencia/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/01.po                       |   29 
 source/ca/cui/messages.po                                                      |  360 -
 source/ca/helpcontent2/source/text/scalc/01.po                                 |  101 
 source/ca/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/00.po                                |   18 
 source/ca/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/01.po                                |   37 
 source/ca/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/05.po                                |    4 
 source/ca/helpcontent2/source/text/swriter/guide.po                            |    8 
 source/ca/officecfg/registry/data/org/openoffice/Office/UI.po                  |    6 
 source/ca/svx/messages.po                                                      |    4 
 source/ca/sw/messages.po                                                       |   16 
 source/ckb/cui/messages.po                                                     |  352 -
 source/cs/cui/messages.po                                                      |  352 -
 source/cs/helpcontent2/source/text/scalc/guide.po                              |   10 
 source/cs/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/01.po                                |   31 
 source/cs/helpcontent2/source/text/swriter/01.po                               |    6 
 source/cs/officecfg/registry/data/org/openoffice/Office/UI.po                  |    6 
 source/cy/cui/messages.po                                                      |  354 -
 source/cy/extensions/messages.po                                               |   12 
 source/cy/instsetoo_native/inc_openoffice/windows/msi_languages.po             |   10 
 source/cy/sc/messages.po                                                       |   38 
 source/cy/sd/messages.po                                                       |   14 
 source/cy/sw/messages.po                                                       |   48 
 source/da/cui/messages.po                                                      |  352 -
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 source/da/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/00.po                                |    8 
 source/da/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/01.po                                |   29 
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 source/da/helpcontent2/source/text/simpress/02.po                              |   12 
 source/da/helpcontent2/source/text/swriter/01.po                               |    8 
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 source/de/cui/messages.po                                                      |  408 -
 source/de/dbaccess/messages.po                                                 |   10 
 source/de/desktop/messages.po                                                  |   20 
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 source/de/filter/source/config/fragments/types.po                              |   10 
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 source/de/helpcontent2/source/auxiliary.po                                     |    8 
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 source/de/helpcontent2/source/text/sbasic/shared.po                            |   60 
 source/de/helpcontent2/source/text/scalc.po                                    |   10 
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 source/de/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/autopi.po                            |  110 
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 source/de/helpcontent2/source/text/simpress/00.po                              |   14 
 source/de/helpcontent2/source/text/simpress/01.po                              |   72 
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 source/de/helpcontent2/source/text/simpress/04.po                              |    6 
 source/de/helpcontent2/source/text/simpress/guide.po                           |   48 
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 source/de/helpcontent2/source/text/smath/01.po                                 |  426 -
 source/de/helpcontent2/source/text/smath/guide.po                              |  102 
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 source/de/helpcontent2/source/text/swriter/01.po                               |  142 
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 source/de/helpcontent2/source/text/swriter/guide.po                            |   24 
 source/de/helpcontent2/source/text/swriter/librelogo.po                        |    6 
 source/de/officecfg/registry/data/org/openoffice.po                            |   25 
 source/de/officecfg/registry/data/org/openoffice/Office.po                     |    8 
 source/de/officecfg/registry/data/org/openoffice/Office/UI.po                  |   62 
 source/de/sc/messages.po                                                       |    4 
 source/de/scp2/source/graphicfilter.po                                         |   26 
 source/de/scp2/source/ooo.po                                                   |    8 
 source/de/sd/messages.po                                                       |   36 
 source/de/setup_native/source/mac.po                                           |   10 
 source/de/sfx2/messages.po                                                     |    8 
 source/de/starmath/messages.po                                                 |    4 
 source/de/svtools/messages.po                                                  |    8 
 source/de/svx/messages.po                                                      |   12 
 source/de/sw/messages.po                                                       |   70 
 source/de/swext/mediawiki/src/registry/data/org/openoffice/Office/Custom.po    |    8 
 source/de/sysui/desktop/share.po                                               |   12 
 source/de/wizards/messages.po                                                  |    4 
 source/de/wizards/source/resources.po                                          |   10 
 source/dgo/cui/messages.po                                                     |  352 -
 source/dsb/cui/messages.po                                                     |  352 -
 source/dz/cui/messages.po                                                      |  352 -
 source/dz/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/01.po                                |   29 
 source/el/cui/messages.po                                                      |  352 -
 source/el/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/01.po                                |   31 
 source/en-GB/cui/messages.po                                                   |  352 -
 source/en-GB/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/01.po                             |   31 
 source/en-ZA/cui/messages.po                                                   |  352 -
 source/en-ZA/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/01.po                             |   29 
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 source/eo/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/01.po                                |   29 
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 source/et/starmath/messages.po                                                 |   14 
 source/et/svx/messages.po                                                      |   57 
 source/et/sw/messages.po                                                       |  358 -
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 source/et/xmlsecurity/messages.po                                              |   12 
 source/eu/chart2/messages.po                                                   |    8 
 source/eu/connectivity/messages.po                                             |    8 
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 source/eu/helpcontent2/source/text/sbasic/shared.po                            |   30 
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 source/eu/nlpsolver/src/locale.po                                              |    8 
 source/eu/officecfg/registry/data/org/openoffice/Office/UI.po                  |   12 
 source/eu/sc/messages.po                                                       |   20 
 source/eu/sd/messages.po                                                       |   16 
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 source/eu/sw/messages.po                                                       |   26 
 source/eu/vcl/messages.po                                                      |    6 
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 source/fr/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/01.po                                |   31 
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 source/fy/cui/messages.po                                                      |  354 -
 source/ga/cui/messages.po                                                      |  352 -
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 source/gl/officecfg/registry/data/org/openoffice/Office.po                     |    8 
 source/gl/officecfg/registry/data/org/openoffice/Office/UI.po                  |   54 
 source/gl/sc/messages.po                                                       |    8 
 source/gl/starmath/messages.po                                                 |    6 
 source/gl/sw/messages.po                                                       |   18 
 source/gu/cui/messages.po                                                      |  352 -
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 source/he/wizards/messages.po                                                  |    8 
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 source/hr/officecfg/registry/data/org/openoffice/Office/UI.po                  |   20 
 source/hr/readlicense_oo/docs.po                                               |   12 
 source/hr/svx/messages.po                                                      |   12 
 source/hr/sw/messages.po                                                       |  119 
 source/hr/uui/messages.po                                                      |   26 
 source/hr/wizards/source/resources.po                                          |   10 
 source/hr/xmlsecurity/messages.po                                              |   66 
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 source/hu/cui/messages.po                                                      |  352 -
 source/hu/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/01.po                                |   29 
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 source/id/connectivity/messages.po                                             |   10 
 source/id/cui/messages.po                                                      |  390 -
 source/id/dbaccess/messages.po                                                 |   14 
 source/id/dictionaries/da_DK.po                                                |   14 
 source/id/extras/source/autocorr/emoji.po                                      | 1591 +++++++
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 source/id/officecfg/registry/data/org/openoffice/Office/UI.po                  |   54 
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 source/id/sc/messages.po                                                       |    8 
 source/id/scp2/source/ooo.po                                                   |   10 
 source/id/sd/messages.po                                                       |    8 
 source/id/sfx2/messages.po                                                     |   24 
 source/id/svtools/messages.po                                                  |   12 
 source/id/svx/messages.po                                                      |   10 
 source/id/sw/messages.po                                                       |   24 
 source/id/vcl/messages.po                                                      |   14 
 source/id/wizards/source/resources.po                                          |   14 
 source/is/cui/messages.po                                                      |  354 -
 source/is/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/01.po                                |   29 
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 source/ja/sw/messages.po                                                       |   12 
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 source/ka/cui/messages.po                                                      |  352 -
 source/ka/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/01.po                                |   29 
 source/kab/cui/messages.po                                                     |  352 -
 source/kk/cui/messages.po                                                      |  354 -
 source/kl/cui/messages.po                                                      |  352 -
 source/km/cui/messages.po                                                      |  352 -
 source/km/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/01.po                                |   29 
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 source/nn/officecfg/registry/data/org/openoffice/Office/UI.po                  |    4 
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 source/nso/cui/messages.po                                                     |  352 -
 source/oc/cui/messages.po                                                      |  386 -
 source/oc/desktop/messages.po                                                  |   20 
 source/oc/extensions/messages.po                                               |    8 
 source/oc/extras/source/autocorr/emoji.po                                      |   10 
 source/oc/filter/messages.po                                                   |   16 
 source/oc/officecfg/registry/data/org/openoffice/Office.po                     |   12 
 source/oc/officecfg/registry/data/org/openoffice/Office/UI.po                  |   76 
 source/oc/sc/messages.po                                                       |   22 
 source/oc/scp2/source/impress.po                                               |   45 
 source/oc/scp2/source/ooo.po                                                   |    8 
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 source/oc/sfx2/messages.po                                                     |   12 
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 source/oc/svx/messages.po                                                      |   14 
 source/oc/sw/messages.po                                                       |   40 
 source/oc/swext/mediawiki/help.po                                              |  105 
 source/oc/vcl/messages.po                                                      |   16 
 source/oc/wizards/source/resources.po                                          |   22 
 source/om/cui/messages.po                                                      |  352 -
 source/om/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/01.po                                |   29 
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 source/pl/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/01.po                                |   31 
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 source/pt-BR/helpcontent2/source/text/scalc/01.po                              |    8 
 source/pt-BR/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/01.po                             |   31 
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 source/pt-BR/helpcontent2/source/text/swriter.po                               |    8 
 source/pt-BR/helpcontent2/source/text/swriter/00.po                            |   10 
 source/pt-BR/helpcontent2/source/text/swriter/01.po                            |   16 
 source/pt-BR/officecfg/registry/data/org/openoffice/Office/UI.po               |    8 
 source/pt-BR/svx/messages.po                                                   |    6 
 source/pt-BR/sw/messages.po                                                    |    8 
 source/pt-BR/swext/mediawiki/src/registry/data/org/openoffice/Office/Custom.po |   51 
 source/pt-BR/wizards/messages.po                                               |    4 
 source/pt/cui/messages.po                                                      |  352 -
 source/pt/helpcontent2/source/text/scalc/guide.po                              |    4 
 source/pt/helpcontent2/source/text/sdatabase.po                                |   34 
 source/pt/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/01.po                                |   31 
 source/pt/officecfg/registry/data/org/openoffice/Office/UI.po                  |    4 
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 source/ro/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/01.po                                |   29 
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 source/ru/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/01.po                                |   29 
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 source/sat/cui/messages.po                                                     |  352 -
 source/sd/cui/messages.po                                                      |  352 -
 source/si/chart2/messages.po                                                   |   65 
 source/si/cui/messages.po                                                      |  468 +-
 source/si/dictionaries/si_LK.po                                                |   17 
 source/si/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/01.po                                |   29 
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 source/sk/cui/messages.po                                                      |  352 -
 source/sk/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/01.po                                |   29 
 source/sk/svtools/messages.po                                                  |    8 
 source/sq/cui/messages.po                                                      |  352 -
 source/sq/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/01.po                                |   29 
 source/sr-Latn/cui/messages.po                                                 |  352 -
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 source/sr/dbaccess/messages.po                                                 |   11 
 source/sr/dictionaries/pt_BR/dialog/registry/data/org/openoffice/Office.po     |   10 
 source/sr/extras/source/autocorr/emoji.po                                      |    8 
 source/sr/officecfg/registry/data/org/openoffice/Office.po                     |    4 
 source/sr/officecfg/registry/data/org/openoffice/Office/UI.po                  |   28 
 source/sr/sc/messages.po                                                       |    4 
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 source/sr/sw/messages.po                                                       |    4 
 source/ss/cui/messages.po                                                      |  352 -
 source/st/cui/messages.po                                                      |  352 -
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 source/sv/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/01.po                                |   29 
