[Libreoffice-qa] Triage Project Update

Joel Madero jmadero.dev at gmail.com
Tue Sep 4 10:18:59 PDT 2012

Hi All,

I have done a complete update of the google document, this being said, if
you named a sheet to your name, it's gone. Noel pointed out that a lot of
the bugs on the sheet were already triaged so I just started from scratch.
I'm still hoping the web team can help us move this away from google docs
and get it automated a bit but for now, it is what it is. Please go back to
the link:


Choose a sheet, and continue doing the great work. Here are the #'s as they
stand now:

*We are down to 893 bugs that are >= 30 days in unconfirmed status. If we
can get just a few more people to dedicate a bit of time we can be caught
up for our back log and hopefully set a goal (I think all bugs should be
triaged in <30 days, but if that's not possible most should be 60).*
Thanks Noel for pointing out that they were really out of date, just shows
how much time people are spending getting this project done.

I'll update every 1-2 weeks, during which time I will set the sheet as
private so it'll boot you out if you're working on it (sorry, no other way

Lastly, there are certain sections which only have a few bugs, if
someone(s) can take these and just get them off the list that would be
great. These sections are:
Filters & Storage
Formula Editor
Graphics Stack
Printing & PDF Export

Some of these only have 1-5 bugs to triage. It'll make my job easier in a
couple weeks if these are dealt with -- otherwise I have to filter out and
create the sheets and what not.

Thanks again everyone, great work

Best Regards,

On Wed, Aug 29, 2012 at 10:10 PM, Joel Madero <jmadero.dev at gmail.com> wrote:

> Math was off for averages ;) still doing a good job everyone.
> On Aug 29, 2012 9:40 PM, "Joel Madero" <jmadero.dev at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Well we're 24 days into the project and there is mostly good news
>> (although some bad news is there as well). So bad news first.
>> Overall we're down only about 200 or so bugs in 24 days. This takes into
>> account the new bugs since 8/5 that have been filed which has been a lot.
>> This is also good news as it means our user base is growing and taking an
>> interest in reporting.
>> On to the good news:
>> Start Date:           8/5/2012
>> Days Since Start: 24
>> Bugs Triaged:       568! (way to go everyone, I know a lot of these are
>> in NEEDINFO status....but it's still means we touched the bug which is the
>> goal, letting our users know we care :) )
>> Some other good news:
>> Average Length of Time Since Last Action: 66 days (prior to project start
>> # was 89)
>> Median Length of Time Since Last Action: 56 days (prior to project start
>> # was 85)
>> These are all incredibly good.
>> Congrats to everyone working on this project, I think we can meet some
>> reasonable goals by the end of the year and work on starting new projects
>> once this back log is finally taken care of.
>> Best Regards,
>> Joel
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