[Libreoffice-qa] minutes of ESC call ...

Michael Meeks michael.meeks at suse.com
Thu May 23 08:04:14 PDT 2013

* Present:
	+ Thorsten, Lionel, Joel, David, Michael M, Markus, Kendy, Ahmad,
	  Andras, Kohei, Tsahi, Caolan, Stephan, Bjoern, Cedric, Petr

* Completed Action items:
	+ double check Lionel's list-box / API change (Eike)
		[ Done. The two properties added to
		  com.sun.star.form.component.DataBaseListBox are
		  marked optional which doesn't harm existing clients. ]
	+ Hackfest: connect to University of Hamburg (Eike)
	+ Mac: open/save of odt broken (Stephan)
		+ https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=58978
	+ disable gallery building on Mac (Norbert)
	+ enable coretext for 4.1 / Mac betas (Norbert)
	+ printing options meta-bug creation (Joel)
		+ https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=64679
	+ Hackfest: promote it on http://www.meetup.com/find/ (Bjoern)
		[ stalled, needs a for-pay account ]
	+ Hackfest: promote it on http://lanyrd.com/dashboard/ (Bjoern)
	+ buy fast Windows build hardware (Norbert, Kendy)
		+ bought two boxes
        + look at gradient issues (Caolan)
	+ setup Mac hardware as tinderbox slave (Norbert)
		[ looking good, up and running, incremental one ]
		[ would be great to have a 10.6 build-bot (Stephan)
			+ came with 10.8 - havn't found one (Norbert) ]
	+ find a good public ? test / webdav server for QA (Thorsten)
		[ drop it for now, still on Thorsten's list ]
	+ fix can't progress through the database wizard (Petr)
		+ https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=62937
	+ follow up certification invitations (Cert. team)
		[ sent out reminders, most responded ]
        + need design for copying styles between templates (Astron/UX)
		+ status from Cor (thanks !)
		+ one issue (editing templates) looks solved
		+ ideas for second (copying styles) looks promising
		  (but perhaps has code difficulties for 'copying' what
		   works in sw to sc)
		+ input for third (visibility of various) still welcome
		+ and this split thread

* Pending Action items:
	+ feedback on stepped-lines dialog (Astron)
	+ buy fast Windows build hardware (Markus, Thorsten)
AI:		+ get info to Markus on what to get, or Hamburg Hackfest sync. (Thorsten)
	+ kill calc / inherited number formatting for 4.1 (Markus)
		[ in progress, several issues around it ]
	+ revive writer default templates discussion - pwrt. incremental change (Ahmad)
		[ busy the last weeks, starting next week ]
	+ 4.1 issues:
		+ fix gallery building on Mac (Michael?)

* Release Engineering update (Petr)
        + 3.6.7 schedule - deadline: June 24th for rc1
	+ 4.0.4 rc1 - ** Monday **
	+ 4.1 Beta1 status
		+ done the Beta1 tag
		+ created the libreoffice-4-1 branch
			+ any bug fixes without review still welcome there
			  until end of Beta period.
			+ features need tripple review.
		+ Linux + Mac builds done, Windows pending
	+ 4.1 - feature-freeze / retrospective / update
		+ problems with public holidays on Monday
		+ problems with release configuration (all-langs) vs.
		  fast tinderbox builds
			+ nice to have an all-langs Win32 tinderbox (Michael)
		+ good to have more tinderboxes - 4x new ones coming.
		+ good to share access to TDF machines to nurse them.
		+ budget left for hosted Linux boxes - volunteers appreciated.
	+ 4.1 MABs:
		+ scroll right/left - pending a patch from Emir
		+ superscript bug - Lubos chasing ...
	+ 4.1 pending / watch features / issues
		+ wiki page needs updating with features:
			+ http://wiki.documentfoundation.org/ReleaseNotes/4.1
		+ match-case search (Andrzej)
			+ to merge to 4-1 (Michael)
	+ should experimental features be exempt from the freeze ?
		+ Kendy has a nice sidebar cleanup
		+ how to determine that ? (Norbert)
			+ perhaps just a single review (Michael)
		+ [ beta period single review ]

* QA update (Joel)
	+ no hiccups, stable bug-count
	+ Need_Advice bugs input appreciated
		+ http://tinyurl.com/ce6d8km
	+ https://bugs.freedesktop.org/page.cgi?id=weekly-bug-summary.html
		+ closing the gap:
			+ +135 	-127
	+ working on stats for March / April
	+ working on an bugs.freedesktop.org navigation video (Joel)
	+ what do with many-comment many-cc bugs that are growing ?
		+ bring them up in ESC as/when added
		+ http://tinyurl.com/atrr7xr
		+ an OS/X bug ... - lots of dups.
			+ https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=39007
			+ Norbert already had a fix.
			+ input appreciated.