 source/sv/officecfg/registry/data/org/openoffice/Office/UI.po                  |    6 
 source/sv/sw/messages.po                                                       |  114 
 source/sw-TZ/cui/messages.po                                                   |  352 -
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 source/ta/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/01.po                                |   29 
 source/te/cui/messages.po                                                      |  352 -
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 source/tg/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/01.po                                |   29 
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 source/tr/cui/messages.po                                                      |  352 -
 source/tr/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/01.po                                |   29 
 source/ts/cui/messages.po                                                      |  352 -
 source/tt/cui/messages.po                                                      |  352 -
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 source/uk/helpcontent2/source/text/schart/01.po                                |   14 
 source/uk/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/01.po                                |   65 
 source/uk/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/optionen.po                          |   24 
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 source/uk/officecfg/registry/data/org/openoffice/Office/UI.po                  |   12 
 source/uk/sc/messages.po                                                       |   62 
 source/uk/sd/messages.po                                                       |    4 
 source/uk/sfx2/messages.po                                                     |   14 
 source/uk/starmath/messages.po                                                 |   96 
 source/uk/svx/messages.po                                                      |   12 
 source/uk/sw/messages.po                                                       |    8 
 source/uk/sysui/desktop/share.po                                               |   80 
 source/ur/cui/messages.po                                                      |  352 -
 source/uz/cui/messages.po                                                      |  352 -
 source/ve/cui/messages.po                                                      |  352 -
 source/vec/cui/messages.po                                                     |  366 -
 source/vec/desktop/messages.po                                                 |   10 
 source/vec/filter/messages.po                                                  |   10 
 source/vec/officecfg/registry/data/org/openoffice/Office/UI.po                 |   12 
 source/vec/readlicense_oo/docs.po                                              |   12 
 source/vec/reportdesign/messages.po                                            |   84 
 source/vec/sc/messages.po                                                      |   10 
 source/vec/sfx2/messages.po                                                    |   12 
 source/vec/sw/messages.po                                                      |   16 
 source/vec/xmlsecurity/messages.po                                             |   16 
 source/vi/cui/messages.po                                                      |  352 -
 source/vi/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/01.po                                |   29 
 source/xh/cui/messages.po                                                      |  352 -
 source/zh-CN/chart2/messages.po                                                |   16 
 source/zh-CN/cui/messages.po                                                   |  388 -
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 source/zh-CN/extensions/messages.po                                            |   10 
 source/zh-CN/filter/messages.po                                                |    8 
 source/zh-CN/helpcontent2/source/text/schart/01.po                             |   12 
 source/zh-CN/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/01.po                             |   31 
 source/zh-CN/officecfg/registry/data/org/openoffice/Office.po                  |    8 
 source/zh-CN/officecfg/registry/data/org/openoffice/Office/UI.po               |  104 
 source/zh-CN/reportdesign/messages.po                                          |   14 
 source/zh-CN/sc/messages.po                                                    |   18 
 source/zh-CN/sd/messages.po                                                    |   10 
 source/zh-CN/sfx2/messages.po                                                  |    8 
 source/zh-CN/svx/messages.po                                                   |   32 
 source/zh-CN/sw/messages.po                                                    |   42 
 source/zh-CN/swext/mediawiki/help.po                                           |  105 
 source/zh-TW/chart2/messages.po                                                |  136 
 source/zh-TW/cui/messages.po                                                   |  358 -
 source/zh-TW/helpcontent2/source/text/shared/01.po                             |   29 
 source/zh-TW/officecfg/registry/data/org/openoffice/Office/UI.po               |   60 
 source/zh-TW/sc/messages.po                                                    |   64 
 source/zh-TW/sd/messages.po                                                    |   10 
 source/zu/cui/messages.po                                                      |  352 -
 633 files changed, 36146 insertions(+), 36431 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit c4fcb9c24c38d1f51482abc9017c082132fca2e4
Author:     Christian Lohmaier <lohmaier+LibreOffice at googlemail.com>
AuthorDate: Thu Apr 15 18:48:06 2021 +0200
Commit:     Christian Lohmaier <lohmaier+LibreOffice at googlemail.com>
CommitDate: Thu Apr 15 18:53:51 2021 +0200

    update translations for 7.1.3 rc1
    and force-fix errors using pocheck
    Change-Id: I7b650d4872fc30c395ebc518f697c01bc0cda50a

diff --git a/source/ab/cui/messages.po b/source/ab/cui/messages.po
index 5e2b2d6de20..e3bfe69f267 100644
--- a/source/ab/cui/messages.po
+++ b/source/ab/cui/messages.po
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://bugs.libreoffice.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=LibreOffice&bug_status=UNCONFIRMED&component=UI\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-03-10 16:22+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-04-06 15:29+0200\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2021-02-04 20:36+0000\n"
 "Last-Translator: Андрей Абухба <aabuchba at mail.ru>\n"
 "Language-Team: Abkhazian <https://translations.documentfoundation.org/projects/libo_ui-7-1/cuimessages/ab/>\n"
@@ -2444,1071 +2444,1065 @@ msgctxt "RID_CUI_TIPOFTHEDAY"
 msgid "%PRODUCTNAME supports four macro security levels (from low to very high) and trusted sources."
 msgstr ""
-#. FnWjD
+#. SNTbc
 #. https://help.libreoffice.org/%PRODUCTVERSION/%LANGUAGENAME/text/shared/optionen/01030300.html
 #: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:107
-msgid "%PRODUCTNAME intends to apply as an organization for Google Summer of Code (GSoC) see:"
-msgstr ""
-#. SNTbc
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:108
 msgid "Did you know that you can attach comments to portions of text? Just use the shortcut %MOD1+%MOD2+C."
 msgstr ""
 #. wZDsJ
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:109
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:108
 msgid "Need to move one or more paragraphs? No need to cut and paste: Use the keyboard shortcut %MOD1+%MOD2+Arrow (Up/Down)"
 msgstr ""
 #. JDGDc
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:110
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:109
 msgid "Change the basic fonts for the predefined template or current document per Tools ▸ Options ▸ %PRODUCTNAME Writer ▸ Basic Fonts."
 msgstr ""
 #. 5Anfg
 #. https://help.libreoffice.org/%PRODUCTVERSION/%LANGUAGENAME/text/shared/optionen/01040300.html
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:111
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:110
 msgid "Want to find words containing more than 10 characters? Edit ▸ Find and Replace ▸ Search ▸ [a-z]{10,} ▸ Other Options ▸ check Regular expressions."
 msgstr ""
 #. 7dDjc
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:112
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:111
 msgid "Open a CSV file as a new sheet in the current spreadsheet via Sheet ▸ Sheet from file."
 msgstr ""
 #. aJtLS
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:113
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:112
 msgid "Typing in bold, italics, or underlined in Writer you can continue with the default attributes using just the shortcut %MOD1+Shift+X (remove direct character formats)."
 msgstr ""
 #. iXjDF
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:114
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:113
 msgid "Use %MOD1+%MOD2+Shift+V to paste the contents of the clipboard as unformatted text."
 msgstr ""
 #. TD8Ux
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:115
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:114
 msgid "Customize footnote appearance with Tools ▸ Footnotes and Endnotes…"
 msgstr ""
 #. muc5F
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:116
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:115
 msgid "With Slide Show ▸ Custom Slide Show, reorder and pick slides to fit a slideshow to the needs of your viewers."
 msgstr ""
 #. ZZZZo
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:117
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:116
 msgid "Want to change spell checking for some part of the text? Click in the language zone of the status bar or better, apply a style."
 msgstr ""
 #. oTX4L
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:118
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:117
 msgid "Writer can insert a blank page between two odd (even) pages that follow. Check “Print automatically inserted blank pages” in the print dialog’s %PRODUCTNAME Writer tab."
 msgstr ""
 #. YVF2y
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:119
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:118
 msgid "You do not want to print all columns? Hide or group the ones you do not need."
 msgstr ""
 #. pZZxV
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:120
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:119
 msgid "To modify an AutoPlay presentation, open it and after it starts, right click and select Edit in the context menu."
 msgstr ""
 #. WZi38
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:121
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:120
 msgid "Need to precisely position? %MOD2+arrow Keys move objects (shapes, pictures, formulas) by one pixel."
 msgstr ""
 #. FhocH
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:122
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:121
 msgid "Embedded help is available by pressing F1, if you have installed it. Otherwise check online at:"
 msgstr ""
 #. n3b6P
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:123
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:122
 msgid "Right-click in the status bar in %PRODUCTNAME Calc and select “Selection count” to display the number of selected cells."
 msgstr ""
 #. h7afF
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:124
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:123
 msgid "Want to have two or more columns for just a part of a %PRODUCTNAME Writer page? Insert ▸ Section, set with Columns tab, and place text in that section."
 msgstr ""
 #. DmbfV
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:125
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:124
 msgid "Use Data ▸ Statistics for sampling, descriptive statistics, analysis of variance, correlation, and much more in %PRODUCTNAME Calc."
 msgstr ""
 #. cVaQ3
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:126
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:125
 msgid "You can copy from one sheet to another without the clipboard. Select the area to copy, %MOD1+click the target sheet’s tab and use Sheet ▸ Fill Cells ▸ Fill Sheets."
 msgstr ""
 #. QDmWG
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:127
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:126
 msgid "You can change the look of %PRODUCTNAME via Tools ▸ Options ▸ View ▸ User Interface."
 msgstr ""
 #. J853i
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:128
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:127
 msgid "In %PRODUCTNAME Impress, use Insert ▸ Media ▸ Photo Album to create a slideshow from a series of pictures with the “Photo Album” feature."
 msgstr ""
 #. BcK3A
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:129
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:128
 msgid "You can show formulas instead of results with View ▸ Show Formula (or Tools ▸ Options ▸ %PRODUCTNAME Calc ▸ View ▸ Display ▸ Formulas)."
 msgstr ""
 #. bY8ve
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:130
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:129
 msgid "%PRODUCTNAME is developed by a friendly community, made up of hundreds of contributors around the world. Join us with your skills beyond coding."
 msgstr ""
 #. GEJXj
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:131
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:130
 msgid "Left-handed? Enable Tools ▸ Options ▸ Language Settings ▸ Languages ▸ Asian and check Tools ▸ Options ▸ %PRODUCTNAME Writer ▸ View ▸ Ruler ▸ Right-aligned, which displays the scrollbar to the left."
 msgstr ""
 #. Bs9w9
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:132
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:131
 msgid "Want your chapter titles to always begin a page? Edit Heading1 (paragraph style) ▸ Text Flow ▸ Breaks and check Insert ▸ Page ▸ Before."
 msgstr ""
 #. UVRgV
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:133
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:132
 msgid "Date/time value is just a number of days since a chosen day zero; in the number, integer part represents date, and fractional part is time (elapsed part of a day), with 0.5 representing noon."
 msgstr ""
 #. o2fy3
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:134
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:133
 msgid "Shift+%MOD1+Del deletes from cursor to the end of the current sentence."
 msgstr ""
 #. XDhNo
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:135
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:134
 msgid "Use column or row labels in formulas. For example, if you have two columns, “Time” and “KM”, use =Time/KM to get minutes per kilometer."
 msgstr ""
 #. E7GZz
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:136
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:135
 msgid "Annoyed by the “marching ants” around cells in Calc? Press escape to stop them; the copied content will remain available for pasting."
 msgstr ""
 #. fsDVc
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:137
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:136
 msgid "Want to become a %PRODUCTNAME Ambassador? There are certifications for developers, admins, and trainers."
 msgstr ""
 #. VWNyB
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:138
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:137
 msgid "Mix portrait and landscape orientations in a Calc spreadsheet by applying different page styles on sheets."
 msgstr ""
 #. eRzRG
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:139
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:138
 msgid "Click on the special character icon in the toolbar to get quick access to favorite and recent characters to insert."
 msgstr ""
 #. 7UE7V
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:140
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:139
 msgid "Choose “Hierarchical View” in the Styles sidebar to see the relation between styles."
 msgstr ""
 #. FKfZB
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:141
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:140
 msgid "You can use styles to make the tables in your document consistent. Choose one from the predefined per Styles (F11) or via Table ▸ AutoFormat."
 msgstr ""
 #. UuBRE
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:142
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:141
 msgid "Configure use of the %MOD1 key to open hyperlinks? Tools ▸ Options ▸ %PRODUCTNAME ▸ Security ▸ Options ▸ “%MOD1+click required to open hyperlinks”."
 msgstr ""
 #. cCnpG
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:143
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:142
 msgid "You would like to view the calculation of individual elements of a formula, select the respective elements and press F9."
 msgstr ""
 #. 9HtDt
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:144
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:143
 msgid "You can protect cells with Format ▸ Cells ▸ Protection. To prevent insert, delete, rename, move/copy of sheets use Tools ▸ Protect Sheet."
 msgstr ""
 #. L6brZ
 #. local help missing
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:145
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:144
 msgid "Write along a curve? Draw the line, double click, type the text, Format ▸ Text Box and Shape ▸ Fontwork."
 msgstr ""
 #. ZE6D5
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:146
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:145
 msgid "Want to display only the highest values in a spreadsheet? Select menu Data ▸ AutoFilter, click the drop-down arrow, and choose “Top10”."
 msgstr ""
 #. wAQLx
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:147
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:146
 msgid "To remove the page number from your table of contents go to Insert ▸ Table of Contents (or right-click and Edit the previously inserted index). In the Entries tab delete the page number (#) from Structure line."
 msgstr ""
 #. JPu6C
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:148
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:147
 msgid "With the Navigator you can select & move up/down headings and the text below the heading, in the Navigator and in the document."
 msgstr ""
 #. 8qYrk
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:149
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:148
 msgid "To quickly get a math object in Writer type your formula, mark it, and use Insert ▸ Object ▸ Formula to convert the text."
 msgstr ""
 #. Zj7NA
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:150
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:149
 msgid "With %PRODUCTNAME it is very easy to install a new dictionary: they are supplied as extensions."
 msgstr ""
 #. 7kaMQ
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:151
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:150
 msgid "%PRODUCTNAME has a portable version which gives you mobility. Even without administrator rights on your computer you can install %PRODUCTNAME Portable to your hard drive too."
