[Libreoffice-qa] preparing QA talk for FOSDEM

Nino Novak nn.libo at kflog.org
Sun Jan 29 05:00:13 PST 2012

Am Samstag, 28. Januar 2012, 14:14:15 schrieb Luc Castermans:
> Op 27-01-12 16:17, Cor Nouws schreef:
> > Hi Nino,
> > 
> > Nino Novak wrote (27-01-12 15:09)
> > 
> >> Personally I have the impression / concern that Quality is getting one
> >> of the main challenges of LibreOffice as it seems to decrease more
> >> and more> 
> > I disagree with you.
> > And it's not an answer to my serious question. Sorry about that.
> Seems you guys talk opinion wise.   Could we have some facts ?

No hard facts from my side, only feelings, impressions, concerns. I'm using 
LibO myself and watching mailing lists, so my feelings are simply based on 
what I experience and what I read in the lists.

However, my wish to monitor "bug-free usage" comes exactly out of the desire 
to collect some (hard) facts. 


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