* Hamburg hack-fest (Thorsten)
	+ Reminder to book travel
		+ https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Hackfest/Hamburg2013
		+ we have TDF travel budget $1k to spend
			+ approved Caolan, Michael, Thorsten
	+ If you're coming - please add your name to the wiki
		+ helps with food ordering
AI:		+ add KACST guys to wiki (Ahmad)

* Report from San Francisco meet-up (Bjoern)
	+ not a large number of participants, but just a first meet-up
		+ all interested, more permanant presence needed
	+ more promotion needed next time

* gerrit mails decision (Bjoern / Kendy)
	+ find out how many subscribers on the dev list (Kendy)
		+ 598 full mails and 186 digest guys
	+ Proposed compromise: (decide on it next time)
		+ build a daily digest of submitted patches -> dev list
			+ with commit messages, authors, links etc.
		+ turn other notifications off
		+ better document the gerrit mail / notification settings
		+ encourage people who want to see everything to do that.
	+ concern around workload for gerrit sending lots
	  more mail out (Norbert)
		+ suck it and see for a week (Michael)
	+ Go with the compromise
AI:		+ get the digest bits setup (Bjoern)
		+ already have a script by David for that, put that
		  into the dev-tools/ repository bikeshedding there.

* GSOC update (Cedric)
	+ handled and retained two duplicate students so far
		+ de-duplication meeting tomorrow
	+ no notification of students until Google announce that
		+ by May 27th - students will know.
	+ smooth progress - thanks to Cedric + Fridrich

* UX input
	+ no-designer around.

* Better communication / hangouts / webcams (Michael)
	+ google hangouts restrict us to 10x people
	+ video/audio mix is possible
	+ try next time to fuse a hangout + the existing dial-in
AI:	+ send gmail contact details to Michael to build a circle (All interested)

* Scattered dependent packages issues (Bjoern)
	+ minor LibreOffice updates often require a slew of
	  other minor package updates around the wpd* set
		+ do we have any visibility into if this might
		  cause regressions
	+ no good ideas how to solve it
	+ for SUSE (Petr)
		+ we build them bundled for older products
		+ don't have big problems updating the set otherwise
	+ could use the bundled versions, but against Debian policy (Bjoern)
		+ could ask for exceptions for wpd* - unlikely to work well
	+ could fix by not updating requirements in configure (Petr)
		+ all ABI back-compatible within the series (Michael)
	=> recommend to keep binary compat in the major series after x.y.2
	   and stick with old versions in releases (if possible)
		+ if not possible, mail Bjoern.

** Hard Hacks - re-visit (Joel / Bjoern)
	+ https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/HardHacks
	+ lots of progress - but mostly by fixing MABs
		+ calc slot 'open' for weeks.
	+ QA call mostly ok with sunsetting it, did it's job
	  for it's time (Bjoern)
	+ QA team has got bigger, and has been fixing prioritisation
	  which does something similar (Joel)
	+ The new 'need-advice' keyword helps the QA <-> Developer
	  communication around hard (to confirm) bugs.

* Certification Program (Stephan/Kendy/Bjoern)
	+ discussion about certified developer logo, do we have one ? (Stephan)
	+ need to send certificates out.

* QA request - for areas to test (Joel)
	+ need to have some areas to go dig at, that is easy to find
	+ QA looked into 3.6.x series to see how many regressions happened
	  within the series, work pending there.

* Open 4.1 MAB
        + 3 (of 23) older 4/17 3/16 3/16 3/14 2/13 2/11 4/10 5/10 5/10 4/8 4/8
        + https://bugs.freedesktop.org/showdependencytree.cgi?id=60270&hide_resolved=1

* Open 4.0 MAB
        + 16 (of 128) older 18/129 17/126 18/125 24/122 22/118 19/115 18/112 17/111
             13%             14%    13%    14%     20%    19%    17%    16%    15%
        + https://bugs.freedesktop.org/showdependencytree.cgi?id=54157&hide_resolved=1

* 3.6 most annoying bugs ...
        + 69 (of 231) older 71/229 72/228 75/226 75/225 75/225 75/223 73/218 74/216
             30%             31%    32%    33%    33%    34%    33%    34%    36%
        + https://bugs.freedesktop.org/showdependencytree.cgi?id=44446&hide_resolved=1

* Bibisected bugs open: whiteboard 'bibsected'
        + 36 (of 105) older 35/100 36/100 30/90 28/88 26/85 24/83 27/83 25/78 29/78

* all bugs tagged with 'regression'
	+ 304(+2) bugs open of 1553(+23) total

	* ~Component   count net *
	        Writer - 100 (+3)
	   Spreadsheet -  34 (+1)
	  Presentation -  28 (-2)
	   Libreoffice -  27 (+1)
	       Crashes -  22 (+0)
	      Database -  21 (-1)
	       Drawing -  20 (+1)
	       Borders -  14 (+0)
	         BASIC -   3 (-1)
	     Migration -   3 (+0)

        + https://bugs.freedesktop.org/buglist.cgi?keywords=regression%2C%20&keywords_type=allwords&resolution=---&query_format=advanced&product=LibreOffice&list_id=36764
        + Migration: https://bugs.freedesktop.org/showdependencytree.cgi?id=43489&hide_resolved=1

michael.meeks at suse.com  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

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