 msgstr ""
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:152
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:151
 msgid "Writer lets you number your footnotes per page, chapter, document: Tools ▸ Footnotes and Endnotes ▸ Footnotes tab ▸ Counting."
 msgstr ""
 #. gpVRV
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:153
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:152
 msgid "Your Writer document does not reopen with the text cursor at the same editing position it was when you saved it? Add First or Last name in Tools ▸ Options ▸ %PRODUCTNAME ▸ User Data ▸ First/last name."
 msgstr ""
 #. udDRb
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:154
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:153
 msgid "Citation management? Use a 3rd party extension."
 msgstr ""
 #. ALczh
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:155
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:154
 msgid "Want to insert a value in the same place on several sheets? Select the sheets: hold down %MOD1 key and click their tabs before entering."
 msgstr ""
 #. XsdGx
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:156
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:155
 msgid "Want to hide some text in a document? Select the text. Insert ▸ Section, and select “Hide”."
 msgstr ""
 #. WMnj2
 #. online help is different https://help.libreoffice.org/%PRODUCTVERSION/%LANGUAGENAME/text/swriter/guide/hidden_text.html#hd_id3148675
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:157
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:156
 msgid "You can customize the middle mouse button per Tools ▸ Options ▸ %PRODUCTNAME ▸ View ▸ Middle Mouse button."
 msgstr ""
 #. qQsXD
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:158
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:157
 msgid "Want to print two portrait pages on a landscape one (reducing A4 to A5)? File ▸ Print and select 2 at “Pages per sheet”."
 msgstr ""
 #. GmBZk
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:159
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:158
 msgid "For quick access to your document bookmarks, right-click on the page number of the status bar (lower-left corner of document window)."
 msgstr ""
 #. Eb85a
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:160
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:159
 msgid "Select an object in the document background via the Select tool in the Drawing toolbar to surround the object to select."
 msgstr ""
 #. T3RSB
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:161
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:160
 msgid "Define texts that you often use as AutoText. You will be able to insert them by their name, shortcut or toolbar in any Writer document."
 msgstr ""
 #. 7CjmG
 #. https://help.libreoffice.org/%PRODUCTVERSION/%LANGUAGENAME/text/swriter/guide/autotext.html
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:162
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:161
 msgid "Play music throughout a slideshow by assigning the sound to the first slide transition without clicking the “Apply to All Slides” button."
 msgstr ""
 #. Xrnns
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:163
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:162
 msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Calc does not calculate from left to right but respects the order Parentheses – Exponents – Multiplication – Division – Addition – Subtraction."
 msgstr ""
 #. heb7V
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:164
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:163
 msgid "Get %PRODUCTNAME documentation and free user guide books at:"
 msgstr ""
 #. T6uNP
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:165
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:164
 msgid "Want to remove all <> at once and keep the text inside? Edit ▸ Find and Replace: Search = [<>], Replace = blank and check “Regular expressions” under Other options."
 msgstr ""
 #. e3dfT
 #. local help missing
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:166
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:165
 msgid "Need to present a report written with Writer? File ▸ Send ▸ Outline to Presentation automatically creates a slideshow from the outline."
 msgstr ""
 #. ZdyGi
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:167
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:166
 msgid "Want to manage the presentation of hyperlinks in a spreadsheet? Insert them with the HYPERLINK function."
 msgstr ""
 #. qyyJ4
 #. local help missing
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:168
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:167
 msgid "Uncheck Tools ▸ Options ▸ %PRODUCTNAME Calc ▸ View ▸ Zoom: “Synchronize sheets” so that each sheet in Calc has its own zoom factor."
 msgstr ""
 #. qK7Xz
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:169
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:168
 msgid "You can set a color for each tab: right-click the tab or use Sheet ▸ Sheet Tab Color."
 msgstr ""
 #. YGUAo
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:170
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:169
 msgid "Trace cells used in a formula, precedents (Shift+F9) or dependents (Shift+F5) (or use Tools ▸ Detective). For each hit you go one more step in the chain."
 msgstr ""
 #. mJ6Gu
 #. local help missing
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:171
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:170
 msgid "Insert and number your formulas in one step: type fn then F3. An AutoText is inserted with formula and number aligned in a table."
 msgstr ""
 #. 8rA8u
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:172
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:171
 msgid "You can create an illustration index from object names, not only from captions."
 msgstr ""
 #. Bqtz5
 #. https://help.libreoffice.org/%PRODUCTVERSION/%LANGUAGENAME/text/shared/01/05190000.html
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:173
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:172
 msgid "Use your Android or iPhone to remotely control your Impress presentation."
 msgstr ""
 #. GgzTh
 #. local help missing
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:174
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:173
 msgid "Want to know how many days there are in the current month? Use the DAYSINMONTH(TODAY()) function."
 msgstr ""
 #. z72JP
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:175
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:174
 msgid "Your numbers are displayed as ### in your spreadsheet? The column is too narrow to display all digits."
 msgstr ""
 #. REoF7
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:176
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:175
 msgid "Enable massive parallel calculations of formula cells via Tools ▸ Options ▸ OpenCL."
 msgstr ""
 #. zAqfX
 #. https://help.libreoffice.org/%PRODUCTVERSION/%LANGUAGENAME/text/shared/optionen/opencl.html
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:177
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:176
 msgid "Use the Connector tool from the Drawing toolbar in Draw/Impress to create nice flow charts and optionally copy/paste the object into Writer."
 msgstr ""
 #. Uq3tZ
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:178
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:177
 msgid "Your donations support our worldwide community."
 msgstr ""
 #. V2QjS
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:179
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:178
 msgid "You want to add x months to a date? Use =EDATE(date;months)."
 msgstr ""
 #. uYpVp
 #. local help missing
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:180
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:179
 msgid "To select a contiguous range of cells containing data and bounded by empty row and columns use %MOD1+* (numeric key pad)."
 msgstr ""
 #. u4FZP
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:181
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:180
 msgid "Your date acceptance pattern is inappropriate? Use Tools ▸ Options ▸ Language Settings ▸ Language ▸ Date acceptance patterns to tweak the pattern."
 msgstr ""
 #. MZyXB
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:182
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:181
 msgid "Want to export formulas to CSV? File ▸ Save As ▸ Type:Text CSV, check “Edit filter settings”, and check “Save cell formulas” in the next dialog."
 msgstr ""
 #. XLN9z
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:183
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:182
 msgid "The presenter console is a great feature when working with %PRODUCTNAME Impress. Have you checked it out?"
 msgstr ""
 #. PFGhM
 #. local help missing
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:184
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:183
 msgid "To delete multiple comments, select cells with comments and use Sheet ▸ Cell Comments ▸ Delete Comment."
 msgstr ""
 #. SMLUg
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:185
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:184
 msgid "Easily convert your documents to PDF with one click by clicking on the PDF icon in the toolbar."
 msgstr ""
 #. UwBoZ
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:186
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:185
 msgid "Want to select a large range of cells without scrolling? Type the range reference (e.g. A1:A1000) in the name box then Enter."
 msgstr ""
 #. Tc7Nf
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:187
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:186
 msgid "Want to know the valid command line parameters? Start soffice with --help or -h or -?"
 msgstr ""
 #. pmP5i
 #. local help missing
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:188
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:187
 msgid "Fit your sheet or print ranges to a page with Format ▸ Page ▸ Sheet Tab ▸ Scaling Mode."
 msgstr ""
 #. AFuSB
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:189
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:188
 msgid "Need an unnumbered item in a list? Use “Insert Unnumbered Entry” in the Bullets and Numbering toolbar."
 msgstr ""
 #. ZacQo
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:190
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:189
 msgid "You can rotate cells table orientation with Table ▸ Properties… ▸ Text Flow ▸ Text orientation."
 msgstr ""
 #. Vi6L8
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:191
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:190
 msgid "In %PRODUCTNAME Draw to change the 0/0 point of the rulers, drag the intersection of the two rulers in the top left corner into the workspace."
 msgstr ""
 #. Fcnsr
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:192
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:191
 msgid "Move a column in Calc between two others in one step? Click the header then a cell in the column, keep mouse button and move to the target with %MOD2 key."
 msgstr ""
 #. 3xJeA
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:193
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:192
 msgid "Automatically mark alphabetical index entries using a concordance file."
 msgstr ""
 #. BnMpb
 #. local help missing
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:194
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:193
 msgid "Use Format ▸ Align (or the context menu) for precise positioning of objects in Draw/Impress: it centers on the page if one object is selected or works on the group respectively."
 msgstr ""
 #. TijVG
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:195
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:194
 msgid "Do not use tabs to space items on a Writer document. Depending on what you are trying to do, a borderless table can be a better choice."
 msgstr ""
 #. 6GtGH
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:196
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:195
 msgid "No need to scroll through the list at Tools ▸ Customize ▸ Keyboard to find a shortcut: just type it."
 msgstr ""
 #. 63noP
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:197
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:196
 msgid "%PRODUCTNAME can automatically add a numbered caption when you insert objects. See Tools ▸ Options ▸ %PRODUCTNAME Writer ▸ AutoCaption."
 msgstr ""
 #. 8kpGG
 #. https://help.libreoffice.org/%PRODUCTVERSION/%LANGUAGENAME/text/shared/optionen/01041100.html
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:198
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:197
 msgid "With %PRODUCTNAME you can use your Google Mail account to do a mail merge. Fill in Tools ▸ Options ▸ %PRODUCTNAME Writer ▸ Mail Merge Email."
 msgstr ""
 #. 87ozj
 #. local help missing
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:199
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:198
 msgid "Keep column headers of a sheet visible when scrolling lines via View ▸ Freeze Cells ▸ Freeze First Row."
 msgstr ""
 #. mCfdK
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:200
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:199
 msgid "You want to start working with Basic macros? Take a look at the examples under Tools ▸ Macros ▸ Edit Macros."
 msgstr ""
 #. 5fYgo
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:201
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:200
 msgid "Apply Heading paragraph styles in Writer with shortcut keys: %MOD1+1 applies Heading 1, %MOD1+2 applies Heading 2, etc."
 msgstr ""
 #. DA82R
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:202
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:201
 msgid "Do not get lost in large documents. Use the Navigator (F5) to find your way through the content."
 msgstr ""
 #. naXEz
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:203
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:202
 msgid "Edit ▸ Find and Replace lets you insert special characters directly: right click in input fields or press Shift+%MOD1+S."
 msgstr ""
 #. vNBR3
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:204
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:203
 msgid "Need custom contents for metadata properties? File ▸ Properties ▸ Custom Properties tab lets you create what you want."
 msgstr ""
 #. 9TnEA
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:205
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:204
 msgid "Want to see, but not print, an object in Draw? Draw it on a layer for which the “Printable” flag is not set (right click on the tab and “Modify Layer”)."
 msgstr ""
 #. CGQaY
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:206
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:205
 msgid "To insert the current date in your document, use Insert ▸ Field ▸ Date."
 msgstr ""
 #. vGKBe
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:207
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:206
 msgid "Got many images in your Writer document? Speed up the display by disabling View ▸ Images and charts."
 msgstr ""
 #. Y85ij
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:208
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:207
 msgid "Use Sheet ▸ Fill Cells ▸ Random Number to generate a random series based on various distributions."
 msgstr ""
 #. Y24mZ
 #. https://help.libreoffice.org/%PRODUCTVERSION/%LANGUAGENAME/text/scalc/01/02140700.html
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:209
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:208
 msgid "Rename your slides in Impress to help you define “Go to page” interactions and to have a summary more explicit than Slide1, Slide2…"
 msgstr ""
 #. JBgEb
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:210
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:209
 msgid "Chapter numbering dialog lets you set text to be displayed before the chapter number. For example, type “Chapter ” to display “Chapter 1”"
 msgstr ""
 #. z3rPd
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:211
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:210
 msgid "Transpose a Writer table? Copy and paste in Calc, transpose with copy/paste special then copy/paste special ▸ Formatted text in Writer."
 msgstr ""
 #. DKBCg
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:212
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:211
 msgid "To get the “Vertical Text” tool in the Drawing toolbar, check Tools ▸ Options ▸ Language Settings ▸ Languages ▸ Default languages ▸ Asian (and make the button visible with right-click)."
 msgstr ""
 #. mmG7g
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:213
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:212
 msgid "To quickly zoom in on range selection, right click on the zoom part of the status bar and choose Optimal."
 msgstr ""
 #. FDNiA
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:214
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:213
 msgid "You can sign existing PDF files and also verify those signatures."
 msgstr ""
 #. hDiRV
 #. local help missing
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:215
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:214
 msgid "Often create one document from another? Consider using a template."
 msgstr ""
 #. nESeG
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:216
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:215
 msgid "Use Format ▸ Conditional Formatting ▸ Manage in Calc to find out which cells have been defined with conditional formatting."
