[Libreoffice-qa] Bug submission assistant : status report

Alexander Thurgood alex.thurgood at gmail.com
Fri Sep 9 08:18:01 PDT 2011

Hi Loic,

Le 09/09/11 17:07, Loic Dachary a écrit :
> Hi,
> Today I rewrote entirely the bug submission assistant. In the past
week, most of the technical questions were resolved and I was finally
able to create a consistent code base (if this applies to a software
that amounts to less than 200 LOC ;-).
> The result is at
> https://bugassistant.libreoffice.org/libreoffice/bug/bug.html

I went to the page above and got through step 1 after signing in, but if
I enter Database as the main component, the script halts at step 2 with
the subcomponent choice, and there seems to be no way to go any further.


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