[Libreoffice-qa] Fostering project internal communication

Florian Effenberger floeff at documentfoundation.org
Sat May 4 06:39:35 PDT 2013


sorry for spamming all the lists, but in the light of recent events and 
discussions, I'd like to make all of you aware of an important mailing 
list, that so far has not been used as extensively as it should be, 
which led to some frustration and communication issues.

As part of our mission to foster the project internal communication, I'd 
like to tell you about our so called projects mailing list, which Sophie 
initiated quite a while ago, and which should be used for communication 
amongst the various projects - e.g. design and marketing, development 
and marketing, UX and development, and the like.

The list's intention is not to be a gossip list where everything should 
be thrown at, but to make all affected projects aware of important 
changes. Philosophy: Low traffic, but important topics.

Some examples are: Change of version numbers, a new slogan, design 
changes, new products. In other words: Everything that has an impact on 
other areas of working than the one where the change originally comes from.

If one team decides LibreOffice will now be called different, and has a 
shiny new colour, surely marketing should know in time. Well, a bit of a 
made up example, but you get the point... ;-)

We have seen some unpleasant events in the past, that based on my 
experience, are mostly due to the lack of communication, or due to 
miscommunication. To avoid that in the future, I'd like to call out to 
everyone of you, if you are active in one of the subprojects, to also 
join this mailing list by sending an empty e-mail to

	projects+subscribe at global.libreoffice.org

and following the instructions mailed back. At least one or two 
representatives from *each* project should join this list, to act as a 

I will soon follow up further with some details and topics that have 
reached me the past weeks, and how we could solve them.

Again, sorry for spamming, and have a great weekend!

Florian Effenberger, Chairman of the Board (Vorstandsvorsitzender)
Tel: +49 8341 99660880 | Mobile: +49 151 14424108
The Document Foundation, Zimmerstr. 69, 10117 Berlin, Germany
Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
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