 msgstr ""
 #. tWQPD
 #. https://help.libreoffice.org/%PRODUCTVERSION/%LANGUAGENAME/text/scalc/01/05120000.html
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:217
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:216
 msgid "Tools ▸ Detective ▸ Mark Invalid Data highlights all cells in the sheet that contain values outside the validation rules."
 msgstr ""
 #. 4V4Vw
 #. local help missing
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:218
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:217
 msgid "Use font embedding for greater interoperability with other office suites at File ▸ Properties ▸ Font."
 msgstr ""
 #. 9Uy9Q
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:219
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:218
 msgid "To convert a formula into static values you do not need to copy/paste; use Data ▸ Calculate ▸ Formula to Value."
 msgstr ""
 #. rxKUR
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:220
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:219
 msgid "You can reformat all comments in a document by clicking the down arrow in a comment and choose “Format all Comments”."
 msgstr ""
 #. 3masz
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:221
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:220
 msgid "Want the same layout for the screen display and printing? Check Tools ▸ Options ▸ %PRODUCTNAME Calc ▸ General ▸ Use printer metrics for text formatting."
 msgstr ""
 #. zD57W
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:222
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:221
 msgid "Writer helps you to make backups: with File ▸ Save a Copy you create a new document continuing to work on the original."
 msgstr ""
 #. fkvVZ
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:223
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:222
 msgid "When you have created a Style based on another, you can enter a percentage value or a point value (e.g. 110% or −2pt or +5pt)."
 msgstr ""
 #. PBjFr
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:224
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:223
 msgid "To copy a comment without losing the content of the target cell you should use Paste Special and uncheck everything except “Comments” in dialog. Use Operations “Add” to not override existing content."
 msgstr ""
 #. Mu27G
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:225
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:224
 msgid "Batch convert your MS Office documents to OpenDocument format by the Document Converter wizard in menu File ▸ Wizards ▸ Document converter."
 msgstr ""
 #. WMueE
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:226
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:225
 msgid "When editing a cell in place, you can right click and Insert fields: Date, Sheet name, Document title, etc."
 msgstr ""
 #. qAVmk
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:227
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:226
 msgid "Need to move a Writer table? Table ▸ Select ▸ Table and Insert ▸ Frame ▸ Frame and move where you want."
 msgstr ""
 #. TmaSP
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:228
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:227
 msgid "With Tools ▸ AutoText ▸ AutoText ▸ Import you can select a Word document or a template containing the AutoText entries that you want to import."
 msgstr ""
 #. kwxqQ
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:229
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:228
 msgid "Do not insert manual breaks to separate two paragraphs. Rather change Indents & Spacing ▸ Spacing ▸ Below paragraph at the style/paragraph properties."
 msgstr ""
 #. rxTGc
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:230
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:229
 msgid "Keep the zeros before a number by using the “leading zeroes” cell format option or format the cell as text before entering the number."
 msgstr ""
 #. jkXFE
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:231
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:230
 msgid "Want to return to default after applying a list style? Click Bullets or Numbering On/Off tool on the Formatting toolbar."
 msgstr ""
 #. wAFRP
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:232
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:231
 msgid "Delete all of your printing areas in one step: select all sheets, then Format ▸ Print Ranges ▸ Clear."
 msgstr ""
 #. Cqtjg
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:233
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:232
 msgid "Add background images to spreadsheets via Insert ▸ Image or drag a background from the Gallery, then Format ▸ Arrange ▸ To Background."
 msgstr ""
 #. khFDu
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:234
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:233
 msgid "Having trouble pasting text from PDF files or webpages into documents? Try to paste as unformatted text (%MOD1+%MOD2+Shift+V)."
 msgstr ""
 #. BtaBD
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:235
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:234
 msgid "In Calc use TRIMMEAN() to return the mean of a data set excluding the highest and lowest values."
 msgstr ""
 #. U2cxc
 #. local help missing
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:236
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:235
 msgid "The 4th optional parameter of VLOOKUP Calc function indicates whether the first column of data is sorted. If not, enter FALSE or zero."
 msgstr ""
 #. LThNS
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:237
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:236
 msgid "Toolbars are contextual—they open depending on the context. If you do not want that, uncheck them from View ▸ Toolbars."
 msgstr ""
 #. XzmhB
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:238
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:237
 msgid "Create a master document from the current Writer document? File ▸ Send ▸ Create Master Document (sub-documents are created depending of outline)."
 msgstr ""
 #. cPNVv
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:239
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:238
 msgid "Want to center cells on a printed page in Calc? Format ▸ Page, Page ▸ Layout settings ▸ Table alignment."
 msgstr ""
 #. dpyeU
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:240
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:239
 msgid "Frames can be linked so that the text can flow from one to the other as in desktop publishing."
 msgstr ""
 #. GB8vo
 #. local help missing
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:241
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:240
 msgid "Create a chart based on a Writer table by clicking in the table and choosing Insert ▸ Chart."
 msgstr ""
 #. j4m6F
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:242
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:241
 msgid "Select options in Tools ▸ Options ▸ %PRODUCTNAME Writer ▸ Formatting Aids ▸ Display to specify which non-printing characters are displayed."
 msgstr ""
 #. 9cyVB
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:243
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:242
 msgid "Want to jump to a particular page by its number? Click the left-most statusbar entry or use Edit ▸ Go To Page… or press %MOD1+G."
 msgstr ""
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:244
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:243
 msgid "%PRODUCTNAME supports over 150 languages."
 msgstr ""
 #. SLU8G
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:245
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:244
 msgid "Uncheck Slide Show ▸ Settings ▸ Presentation always on top if you need another program displays its window to the front of your presentation."
 msgstr ""
 #. sogyj
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:246
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:245
 msgid "Want to find the words in bold in a Writer document? Edit ▸ Find and Replace ▸ Other options ▸ Attributes ▸ Font weight."
 msgstr ""
 #. ppAeT
 #. local help missing
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:247
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:246
 msgid "You can sort paragraphs or table rows alphabetically or numerically per Tools ▸ Sort."
 msgstr ""
 #. 26HAu
 #. https://help.libreoffice.org/%PRODUCTVERSION/%LANGUAGENAME/text/swriter/01/06100000.html
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:248
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:247
 msgid "To insert a paragraph before (after) a section, press %MOD2+Enter at the beginning (end) of the section."
 msgstr ""
 #. 7dGQR
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:249
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:248
 msgid "%PRODUCTNAME has a template center to create good looking documents—check it out."
 msgstr ""
 #. tvpFN
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:250
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:249
 msgid "Calculate loan repayments with Calc: eg. PMT(2%/12;36;2500) interest rate per payment period 2%/12, 36 months, loan amount 2500."
 msgstr ""
 #. evDnS
 #. local help missing
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:251
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:250
 msgid "Cannot find what you want with the VLOOKUP function in Calc? With INDEX and MATCH you can do everything!"
 msgstr ""
 #. ARJgA
 #. local help missing
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:252
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:251
 msgid "Want to show hidden column A? Click a cell in column B, press the left mouse button, move the mouse to the left, release. Then switch it on via Format ▸ Columns ▸ Show."
 msgstr ""
 #. Wzpbw
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:253
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:252
 msgid "To change the number of a page in Writer, go to the properties of the first paragraph and at the Text Flow tab check Break ▸ Insert and enter the number."
 msgstr ""
 #. AgQyA
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:254
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:253
 msgid "Run %PRODUCTNAME in any browser via rollApp."
 msgstr ""
 #. mPz5B
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:255
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:254
 msgid "Strange error code in Calc, Err: followed by a number? This page gives the explanation:"
 msgstr ""
 #. BJ5aN
 #. local help missing
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:256
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:255
 msgid "Include a paragraph that is not a title in the table of contents by changing Outline & Numbering in the paragraph settings to an outline level."
 msgstr ""
 #. Jx7Fr
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:257
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:256
 msgid "Apart from table of contents, %PRODUCTNAME can create Alphabetical, Illustrations, Tables, Objects, Bibliography, User-Defined indexes."
 msgstr ""
 #. 2DrYx
 #. https://help.libreoffice.org/%PRODUCTVERSION/%LANGUAGENAME/text/swriter/guide/indices_toc.html
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:258
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:257
 msgid "Unable to modify or delete a custom cell style? Check all sheets, none should be protected."
 msgstr ""
 #. 55Nfb
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:259
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:258
 msgid "You need to fill a series? Select the cell range and Sheet ▸ Fill Cells ▸ Fill Series and choose between Linear, Growth, Date and AutoFill."
 msgstr ""
 #. BiSJM
 #. local help missing
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:260
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:259
 msgid "Want to know if a cell is referred in formulas of other cells? Tools ▸ Detective ▸ Trace Dependents (Shift+F5)."
 msgstr ""
 #. QeBjt
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:261
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:260
 msgid "In the replace input field of auto correct options you can use the wildcards .*"
 msgstr ""
 #. G7J8m
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:262
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:261
 msgid "Want to duplicate the above line? Press %MOD1+D or use Sheet ▸ Fill Cells ▸ Fill Down."
 msgstr ""
 #. MG7Pu
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:263
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:262
 msgid "To search in several spreadsheets, select them before you start the search."
 msgstr ""
 #. Jd6KJ
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:264
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:263
 msgid "Drag & drop cells from Calc into the normal view of a slide creates a table; into the outline view, each cell creates a line in the outline."
 msgstr ""
 #. DgSwJ
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:265
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:264
 msgid "%PRODUCTNAME helps you not to enter two or more spaces in Writer. Check Tools ▸ AutoCorrect ▸ AutoCorrect Options ▸ Options ▸ Ignore double spaces."
 msgstr ""
 #. 3Fjtd
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:266
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:265
 msgid "Want the cursor to go into the cell to the right, after entering a value in Calc? Use the Tab key instead of Enter."
 msgstr ""
 #. UggLQ
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:267
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:266
 msgid "To display the scrollbar to the left, enable Tools ▸ Options ▸ Language Settings ▸ Languages ▸ Complex text and check Sheet ▸ Right-To-Left."
 msgstr ""
 #. gqs9W
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:268
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:267
 msgid "Drag a formatted object to the Styles and Formatting window. A dialog box opens, just enter the name of the new style."
 msgstr ""
 #. EabEN
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:269
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:268
 msgid "New versions of %PRODUCTNAME provide new features, bug fixes, and security patches. Keep your software updated!"
 msgstr ""
 #. cmz6r
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:270
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:269
 msgid "Developing new XSLT and XML filters?"
 msgstr ""
 #. C7Ya2
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:271
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:270
 msgid "Press Shift+F1 to see any available extended tooltips in dialog boxes, when \"Extended tips\" is not enabled in Tools ▸ Options ▸ %PRODUCTNAME ▸ General."
 msgstr ""
 #. hsZPg
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:274
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:273
 msgctxt "STR_HELP_LINK"
 msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Help"
 msgstr ""
 #. NG4jW
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:275
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:274
 msgctxt "STR_MORE_LINK"
 msgid "More info"
 msgstr ""
 #. sCREc
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:276
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:275
 msgctxt "STR_UNO_LINK"
 msgid "Run this action now..."
 msgstr ""
 #. P6JME
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:277
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:276
 msgctxt "STR_TITLE"
 msgid "Tip of the Day: %CURRENT/%TOTAL"
 msgstr ""
 #. C6Dsn
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:278
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:277
 msgctxt "STR_CMD"
 msgid "⌘ Cmd"
 msgstr ""
 #. RpVWs
 #. use narrow no-break space U+202F here
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:279
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:278
 msgctxt "STR_CTRL"
 msgid "Ctrl"
 msgstr ""
 #. mZWSR
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:280
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:279
 msgctxt "STR_CMD"
 msgid "Alt"
 msgstr ""
 #. QtEGa
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:281
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:280
 msgctxt "STR_CTRL"
 msgid "⌥ Opt"
 msgstr ""
diff --git a/source/ab/extras/source/autocorr/emoji.po b/source/ab/extras/source/autocorr/emoji.po
index 8989b7984c2..b69d5de8c6b 100644
--- a/source/ab/extras/source/autocorr/emoji.po
+++ b/source/ab/extras/source/autocorr/emoji.po
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://bugs.libreoffice.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=LibreOffice&bug_status=UNCONFIRMED&component=UI\n"
 "POT-Creation-Date: 2019-07-11 18:38+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-02-28 17:36+0000\n"
+"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-04-01 17:37+0000\n"
 "Last-Translator: Андрей Абухба <aabuchba at mail.ru>\n"
 "Language-Team: Abkhazian <https://translations.documentfoundation.org/projects/libo_ui-7-1/extrassourceautocorremoji/ab/>\n"
 "Language: ab\n"
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ msgstr ""
 "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
 "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
 "X-Accelerator-Marker: ~\n"
-"X-Generator: Weblate 4.4\n"
+"X-Generator: Weblate 4.4.2\n"
 "X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1516028970.000000\n"
 #. ¢ (U+000A2), see http://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Emoji
@@ -734,7 +734,7 @@ msgctxt ""
 msgid "prime"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "азгәаҭа"
 #. ″ (U+02033), see http://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Emoji
 #. qR3Eg
@@ -1174,7 +1174,7 @@ msgctxt ""
 msgid "small ni"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "имаҷу аҵанакуеит"
 #. ∎ (U+0220E), see http://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Emoji
 #. xexAk
diff --git a/source/af/cui/messages.po b/source/af/cui/messages.po
index 17661d99fad..620253ab2f1 100644
--- a/source/af/cui/messages.po
+++ b/source/af/cui/messages.po
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://bugs.libreoffice.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=LibreOffice&bug_status=UNCONFIRMED&component=UI\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-03-10 16:22+0100\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-04-06 15:29+0200\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: 2021-01-25 19:36+0000\n"
 "Last-Translator: Paul Roos <iNetRoos at gmail.com>\n"
 "Language-Team: Afrikaans <https://translations.documentfoundation.org/projects/libo_ui-7-1/cuimessages/af/>\n"
@@ -2458,1071 +2458,1065 @@ msgctxt "RID_CUI_TIPOFTHEDAY"
 msgid "%PRODUCTNAME supports four macro security levels (from low to very high) and trusted sources."
 msgstr "%PRODUCTNAME ondersteun vier vlakke van makro-beveiliging (van laag tot baie hoog) en betroubare bronne."
