[Libreoffice-qa] NEEDINFO Bugs

Joel Madero jmadero.dev at gmail.com
Sun May 26 15:35:32 PDT 2013

Hi All,

I've done the first round of "warnings" to NEEDINFO bugs that are 
stagnant. You may receive a group of emails about this, within the last 
2 minutes I've done 140 or so.

The link for these bugs can be found here: 

We will be tracking the progress of these bugs moving forward to see how 
many are not updated by the reporter so that we know how successful this 
project is. Also, I will be doing ~50-100 daily until I am caught up to 
the bugs that have been stagnant for at least 6 months.

Thanks all for your patience, apologies it too me so long to get this done.

Warm Regards,

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