[Libreoffice-commits] core.git: Branch 'feature/ooxml-analyze' - bin/compare-ooxml-analyze-results.py

Gülşah Köse (via logerrit) logerrit at kemper.freedesktop.org
Fri May 28 20:40:46 UTC 2021

 bin/compare-ooxml-analyze-results.py |  145 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 145 insertions(+)

New commits:
commit 076e9b84985ef81912d5f58da241d790ae17ed33
Author:     Gülşah Köse <gulsah.kose at collabora.com>
AuthorDate: Fri May 28 23:37:36 2021 +0300
Commit:     Gülşah Köse <gulsah.kose at collabora.com>
CommitDate: Fri May 28 23:37:36 2021 +0300

    Compares the ooxml analyze results.
    Takes the ooxml-analyze tool output files and compares.
    We can only detect missing or extra texts between the elements.
    Change-Id: I07df20d51efa10077818d30d26e4999c51ed8d12

diff --git a/bin/compare-ooxml-analyze-results.py b/bin/compare-ooxml-analyze-results.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..d0d89fc30a31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/compare-ooxml-analyze-results.py
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+import sys, getopt, os, pprint, ast
+original_results_dir = ''
+saved_results_dir = ''
+def main(argv):
+   #read the arguments
+   try:
+      opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv,"ho:s:",["original=","saved="])
+   except getopt.GetoptError:
+      print ('compare-ooxml-analyze-results.py -o <original results> -s <saved results>')
+      sys.exit(2)
+   for opt, arg in opts:
+      if opt == '-h':
+         print ('compare-ooxml-analyze-results.py -o <original results> -s <saved results>')
+         sys.exit()
+      elif opt in ("-o", "--original"):
+         global original_results_dir
+         original_results_dir = arg
+      elif opt in ("-s", "--saved"):
+         global saved_results_dir
+         saved_results_dir = arg
+   # takes file list produced by ooxml-analyze.py tool.
+   original_result_files = get_list_of_files(original_results_dir)
+   saved_result_files = get_list_of_files(saved_results_dir)
+   compare(original_result_files, saved_result_files)
+def get_list_of_files(directory_name):
+   list_of_file = os.listdir(directory_name)
+   all_files = list()
+   for filename in list_of_file:
+      full_path = os.path.join(directory_name, filename)
+      if os.path.isdir(full_path):
+         all_files = all_files + get_list_of_files(full_path)
+      else:
+         all_files.append(full_path)
+   return all_files
+# compares the  elements the original results and and after saved results.
+def compare(original_result_files, saved_result_files):
+   ind = 1
+   for original_filepath in original_result_files:
+      saved_filepath = get_corresponding_file(original_filepath)
+      if saved_filepath == '':
+         print("No result file after roundtrip for " + original_filepath)
+         continue
+      original_result_list = create_list_from_result_file(original_filepath)
+      saved_result_list = create_list_from_result_file(saved_filepath)
+      check_text_contents(original_result_list, saved_result_list)
+# checks if we missed any text content after saving the file.
+def check_text_contents(original_result_list, saved_result_list):
+   # detect if we lost or added any text on existing texts of original version.
+   for line in original_result_list:
+      text_dict = line[3]
+      if not bool(text_dict): # check if text context is empty
+         continue
+      tag = list(line[0].keys())[0] #if there is a text context, find the owner tag.
+      for sline in saved_result_list:
+         stag = list(sline[0].keys())[0]
+         if stag == tag: # check if saved results has same tag too.
+            saved_text_dict = sline[3]
+            if text_dict != saved_text_dict:
+               for key, val in text_dict.items():
+                  if key not in saved_text_dict.keys():
+                     print ("We lost %d \"%s\" text in %s tag." % (val, key, tag))
+                  elif val > saved_text_dict[key]:
+                     print ("We lost %d \"%s\" text in %s tag." % (val - saved_text_dict[key], key, tag))
+                  elif val < saved_text_dict[key]:
+                     print("We added extra %d \"%s\" text in %s tag" % (saved_text_dict[key] - val, key, tag))
+   # detect if we add any new text that not existed in original version
+   for line in saved_result_list:
+      saved_text_dict = line[3]
+      if not bool(saved_text_dict): # check if text context is empty
+         continue
+      tag = list(line[0].keys())[0] #if there is a text context, find the owner tag.
+      for sline in original_result_list:
+         stag = list(sline[0].keys())[0]
+         if stag == tag: # check if original results has same tag too.
+            text_dict = sline[3]
+            if saved_text_dict != text_dict:
+               for key, val in saved_text_dict.items():
+                  if key not in text_dict.keys():
+                     print ("We add extra %d \"%s\" text in %s tag." % (val, key, tag))
+#reads the file context and create the result list structer from.
+# eg res_list[[{},{},{},{}],[{},{},{},{}]...]                                                                 ]
+def create_list_from_result_file(filepath):
+   result_list = []
+   result_file = open(filepath, 'r')
+   for line in result_file.readlines():
+      tmp_list = [{}, {}, {}, {}]
+      i = line.find('{')
+      j = line.find('},')
+      tmp_list[0] = ast.literal_eval(line[i:j+1])
+      line = line[j+1:]
+      i = line.find('{')
+      j = line.find('},')
+      tmp_list[1] = ast.literal_eval(line[i:j+1])
+      line = line[j+1:]
+      i = line.find('{')
+      j = line.find('},')
+      tmp_list[2] = ast.literal_eval(line[i:j+1])
+      line = line[j+1:]
+      i = line.find('{')
+      j = line.find('}]')
+      tmp_list[3] = ast.literal_eval(line[i:j+1])
+      result_list.append(tmp_list)
+   return result_list
+# takes the original result file and returns corresponding saved one's path
+def get_corresponding_file(filepath):
+   i = filepath.rfind('/')
+   filename = filepath[i+1:]
+   saved_filepath = os.path.join(saved_results_dir, filename)
+   if(os.path.exists(saved_filepath)):
+      return saved_filepath
+   return ''
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main(sys.argv[1:])

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