-#. FnWjD
+#. SNTbc
 #. https://help.libreoffice.org/%PRODUCTVERSION/%LANGUAGENAME/text/shared/optionen/01030300.html
 #: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:107
-msgid "%PRODUCTNAME intends to apply as an organization for Google Summer of Code (GSoC) see:"
-msgstr "%PRODUCTNAME is betrokke as 'n organisasie by \"Google Summer of Code(GSoC)\":"
-#. SNTbc
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:108
 msgid "Did you know that you can attach comments to portions of text? Just use the shortcut %MOD1+%MOD2+C."
 msgstr "U kan ook teksgedeeltes en kommentare in \"Writer\" aanteken. Gebruik die sleutel-kombinasie »% MOD1 +% MOD2 + C«."
 #. wZDsJ
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:109
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:108
 msgid "Need to move one or more paragraphs? No need to cut and paste: Use the keyboard shortcut %MOD1+%MOD2+Arrow (Up/Down)"
 msgstr "Om een of meer paragrawe in \"Writer\" sonder knip-en-plak te skuif, gebruik% MOD1 +% MOD2 + op / af-pyltjie."
 #. JDGDc
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:110
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:109
 msgid "Change the basic fonts for the predefined template or current document per Tools ▸ Options ▸ %PRODUCTNAME Writer ▸ Basic Fonts."
 msgstr "Om die basiese lettertipe vir vooraf gedefinieerde sjablone of vir die huidige dokument in \"Writer\" te verander, kies »Tools ▸ Options ▸ %PRODUCTNAME Writer ▸ Basic Fonts« basiese lettertipes."
 #. 5Anfg
 #. https://help.libreoffice.org/%PRODUCTVERSION/%LANGUAGENAME/text/shared/optionen/01040300.html
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:111
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:110
 msgid "Want to find words containing more than 10 characters? Edit ▸ Find and Replace ▸ Search ▸ [a-z]{10,} ▸ Other Options ▸ check Regular expressions."
 msgstr "Om woorde met 'n lengte van meer as 10 karakters te vind, kies »Edit ▸ Find and Replace ▸ Search ▸ [a-z]{10,} ▸ Other Options...«  merk blokkie: »Regular expressions«."
 #. 7dDjc
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:112
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:111
 msgid "Open a CSV file as a new sheet in the current spreadsheet via Sheet ▸ Sheet from file."
 msgstr "Om 'n CSV-lêer as 'n nuwe blad in die huidige \"Calc\"-spreiblad dokument oop te maak, kies »Sheet ▸ Sheet insert from file...«."
 #. aJtLS
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:113
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:112
 msgid "Typing in bold, italics, or underlined in Writer you can continue with the default attributes using just the shortcut %MOD1+Shift+X (remove direct character formats)."
 msgstr "As u teks met vetdruk, kursief of onderstreep in \"Writer\" vir invoer het, kan u voortgaan met die standaard-attribute deur die sleutel-kombinasie [% MOD1 + Shift + X] te gebruik (verwyder direkte karakterformatering)."
 #. iXjDF
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:114
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:113
 msgid "Use %MOD1+%MOD2+Shift+V to paste the contents of the clipboard as unformatted text."
 msgstr "Om die inhoud van die knipbord as gewone teks in \"Writer\" te plak, gebruik %MOD1 +% MOD2 + Shift + V."
 #. TD8Ux
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:115
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:114
 msgid "Customize footnote appearance with Tools ▸ Footnotes and Endnotes…"
 msgstr "Om die formaat van die voetnota in \"Writer\" aan te pas, kies »Tools ▸ Footnotes and Endnotes…«."
 #. muc5F
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:116
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:115
 msgid "With Slide Show ▸ Custom Slide Show, reorder and pick slides to fit a slideshow to the needs of your viewers."
 msgstr "Om skyfies in \"Impress\" te herrangskik of om skyfies te kies sodat die aanbieding aangepas is by die behoeftes van u gehoor, kies »Slide Show ▸ Custom Slide Show«."
 #. ZZZZo
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:117
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:116
 msgid "Want to change spell checking for some part of the text? Click in the language zone of the status bar or better, apply a style."
 msgstr "Om die speltoets vir 'n gedeelte van die teks te verander, klik op \"Taal\" van die statusbalk of beter pas 'n toepaslike sjabloon toe."
 #. oTX4L
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:118
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:117
 msgid "Writer can insert a blank page between two odd (even) pages that follow. Check “Print automatically inserted blank pages” in the print dialog’s %PRODUCTNAME Writer tab."
 msgstr "\"Writer\" kan 'n leë bladsy tussen twee opeenvolgende onewe (/ewe) bladsye invoeg. Om dit te doen, kies »File ▸Print... « in die druk-dialoog-oortjie merk: %PRODUCTNAME en dan aktiveer die merkblokkie \"Print automatically inserted blank pages\"«."
 #. YVF2y
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:119
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:118
 msgid "You do not want to print all columns? Hide or group the ones you do not need."
 msgstr "Versteek of groepeer die kolomme wat u nie nodig het om in \"Calc\" te druk nie."
 #. pZZxV
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:120
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:119
 msgid "To modify an AutoPlay presentation, open it and after it starts, right click and select Edit in the context menu."
 msgstr "Om 'n AutoSpeel-aanbieding te wysig, moet u dit oopmaak, dan met begin daarvan, regter-muisklik en kies \"Edit\" in die konteks-kieslys."
 #. WZi38
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:121
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:120
 msgid "Need to precisely position? %MOD2+arrow Keys move objects (shapes, pictures, formulas) by one pixel."
 msgstr "Vir objekte (vorms, beelde, formules) se presiese posisionering gebruik [% MOD2 + pyltjie sleutels] om dit pixel-gewys aan te skuif."
 #. FhocH
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:122
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:121
 msgid "Embedded help is available by pressing F1, if you have installed it. Otherwise check online at:"
 msgstr "Indien geïnstalleer, druk [F1] om ingebedde hulp te open, anders is die aanlynhulp beskikbaar:"
 #. n3b6P
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:123
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:122
 msgid "Right-click in the status bar in %PRODUCTNAME Calc and select “Selection count” to display the number of selected cells."
 msgstr "Regs muis-klik op die statusbalk in %PRODUCTNAME \"Calc\" en kies \"Selection count\" om die geselekteerde selle te vertoon."
 #. h7afF
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:124
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:123
 msgid "Want to have two or more columns for just a part of a %PRODUCTNAME Writer page? Insert ▸ Section, set with Columns tab, and place text in that section."
 msgstr "Om twee of meer kolomme vir slegs 'n gedeelte van 'n bladsy in %PRODUCTNAME \"Writer\" te spesifiseer, kies »Insert ▸ Section...«. Kies Kolomme-oortjie en spesifiseer die aantal kolomme en plaas teks in hierdie gebied."
 #. DmbfV
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:125
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:124
 msgid "Use Data ▸ Statistics for sampling, descriptive statistics, analysis of variance, correlation, and much more in %PRODUCTNAME Calc."
 msgstr "Kies »Data ▸ Statistics« om steekproewe, beskrywende statistiek, variansie analise, korrelasie en veel meer met %PRODUCTNAME \"Calc\" te gebruik."
 #. cVaQ3
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:126
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:125
 msgid "You can copy from one sheet to another without the clipboard. Select the area to copy, %MOD1+click the target sheet’s tab and use Sheet ▸ Fill Cells ▸ Fill Sheets."
 msgstr "U kan van die een tafel na die ander in \"Calc\" kopieer sonder die knipbord. Kies die gebied wat gekopieër moet word, hou die [% MOD1] -toets ingedrukt en klik op die blad van die teiken tabel en kies »Sheet ▸ Fill Cells ▸ Fill Sheets...«."
 #. QDmWG
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:127
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:126
 msgid "You can change the look of %PRODUCTNAME via Tools ▸ Options ▸ View ▸ User Interface."
 msgstr "Om die formaat van %PRODUCTNAME te verander, kies »Tools ▸ Options... ▸ View ▸ User Interface»."
 #. J853i
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:128
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:127
 msgid "In %PRODUCTNAME Impress, use Insert ▸ Media ▸ Photo Album to create a slideshow from a series of pictures with the “Photo Album” feature."
 msgstr "Om 'n aanbieding uit 'n reeks beelde met behulp van die \"Fotoalbum\" -funksie te maak, kies »Insert ▸ Media ▸ Photo Album« in %PRODUCTNAME Impress."
 #. BcK3A
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:129
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:128
 msgid "You can show formulas instead of results with View ▸ Show Formula (or Tools ▸ Options ▸ %PRODUCTNAME Calc ▸ View ▸ Display ▸ Formulas)."
 msgstr "Om formules in \"Calc\" in plaas van resultate te vertoon, kies »View View ▸ Show Formula« (of »Tools ▸ Options ... ▸%PRODUCTNAME Calc ▸ View ▸ Area: Display ▸ Checkbox: Formulas «)."
 #. bY8ve
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:130
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:129
 msgid "%PRODUCTNAME is developed by a friendly community, made up of hundreds of contributors around the world. Join us with your skills beyond coding."
 msgstr "%PRODUCTNAME word ontwikkel deur 'n gemeenskap van vriende, bestaande uit honderde ontwikkelaars van regoor die wêreld. Sluit aan met u vaardighede bobehalwe kodering."
 #. GEJXj
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:131
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:130
 msgid "Left-handed? Enable Tools ▸ Options ▸ Language Settings ▸ Languages ▸ Asian and check Tools ▸ Options ▸ %PRODUCTNAME Writer ▸ View ▸ Ruler ▸ Right-aligned, which displays the scrollbar to the left."
 msgstr "Sou u linkshandig wees, kies dan »Tools ▸ Options ▸ Language Settings ▸ Languages ▸ Asian« en kies dan »Tools ▸ Options... ▸ %PRODUCTNAME \"Writer\" ▸ View ▸ Ruler ▸ Right-aligned«, waardeur die skuifbalk na die linkerkant gewys word."
 #. Bs9w9
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:132
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:131
 msgid "Want your chapter titles to always begin a page? Edit Heading1 (paragraph style) ▸ Text Flow ▸ Breaks and check Insert ▸ Page ▸ Before."
 msgstr "Om die hoofstuk-opskrifte in \"Writer\", altyd met 'n nuwe bladsy te begin, muisklik regs op die  »Edit Heading1 (paragraafstyl)« in die style en kies »Verander ... ▸Text Flow ▸ Breaks and check Insert ▸ Page ▸ Before«."
 #. UVRgV
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:133
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:132
 msgid "Date/time value is just a number of days since a chosen day zero; in the number, integer part represents date, and fractional part is time (elapsed part of a day), with 0.5 representing noon."
 msgstr "Die datum / tydwaarde is bloot 'n aantal dae sedert die gespesifiseerde dag nul; die heelgetalgedeelte staan vir die datum en die breuk vir die tyd (verstreke deel van 'n dag), met 0,5 as die middaguur."
 #. o2fy3
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:134
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:133
 msgid "Shift+%MOD1+Del deletes from cursor to the end of the current sentence."
 msgstr "»Shift +% MOD1 + Del« word in \"Writer\" van die wyser-posisie na die einde van die huidige sin verwyder."
 #. XDhNo
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:135
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:134
 msgid "Use column or row labels in formulas. For example, if you have two columns, “Time” and “KM”, use =Time/KM to get minutes per kilometer."
 msgstr "Gebruik kolom- of ry -etikette in formules in \"Calc\". As u byvoorbeeld twee kolomme het met 'Tyd' en 'km', voer  Tyd / km in om minute per kilometer te kry."
