[Libreoffice-qa] French bug in Bugzilla

Florian Reisinger reisi007 at gmail.com
Fri Mar 29 02:16:56 PDT 2013


IZBot (IRC channel LibreOffice-QA) had some interesting news:

VIEWING: problème dans la représentation de l'axe des X dans un 
diagramme du classeur:

My question is, how to deal with such bugs, as they are only 
comprehensible for French QA members..?
Would it be possible to set up a query, which searches after French 
words in Bugzilla? [Okay, this is a little bit rhetorical. It should be 
possible. But will it be checked??]

<-- Search for "problème"

Thanks for your reply,

Liebe Grüße, / Yours,
Florian Reisinger

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