 #. E7GZz
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:136
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:135
 msgid "Annoyed by the “marching ants” around cells in Calc? Press escape to stop them; the copied content will remain available for pasting."
 msgstr "Om die \"opmarsende miere\" rondom selle in \"Calc\" te stop, druk die [Esc] -toets. Die gekopieerde inhoud bly beskikbaar vir plak."
 #. fsDVc
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:137
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:136
 msgid "Want to become a %PRODUCTNAME Ambassador? There are certifications for developers, admins, and trainers."
 msgstr "As u 'n ambassadeur vir %PRODUCTNAME wil word, is daar sertifiserings vir ontwikkelaars, administrateurs en opleiers."
 #. VWNyB
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:138
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:137
 msgid "Mix portrait and landscape orientations in a Calc spreadsheet by applying different page styles on sheets."
 msgstr "As u portret en landskap in \"Calc\"-sigblaaie wil meng, kan u verskillende bladsye op die individuele blaaie toepas."
 #. eRzRG
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:139
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:138
 msgid "Click on the special character icon in the toolbar to get quick access to favorite and recent characters to insert."
 msgstr "Klik vinnig op die spesiale karakter ikoon  in die Standaard-balk om blits toegang tot voorkeur- of laaste spesiale -karakters  te kry."
 #. 7UE7V
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:140
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:139
 msgid "Choose “Hierarchical View” in the Styles sidebar to see the relation between styles."
 msgstr "Kies \"Hiërargiese aansig\" in die \"Styles\"-sybalk om die verband tussen die style te sien."
 #. FKfZB
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:141
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:140
 msgid "You can use styles to make the tables in your document consistent. Choose one from the predefined per Styles (F11) or via Table ▸ AutoFormat."
 msgstr "U kan profiele gebruik om die tabelle in u \"Writer\"-dokument konsekwent te laat lyk. Kies een van die vooraf gedefinieerde profiel [F11] of »Table ▸ AutoFormat...«."
 #. UuBRE
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:142
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:141
 msgid "Configure use of the %MOD1 key to open hyperlinks? Tools ▸ Options ▸ %PRODUCTNAME ▸ Security ▸ Options ▸ “%MOD1+click required to open hyperlinks”."
 msgstr "Om die gebruik van die [% MOD1] -sleutel te konfigureer om hiperskakels te volg, kies \"Tools ▸ Options  ▸ %PRODUCTNAME ▸ Security ▸ Options... ▸ Klik blokkie en hou in, op %MOD1 om hiperskakel te volg."
 #. cCnpG
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:143
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:142
 msgid "You would like to view the calculation of individual elements of a formula, select the respective elements and press F9."
 msgstr "Om die berekening van individuele elemente van 'n\" Calc\"-formule te sien, kies die ooreenstemmende elemente en druk [F9]."
 #. 9HtDt
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:144
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:143
 msgid "You can protect cells with Format ▸ Cells ▸ Protection. To prevent insert, delete, rename, move/copy of sheets use Tools ▸ Protect Sheet."
 msgstr "Om die selle in \"Calc\" te beskerm, kies » Format ▸ Cells ▸ Protection«. Om te voorkom dat tabelle ingevoeg, geskrap, hernoem, geskuif of gekopieër word, kies »Tools ▸ Protect Sheet...«."
 #. L6brZ
 #. local help missing
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:145
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:144
 msgid "Write along a curve? Draw the line, double click, type the text, Format ▸ Text Box and Shape ▸ Fontwork."
 msgstr "Om langs 'n kromme te skryf? Trek die kromme, dubbelklik daarop, voer die teks in en kies »Format ▸ Text Box« en »Shape ▸ Fontwork ...«."
 #. ZE6D5
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:146
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:145
 msgid "Want to display only the highest values in a spreadsheet? Select menu Data ▸ AutoFilter, click the drop-down arrow, and choose “Top10”."
 msgstr "Om slegs die grootste waardes in 'n Calc-tabel te vertoon, kies \"Data ▸ Auto filter\", kliek dan af-pyl, en kies \"Top 10\" in die lys."
 #. wAQLx
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:147
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:146
 msgid "To remove the page number from your table of contents go to Insert ▸ Table of Contents (or right-click and Edit the previously inserted index). In the Entries tab delete the page number (#) from Structure line."
 msgstr "Om die bladsynommer van u inhoudsopgawe in \"Writer\" te verwyder, gebruik »Invoeg ▸ Inhoudsopgawe en Indeks ▸  Inhoudsopgawe ...«  (of klik met die regtermuisknop en wysig die voorheen ingevoegde indeks). Op die blad \"Inskrywings\", verwyder die bladsynommer (#) van die struktuurreël."
 #. JPu6C
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:148
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:147
 msgid "With the Navigator you can select & move up/down headings and the text below the heading, in the Navigator and in the document."
 msgstr "In die Navigator van die Writer-dokument kan u kies 'n opskrif en sy onderstaande teks en dit op/af skuif."
 #. 8qYrk
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:149
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:148
 msgid "To quickly get a math object in Writer type your formula, mark it, and use Insert ▸ Object ▸ Formula to convert the text."
 msgstr "Om vinnig 'n formule-objek in Writer te skep, tik die formule-teks in, selekteer dit en kies \"Insert ▸ Object ▸ Formula ...\" om die teks te omvorm."
 #. Zj7NA
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:150
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:149
 msgid "With %PRODUCTNAME it is very easy to install a new dictionary: they are supplied as extensions."
 msgstr "% PRODUCTNAME maak dit maklik om 'n nuwe woordeboek te installeer: dit word gelewer as 'n uitbreiding."
 #. 7kaMQ
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:151
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:150
 msgid "%PRODUCTNAME has a portable version which gives you mobility. Even without administrator rights on your computer you can install %PRODUCTNAME Portable to your hard drive too."
 msgstr "%PRODUCTNAME is ook beskikbaar as 'n draagbare weergawe vir u volle mobiliteit. Selfs sonder administrasieregte vir u rekenaar, kan u % PRODUCTNAME-Portable op u hardeskyf installeer."
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:152
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:151
 msgid "Writer lets you number your footnotes per page, chapter, document: Tools ▸ Footnotes and Endnotes ▸ Footnotes tab ▸ Counting."
 msgstr "Met Writer kan u voetnote per bladsy, hoofstuk of dokument nommer: Kies »Ekstras ▸ Voetnote / Eindnotas ... ▸ Blad: Voetnote ▸ Rol-af lys: kies Counting«."
 #. gpVRV
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:153
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:152
 msgid "Your Writer document does not reopen with the text cursor at the same editing position it was when you saved it? Add First or Last name in Tools ▸ Options ▸ %PRODUCTNAME ▸ User Data ▸ First/last name."
 msgstr "Om u Writer-dokument oop te maak met die tekswyser op dieselfde verwerkingsposisie as waar u dit gestoor het, kies \"Tools ▸ Options ... ▸%PRODUCTNAME ▸ Gebruikergegewens\" en sorg dat een van voor- / agter-benaming nie leeg is nie."
 #. udDRb
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:154
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:153
 msgid "Citation management? Use a 3rd party extension."
 msgstr "Vir Citation-bestuur gebruik 'n derdeparty-uitbreiding."
 #. ALczh
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:155
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:154
 msgid "Want to insert a value in the same place on several sheets? Select the sheets: hold down %MOD1 key and click their tabs before entering."
 msgstr "Om 'n waarde op dieselfde plek in verskillende Calc-tabelle in te voeg, kies die tabelle deur die %MOD1-sleutel in te hou en op die ooreenstemmende tabel-tabs te klik voordat u die inskrywing doen."
 #. XsdGx
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:156
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:155
 msgid "Want to hide some text in a document? Select the text. Insert ▸ Section, and select “Hide”."
 msgstr "Om teks in 'n dokument te verberg, selekteer die teks, kies »Invoeg ▸ Area ...« en aktiveer die \"Verberg\"-merkerveld."
 #. WMnj2
 #. online help is different https://help.libreoffice.org/%PRODUCTVERSION/%LANGUAGENAME/text/swriter/guide/hidden_text.html#hd_id3148675
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:157
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:156
 msgid "You can customize the middle mouse button per Tools ▸ Options ▸ %PRODUCTNAME ▸ View ▸ Middle Mouse button."
 msgstr "U kan die middelste muisknoppie verstel onder »Ektras ▸ Opsies ... ▸% PRODUKTNAME ▸ Bekyk ▸ Af-kieslys: Middel-muisknop«."
 #. qQsXD
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:158
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:157
 msgid "Want to print two portrait pages on a landscape one (reducing A4 to A5)? File ▸ Print and select 2 at “Pages per sheet”."
 msgstr "Om twee bladsye in portretformaat op een bladsy in landskapformaat te druk (verklein van A4 na A5), kies \"File ▸ Print ▸ Page Layout tab▸Layout\" en dan in die keuselys \"Pages per sheet\" kies dan \"2\"."
 #. GmBZk
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:159
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:158
 msgid "For quick access to your document bookmarks, right-click on the page number of the status bar (lower-left corner of document window)."
 msgstr "Om vinnig toegang tot u boekmerke in Writer te kry, regter-muisklik op die bladsynommer in die statusbalk (links onder in die venster)."
 #. Eb85a
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:160
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:159
 msgid "Select an object in the document background via the Select tool in the Drawing toolbar to surround the object to select."
 msgstr "Om 'n voorwerp op die agtergrond van die dokument te kies, op die Teken-werkbalk gebruik die Seleksie-instrument  om die voorwerp af te baken."
 #. T3RSB
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:161
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:160
 msgid "Define texts that you often use as AutoText. You will be able to insert them by their name, shortcut or toolbar in any Writer document."
 msgstr "Stel tekste wat gereeld in Writer gebruik word as AutoText. Plaas dit dan in elke Writer-dokument met die naam, kortpad of nutsprogram balk."
 #. 7CjmG
 #. https://help.libreoffice.org/%PRODUCTVERSION/%LANGUAGENAME/text/swriter/guide/autotext.html
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:162
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:161
 msgid "Play music throughout a slideshow by assigning the sound to the first slide transition without clicking the “Apply to All Slides” button."
 msgstr "As u musiektydens die hele aanbieding wil speel, ken die klank toe aan die eerste skyfie oorgang sonder om die \"Herhaal tot volgende klank\" -kiesblokkie te aktiveer."
 #. Xrnns
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:163
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:162
 msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Calc does not calculate from left to right but respects the order Parentheses – Exponents – Multiplication – Division – Addition – Subtraction."
 msgstr "%PRODUCTNAME Calc bereken nie van links na regs nie, maar neem wiskundige volgorde in ag: hakies> eksponente> vermenigvuldiging> deling> optelling> aftrekking."
 #. heb7V
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:164
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:163
 msgid "Get %PRODUCTNAME documentation and free user guide books at:"
 msgstr "Toegang tot die %PRODUCTNAME-dokumentasie en ook gratis handleidings is via:"
 #. T6uNP
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:165
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:164
 msgid "Want to remove all <> at once and keep the text inside? Edit ▸ Find and Replace: Search = [<>], Replace = blank and check “Regular expressions” under Other options."
 msgstr "Om alle <> gelyktydig te verwyder en die teks daarin te hou, kies »Redigeer ▸ Soek en vervang ... ▸ Soek: \" [<>] \"▸ Vervang: (maak leeg)« en aktiveer die merkblokkie in die »Ander opsies« -gebied \"Gereelde uitdrukkings\"."
 #. e3dfT
 #. local help missing
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:166
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:165
 msgid "Need to present a report written with Writer? File ▸ Send ▸ Outline to Presentation automatically creates a slideshow from the outline."
 msgstr "Om 'n verslag wat in Writer geskep is, aan te bied, kies: »File: ▸ Submit ▸ Outline to Presentation«, om outomaties 'n skyfievertoning vanaf die verslag te genereer."
 #. ZdyGi
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:167
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:166
 msgid "Want to manage the presentation of hyperlinks in a spreadsheet? Insert them with the HYPERLINK function."
 msgstr "Om die vertoning van hiperskakels in Calc te skep, voeg dit met »Insert ▸ Hyperlink ...« in."
 #. qyyJ4
 #. local help missing
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:168
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:167
 msgid "Uncheck Tools ▸ Options ▸ %PRODUCTNAME Calc ▸ View ▸ Zoom: “Synchronize sheets” so that each sheet in Calc has its own zoom factor."
 msgstr "Om te verseker dat elke tabel in Calc sy eie zoom-faktor het,  onder »Ektras ▸ Opsies ... ▸ %PRODUCTNAME Calc ▸ View ▸ Scale« deaktiveer dan die \"Sinkroniseer tabelle\" -merkblok."
 #. qK7Xz
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:169
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:168
 msgid "You can set a color for each tab: right-click the tab or use Sheet ▸ Sheet Tab Color."
 msgstr "Vir elke oortjie in Calc, kan u 'n kleur  instel: met regtermuis-kliek op die oortjie, of kies »Tabel ▸ Kleur van die Tabel…«."
 #. YGUAo
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:170
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:169
 msgid "Trace cells used in a formula, precedents (Shift+F9) or dependents (Shift+F5) (or use Tools ▸ Detective). For each hit you go one more step in the chain."
 msgstr "Spoor die selle in Calc wat deur 'n formule in gebruik op: die roete na voorganger selle[Shift + F9] of die roete na afhanklike selle [Shift + F5] (of kies »Ekstras ▸ Detective«). Met elke uitvoering gaan jy 'n stap verder volg in die ketting."
 #. mJ6Gu
 #. local help missing
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:171
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:170
 msgid "Insert and number your formulas in one step: type fn then F3. An AutoText is inserted with formula and number aligned in a table."
 msgstr "Om formules in Writer te nommer, tik \"fn\" en druk dan op F3. 'n Outoteks word ingevoeg met die formule en nommer ge-omlyn in 'n tabel."
 #. 8rA8u
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:172
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:171
 msgid "You can create an illustration index from object names, not only from captions."
 msgstr "In Writer kan ook 'n gids met afbeeldings van objekname in plek van kortbekrywings geskep word."
 #. Bqtz5
 #. https://help.libreoffice.org/%PRODUCTVERSION/%LANGUAGENAME/text/shared/01/05190000.html
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:173
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:172
 msgid "Use your Android or iPhone to remotely control your Impress presentation."
 msgstr "Gebruik u Android of iPhone as 'n afstandbeheer vir u Impress-aanbieding."
 #. GgzTh
 #. local help missing
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:174
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:173
 msgid "Want to know how many days there are in the current month? Use the DAYSINMONTH(TODAY()) function."
 msgstr "Om die aantal dae in die huidige maand in Calc te vind,gebruik: \"=DAYSINMONTH(TODAY())\" funksie."
 #. z72JP
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:175
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:174
 msgid "Your numbers are displayed as ### in your spreadsheet? The column is too narrow to display all digits."
 msgstr "As u nommers in u Calc-sigblad verskyn as ###, is die kolom te smal om al die syfers te kan toon."
 #. REoF7
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:176
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:175
 msgid "Enable massive parallel calculations of formula cells via Tools ▸ Options ▸ OpenCL."
 msgstr "Vir massa parallelle berekeninge van formule-selle in Calc, aktiveer die merkblokkie onder »Ektras ▸ Opsies ... ▸ LibreOffice ▸ OpenCL«."
 #. zAqfX
 #. https://help.libreoffice.org/%PRODUCTVERSION/%LANGUAGENAME/text/shared/optionen/opencl.html
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:177
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:176
 msgid "Use the Connector tool from the Drawing toolbar in Draw/Impress to create nice flow charts and optionally copy/paste the object into Writer."
 msgstr "Om vloeidiagramme in Draw / Impress te skep, gebruik die verbindings op die Toolbar en kopieë en plak die voltooide data-objek na Writer."
 #. Uq3tZ
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:178
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:177
 msgid "Your donations support our worldwide community."
 msgstr "U donasies ondersteun ons wêreldwye gemeenskap."
 #. V2QjS
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:179
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:178
 msgid "You want to add x months to a date? Use =EDATE(date;months)."
 msgstr "Om in Calc, x maande tot 'n datum by te tel, voer in \"= EDATE(datum; maande)\"."
 #. uYpVp
 #. local help missing
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:180
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:179
 msgid "To select a contiguous range of cells containing data and bounded by empty row and columns use %MOD1+* (numeric key pad)."
 msgstr "Om 'n aaneenlopende reeks selle te selekteer wat data bevat en afgebaken is deur leë rye en kolomme, gebruik Calc %MOD1 + asterisk (*) (op die syfer-sleutelbord)."
 #. u4FZP
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:181
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:180
 msgid "Your date acceptance pattern is inappropriate? Use Tools ▸ Options ▸ Language Settings ▸ Language ▸ Date acceptance patterns to tweak the pattern."
 msgstr "Om die datum aanvaardingspatroon in Calc aan te pas by u voorkeure, kies »Ekstras ▸ Opsies ... ▸ Taalinstellings ▸ Taal ▸ Datum aanvaardingspatroon« en werk by die gewenste patroon."
 #. MZyXB
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:182
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:181
 msgid "Want to export formulas to CSV? File ▸ Save As ▸ Type:Text CSV, check “Edit filter settings”, and check “Save cell formulas” in the next dialog."
 msgstr "Om formules van Calc uit te voer in CSV formaat, kies »Lêer ▸ Stoor as ... ▸ Tik dan in die volgende dialoog: Teks CSV«, aktiveer 'Bewerk filterinstellings' en aktiveer 'Stoor formules in plaas van berekende waardes' ."
 #. XLN9z
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:183
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:182
 msgid "The presenter console is a great feature when working with %PRODUCTNAME Impress. Have you checked it out?"
 msgstr "Probeer die Presenter Console, wat 'n uitstekende funksie is as u met %PRODUCTNAME Impress werk."
 #. PFGhM
 #. local help missing
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:184
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:183
 msgid "To delete multiple comments, select cells with comments and use Sheet ▸ Cell Comments ▸ Delete Comment."
 msgstr "Om verskeie opmerkings in Calc uit te vee, merk die selle met opmerkings en kies »Wysig ▸ Opmerkings ▸ Verwyder ...«."
 #. SMLUg
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:185
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:184
 msgid "Easily convert your documents to PDF with one click by clicking on the PDF icon in the toolbar."
 msgstr "Omskep u dokumente in PDF's deur op die PDF-ikoon in die werkbalk te klik."
 #. UwBoZ
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:186
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:185
 msgid "Want to select a large range of cells without scrolling? Type the range reference (e.g. A1:A1000) in the name box then Enter."
 msgstr "Om 'n groot verskeidenheid selle in Calc te kies sonder om te blaai, tik die reikwydteverwysing (byvoorbeeld, A1: A1000) in die naamveld en druk Enter."
 #. Tc7Nf
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:187
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:186
 msgid "Want to know the valid command line parameters? Start soffice with --help or -h or -?"
 msgstr "Om die geldige opdragreëlparameters te leer ken, moet u office begin met --help, -h of -?"
 #. pmP5i
 #. local help missing
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:188
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:187
 msgid "Fit your sheet or print ranges to a page with Format ▸ Page ▸ Sheet Tab ▸ Scaling Mode."
 msgstr "Om u tabel of u drukareas aan te pas by die bladsy in Calc, kies »Formaat ▸ Pagina ... ▸ Register: Tabel ▸ Afdeling: Skaal«."
 #. AFuSB
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:189
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:188
 msgid "Need an unnumbered item in a list? Use “Insert Unnumbered Entry” in the Bullets and Numbering toolbar."
 msgstr "Om 'n ongenommerde inskrywing in 'n lys in Writer in te voeg, gebruik die opsie \"Insert Entry Without Number\" op die paragraaf-kolle en numering-werkbalk."
 #. ZacQo
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:190
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:189
 msgid "You can rotate cells table orientation with Table ▸ Properties… ▸ Text Flow ▸ Text orientation."
 msgstr "Om die rigting van 'n \"Writer\"-tafel selle te draai, kies »Tabel ▸ Eienskappe ... ▸ Teksvloei ▸ Afloop keuselys: Teksoriëntasie«."
 #. Vi6L8
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:191
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:190
 msgid "In %PRODUCTNAME Draw to change the 0/0 point of the rulers, drag the intersection of the two rulers in the top left corner into the workspace."
 msgstr "Om in %PRODUCTNAME \"Draw\" die 0/0-punt van die liniale te verander, trek die kruising van die twee liniale na die hoek links bo, in die werkarea."
 #. Fcnsr
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:192
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:191
 msgid "Move a column in Calc between two others in one step? Click the header then a cell in the column, keep mouse button and move to the target with %MOD2 key."
 msgstr "Om 'n kolom in \"Calc\" tussen twee ander in een stap te skuif, muis-klik en hou die %MOD2-sleutel ingedruk terwyl u op 'n sel in die kolom klik en dit na die bestemming trek."
 #. 3xJeA
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:193
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:192
 msgid "Automatically mark alphabetical index entries using a concordance file."
 msgstr "Gebruik 'n konkordansielêer om al die gidsinskrywings outomaties alfabeties in \"Writer\" te merk."
 #. BnMpb
 #. local help missing
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:194
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:193
 msgid "Use Format ▸ Align (or the context menu) for precise positioning of objects in Draw/Impress: it centers on the page if one object is selected or works on the group respectively."
 msgstr "Om  \"Draw/Impress\"-objekte akkuraat te posisioneer, kies »Format ▸ Align« of die konteks-kieslys: Dit is gesentreer op die bladsy wanneer 'n voorwerp, of op die groep gekies word respektiewelik."
 #. TijVG
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:195
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:194
 msgid "Do not use tabs to space items on a Writer document. Depending on what you are trying to do, a borderless table can be a better choice."
 msgstr "Moet nie tabs gebruik om in \"Writer\", elemente  te spasieër nie. Afhangende van wat u beoog, is 'n beter gebruik 'n tabel sonder 'n raam."
 #. 6GtGH
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:196
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:195
 msgid "No need to scroll through the list at Tools ▸ Customize ▸ Keyboard to find a shortcut: just type it."
 msgstr "U hoef nie deur die lys onder »Ekstras ▸ Pas aan ... ▸ Tab: Toetsbord« te blaai, om 'n sleutelkombinasie te vind. Tik dit net in."
 #. 63noP
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:197
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:196
 msgid "%PRODUCTNAME can automatically add a numbered caption when you insert objects. See Tools ▸ Options ▸ %PRODUCTNAME Writer ▸ AutoCaption."
 msgstr "Om %PRODUCTNAME outomaties 'n genommerde etiket by te voeg by die invoeg van data-objekte in \"Writer\", kies »Tools' ▸ Options ... ▸ %PRODUCTNAME Writer ▸ AutoCaption«."
 #. 8kpGG
 #. https://help.libreoffice.org/%PRODUCTVERSION/%LANGUAGENAME/text/shared/optionen/01041100.html
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:198
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:197
 msgid "With %PRODUCTNAME you can use your Google Mail account to do a mail merge. Fill in Tools ▸ Options ▸ %PRODUCTNAME Writer ▸ Mail Merge Email."
 msgstr "U kan met %PRODUCTNAME u Gmail-rekening gebruik om serie e-posse te stuur. Voer in u toegangsdata onder die keuse-item »Ekstras ▸ Opsies ... ▸ %PRODUCTNAME Writer ▸ Seriële e-pos«."
 #. 87ozj
 #. local help missing
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:199
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:198
 msgid "Keep column headers of a sheet visible when scrolling lines via View ▸ Freeze Cells ▸ Freeze First Row."
 msgstr "Om die kolomopskrifte van 'n \"Calc\"-tabel sigbaar te hou wanneer u deur rye afwaarts blaai, kies »Bekyk ▸ Bevries selle ▸ Bevries eerste ry«."
 #. mCfdK
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:200
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:199
 msgid "You want to start working with Basic macros? Take a look at the examples under Tools ▸ Macros ▸ Edit Macros."
 msgstr "Kyk na die voorbeelde onder »Tools ▸ Macros ros Edit Macros ...« om met %PRODUCTNAME-makro's te begin werk."
 #. 5fYgo
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:201
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:200
 msgid "Apply Heading paragraph styles in Writer with shortcut keys: %MOD1+1 applies Heading 1, %MOD1+2 applies Heading 2, etc."
 msgstr "Pas die paragraafstyle in \"Writer\" toe op opskrifte deur %MOD1 + 1 vir Opskrif 1, %MOD2 + 2 vir Opskrif 2, ensovoorts te druk."
 #. DA82R
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:202
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:201
 msgid "Do not get lost in large documents. Use the Navigator (F5) to find your way through the content."
 msgstr "Gebruik die \"Navigator\" (F5) om die inhoud van groot dokumente te vind."
 #. naXEz
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:203
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:202
 msgid "Edit ▸ Find and Replace lets you insert special characters directly: right click in input fields or press Shift+%MOD1+S."
 msgstr "Om spesiale karakters direk in die dialoogvenster onder »Redigeer ▸ Vind en vervang ...« in te voeg, klik met die regter-muisknop in die invoerveld of druk [Shift + %MOD1 + S]."
 #. vNBR3
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:204
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:203
 msgid "Need custom contents for metadata properties? File ▸ Properties ▸ Custom Properties tab lets you create what you want."
 msgstr "As u gepaste inhoud vir metadata-eienskappe in \"Writer\" benodig, kies dan »File ▸ Properties ... ▸ Tab: Custom Properties« en skep wat u daar wil hê."
 #. 9TnEA
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:205
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:204
 msgid "Want to see, but not print, an object in Draw? Draw it on a layer for which the “Printable” flag is not set (right click on the tab and “Modify Layer”)."
 msgstr "As u 'n skets in 'Draw' net wil sien, kies 'n laag waarin die 'Printable'-vlaggie nie gestel is nie (klik met die regtermuisknoppie op 'n Laag-oortjie en kies »Wysig laag ...«, en kies opsie »2«)."
 #. CGQaY
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:206
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:205
 msgid "To insert the current date in your document, use Insert ▸ Field ▸ Date."
 msgstr "Om die huidige datum in u dokument in te voeg, kies »Invoeg ▸ Veld ▸ Datum«."
 #. vGKBe
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:207
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:206
 msgid "Got many images in your Writer document? Speed up the display by disabling View ▸ Images and charts."
 msgstr "Om die vertoon van u \"Writer\"-dokument vir baie beelde te bespoedig, deaktiveer »View ▸ Beelde en diagramme«."
 #. Y85ij
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:208
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:207
 msgid "Use Sheet ▸ Fill Cells ▸ Random Number to generate a random series based on various distributions."
 msgstr "Om 'n ewekansige reeks in \"Calc\" te maak gebaseer op verskeie verdelings, kies »Tabel ▸ Vul selle ▸ Ewekansige getalle...«."
 #. Y24mZ
 #. https://help.libreoffice.org/%PRODUCTVERSION/%LANGUAGENAME/text/scalc/01/02140700.html
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:209
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:208
 msgid "Rename your slides in Impress to help you define “Go to page” interactions and to have a summary more explicit than Slide1, Slide2…"
 msgstr "U kan skyfies hernoem in \"Impress\" om makliker handelinge te definieer soos \"Gaan na bladsy\" en om 'n meer informatiewe opsomming te hê as skyfie 1, skyfie 2 ensovoorts."
 #. JBgEb
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:210
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:209
 msgid "Chapter numbering dialog lets you set text to be displayed before the chapter number. For example, type “Chapter ” to display “Chapter 1”"
 msgstr "Om teks in te stel wat voor die hoofstuknummer in \"Writer\" verskyn, kies \"Ekstras ▸ Hoofstuknommering ... ▸ Tab: Nommering« en voeg in byvoorbeeld 'Hoofstuk', in die 'Voor'-veld in om as 'Hoofstuk 1' te vertoon."
 #. z3rPd
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:211
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:210
 msgid "Transpose a Writer table? Copy and paste in Calc, transpose with copy/paste special then copy/paste special ▸ Formatted text in Writer."
 msgstr "Om 'n \"Writer\"-tabel te transponeer, kopieer en dan plak dit in \"Calc\". Transponeer deur 'kopieer/plak spesiaal'. Kies »Edit ▸ Paste ▸ Paste Special ... ▸ (Knoppie): Transpose«. Laastens kopieer en plak terug as geformateerd in 'n \"Writer\"-tabel."
 #. DKBCg
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:212
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:211
 msgid "To get the “Vertical Text” tool in the Drawing toolbar, check Tools ▸ Options ▸ Language Settings ▸ Languages ▸ Default languages ▸ Asian (and make the button visible with right-click)."
 msgstr "Om in \"Writer\" die knoppie \"Vertikale teks\" op die tekenbalk te aktiveer, kies »Ekstras ▸ Opsies ... ▸ Taalinstellings ▸ Tale ▸ Verstek tale« en aktiveer die merkerveld 'Asiaties'  (indien nodig, aktiveer die simbool deur met die rechtermuisknop op die werkbalk en \"Maak knoppies sigbaar\" te klik)."
 #. mmG7g
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:213
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:212
 msgid "To quickly zoom in on range selection, right click on the zoom part of the status bar and choose Optimal."
 msgstr "Om vinnig op 'n geselekteerde gebied in te zoom, met die regter-muisknop klik op die gebied Skaal in die statusbalk en kies Optimaal."
 #. FDNiA
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:214
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:213
 msgid "You can sign existing PDF files and also verify those signatures."
 msgstr "Bestaande PDF-lêers kan onderteken word en hul handtekeninge nagegaan word."
 #. hDiRV
 #. local help missing
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:215
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:214
 msgid "Often create one document from another? Consider using a template."
 msgstr "As u dikwels 'n dokument van 'n ander een maak om die formatering te hergebruik, moet u dit oorweeg om 'n sjabloon-dokument te gebruik."
 #. nESeG
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:216
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:215
 msgid "Use Format ▸ Conditional Formatting ▸ Manage in Calc to find out which cells have been defined with conditional formatting."
 msgstr "Om uit te vind vir watter selle voorwaardelike formatering in \"Calc\" gedefinieër is, kies »Formaat ▸ Voorwaardelike formatering ▸ Hersien ... «."
 #. tWQPD
 #. https://help.libreoffice.org/%PRODUCTVERSION/%LANGUAGENAME/text/scalc/01/05120000.html
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:217
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:216
 msgid "Tools ▸ Detective ▸ Mark Invalid Data highlights all cells in the sheet that contain values outside the validation rules."
 msgstr "Om in \"Calc\" alle selle in 'n tabel met waardes buite die geldigheidsreëls uit te wys, kies »Ekstras ▸ Detective ▸Omsirkel ongeldige data«."
 #. 4V4Vw
 #. local help missing
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:218
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:217
 msgid "Use font embedding for greater interoperability with other office suites at File ▸ Properties ▸ Font."
 msgstr "Gebruik font-inbedding vir beter interwerking met ander Office-toepassings, kies »File ▸ Eienskappe... ▸ Font«."
 #. 9Uy9Q
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:219
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:218
 msgid "To convert a formula into static values you do not need to copy/paste; use Data ▸ Calculate ▸ Formula to Value."
 msgstr "U hoef nie 'n formule te kopieer en te plak om dit na statiese waardes te omskep nie; kies »Data ▸ Bereken ▸ Formule na Waarde«."
 #. rxKUR
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:220
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:219
 msgid "You can reformat all comments in a document by clicking the down arrow in a comment and choose “Format all Comments”."
 msgstr "In \"Writer\" kan u alle opmerkings in 'n dokument tegelyk herformateer deur op die afwaartse pyltjie in 'n opmerking te klik en kies \"Formateer alle opmerkings\"."
 #. 3masz
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:221
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:220
 msgid "Want the same layout for the screen display and printing? Check Tools ▸ Options ▸ %PRODUCTNAME Calc ▸ General ▸ Use printer metrics for text formatting."
 msgstr "Om  in \"Calc\" dieselfde uitleg te gebruik vir die skermvertoning en drukwerk kies »Ekstras ▸ Opsies ... ▸ %PRODUKTNAME Bereken ▸ Algemeen ▸ Merkblokkie: 'gebruik drukkerdimensies vir teksformatering'«."
 #. zD57W
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:222
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:221
 msgid "Writer helps you to make backups: with File ▸ Save a Copy you create a new document continuing to work on the original."
 msgstr "Om 'n rugsteun te maak, kies »File ▸ Save a copy ...« en skep u 'n nuwe dokument. Werk dan voort met die oorspronklike."
 #. fkvVZ
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:223
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:222
 msgid "When you have created a Style based on another, you can enter a percentage value or a point value (e.g. 110% or −2pt or +5pt)."
 msgstr "As u 'n sjabloon in \"Writer\" gebasseer op 'n ander een skep, kan u 'n persentasie- of puntwaarde invoer (byvoorbeeld 110% of -2 pt of + 5 pk)."
 #. PBjFr
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:224
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:223
 msgid "To copy a comment without losing the content of the target cell you should use Paste Special and uncheck everything except “Comments” in dialog. Use Operations “Add” to not override existing content."
 msgstr "Om slegs 'n opmerking in \"Calc\" te kopieer en om die inhoud van die teiken te behou, gebruik die \"Paste Special\"-opdrag, ontmerk alles in die dialoogvenster behalwe \"Comments\" en gebruik die \"Add\" -bewerking."
 #. Mu27G
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:225
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:224
 msgid "Batch convert your MS Office documents to OpenDocument format by the Document Converter wizard in menu File ▸ Wizards ▸ Document converter."
 msgstr "Om u MS Office-dokumente in OpenDocument-formaat te omskep met behulp van die dokumentomskakelaar, kies »File ▸ Slimmerd ▸ Dokument Omskakelaar...«."
 #. WMueE
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:226
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:225
 msgid "When editing a cell in place, you can right click and Insert fields: Date, Sheet name, Document title, etc."
 msgstr "Wanneer u 'n sel in \"Calc\" verander, kan u met regter-muisklik en dan kies van 'veld invoeg' opdragte soos datum, tabelnaam, dokumenttitel ens."
 #. qAVmk
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:227
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:226
 msgid "Need to move a Writer table? Table ▸ Select ▸ Table and Insert ▸ Frame ▸ Frame and move where you want."
 msgstr "Om die bladsynommer van u inhoudsopgawe in \"Writer\" te verwyder, kies »Invoeg ▸ Gids ▸ Gids ...« (of regter muisklik en wysig die voorheen ingevoegde gids). Op die blad \"Inskrywings\", verwyder die bladsynommer (#) van die struktuurreël."
 #. TmaSP
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:228
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:227
 msgid "With Tools ▸ AutoText ▸ AutoText ▸ Import you can select a Word document or a template containing the AutoText entries that you want to import."
 msgstr "Kies  »Ekstras ▸ Autotext... ▸ (knoppie): Outotext ▸ Import ...« om outotext-inskrywings vanaf 'n Word-dokument of sjabloon in te voer."
 #. kwxqQ
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:229
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:228
 msgid "Do not insert manual breaks to separate two paragraphs. Rather change Indents & Spacing ▸ Spacing ▸ Below paragraph at the style/paragraph properties."
 msgstr "In plaas daarvan om leë reëls in\"Writer\" in te voeg om twee paragrawe te skei, is dit beter om »Formaat ▸ Paragraaf... ▸ Register: Inkeping en spasies ▸ Oppervlakte: Spasiëring ▸ Eienskappe: Onder Paragraaf en Style« en die waarde daar te verander of die posisie self aan te pas by Paragraaf formateer."
 #. rxTGc
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:230
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:229
 msgid "Keep the zeros before a number by using the “leading zeroes” cell format option or format the cell as text before entering the number."
 msgstr "Om die voorafgaande nulle in \"Calc\" te kry, gebruik die voorstaande nulformaat opsie of formuleer die sel vooraf as teks formaat."
 #. jkXFE
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:231
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:230
 msgid "Want to return to default after applying a list style? Click Bullets or Numbering On/Off tool on the Formatting toolbar."
 msgstr "Om terug te keer na die verstek-instellings in \"Writer\" nadat u enige lys-jabloon toegepas het, klik op Kolparagrawe / Genommerde lys Aan/Af op die formateer-balk."
 #. wAFRP
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:232
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:231
 msgid "Delete all of your printing areas in one step: select all sheets, then Format ▸ Print Ranges ▸ Clear."
 msgstr "Om alle drukareas in \"Calc\" in een stap uit te vee, kies al die tabelle en kies dan »Formateer ▸ Drukareas ▸ Verwyder«."
 #. Cqtjg
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:233
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:232
 msgid "Add background images to spreadsheets via Insert ▸ Image or drag a background from the Gallery, then Format ▸ Arrange ▸ To Background."
 msgstr "Om 'n agtergrondprent aan 'n \"Calc\"-tabel toe te voeg, kies »Insert ▸ Image...« of trek dit oor uit die Gallery in die tabel, en kies dan »Formaat ▸ Layout ▸ Op Agtergrond«."
 #. khFDu
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:234
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:233
 msgid "Having trouble pasting text from PDF files or webpages into documents? Try to paste as unformatted text (%MOD1+%MOD2+Shift+V)."
 msgstr "As u probleme ondervind om teks vanaf PDF-lêers of webblaaie in dokumente in te voeg, probeer om dit as gewone teks in te plaas ([%MOD1 + %MOD2 + Shift + V])."
 #. BtaBD
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:235
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:234
 msgid "In Calc use TRIMMEAN() to return the mean of a data set excluding the highest and lowest values."
 msgstr "In \"Calc\" gebruik die funksie = GETRIMD.GEM() om die gemiddelde van 'n datastel te bepaal sonder die hoogste en laagste waardes."
 #. U2cxc
 #. local help missing
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:236
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:235
 msgid "The 4th optional parameter of VLOOKUP Calc function indicates whether the first column of data is sorted. If not, enter FALSE or zero."
 msgstr "Die 4e opsionele parameters van die funksie VLOOKUP van \"Calc\", dui aan dat die eerste kolom met data is vooraf gesorteer. Sou dit nie die geval wees nie, gee ONWAAR of nul, aan."
 #. LThNS
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:237
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:236
 msgid "Toolbars are contextual—they open depending on the context. If you do not want that, uncheck them from View ▸ Toolbars."
 msgstr "Nutsbalke is konteks sensitief, hull open volgens die konteks. As u dit nie wil hê nie, deaktiveer dit onder »View ▸ Toolbars«."
 #. XzmhB
-#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:238
+#: cui/inc/tipoftheday.hrc:237

... etc. - the rest is truncated

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