[Libreoffice-qa] Crash with alpha 1, working with dev 2014-04-20

Florian Reisinger florei at libreoffice.org
Wed Apr 23 09:05:38 PDT 2014

Hi Chris, @ all,

I am experiencing a crash with alpha1, but not with the daily build. The 
document is from https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=69313 --> 

Here what Visual studio [PS: I am on Windows] gives me from the alpha1 
(I guess not helpful, but take that as a question)
01092879  push        ebp
0109287A  mov         ebp,esp
0109287C  mov         edx,dword ptr [ebp+8]
0109287F  push        esi
01092880  mov         esi,0FF00h
01092885  mov         eax,edx
01092887  and         eax,esi
01092889  mov         ecx,edx
0109288B  shl         ecx,10h
0109288E  add         eax,ecx
01092890  mov         ecx,edx
01092892  shr         ecx,8
01092895  and         ecx,esi
01092897  shl         eax,8
0109289A  add         eax,ecx
0109289C  shr         edx,18h
0109289F  add         eax,edx
010928A1  pop         esi
010928A2  pop         ebp
010928A3  ret
010928A4  push        ebp
010928A5  mov         ebp,esp
010928A7  mov         ecx,dword ptr [ebp+8]
010928AA  movzx       eax,cx
010928AD  shr         eax,8
010928B0  shl         ecx,8
010928B3  add         eax,ecx
010928B5  pop         ebp
010928B6  ret
010928B7  and         dword ptr ds:[10BCCD4h],0
010928BE  ret
010928BF  push        ebp
010928C0  mov         ebp,esp
010928C2  push        edi
010928C3  xor         edi,edi
010928C5  cmp         dword ptr [ebp+8],edi
010928C8  jne         __lfind+1Fh (010928DEh)
010928CA  call        __errno (01001BBCh)
010928CF  mov         dword ptr [eax],16h
010928D5  call        __invalid_parameter_noinfo (0108F92Eh)
010928DA  xor         eax,eax
010928DC  jmp         __lfind+5Bh (0109291Ah)
010928DE  push        ebx
010928DF  mov         ebx,dword ptr [ebp+10h]
010928E2  test        ebx,ebx
010928E4  jne         __lfind+3Bh (010928FAh)
010928E6  call        __errno (01001BBCh)
010928EB  mov         dword ptr [eax],16h
010928F1  call        __invalid_parameter_noinfo (0108F92Eh)
010928F6  xor         eax,eax
010928F8  jmp         __lfind+5Ah (01092919h)
010928FA  push        esi
010928FB  mov         esi,dword ptr [ebp+0Ch]
010928FE  test        esi,esi
01092900  jne         __lfind+5Eh (0109291Dh)
01092902  cmp         dword ptr [ebx],edi
01092904  je          __lfind+5Eh (0109291Dh)
01092906  call        __errno (01001BBCh)
0109290B  mov         dword ptr [eax],16h
01092911  call        __invalid_parameter_noinfo (0108F92Eh)
01092916  xor         eax,eax
01092918  pop         esi
01092919  pop         ebx
0109291A  pop         edi
0109291B  pop         ebp
0109291C  ret
0109291D  cmp         dword ptr [ebp+14h],edi
01092920  jbe         __lfind+47h (01092906h)
01092922  cmp         dword ptr [ebp+18h],edi
01092925  je          __lfind+47h (01092906h)
01092927  cmp         dword ptr [ebx],edi
01092929  jbe         __lfind+57h (01092916h)
0109292B  push        esi
0109292C  push        dword ptr [ebp+8]
0109292F  call        dword ptr [ebp+18h]
01092932  pop         ecx
01092933  pop         ecx
01092934  test        eax,eax
01092936  je          __lfind+83h (01092942h)
01092938  add         esi,dword ptr [ebp+14h]
0109293B  inc         edi
0109293C  cmp         edi,dword ptr [ebx]
0109293E  jae         __lfind+57h (01092916h)
01092940  jmp         __lfind+6Ch (0109292Bh)
01092942  mov         eax,esi
01092944  jmp         __lfind+59h (01092918h)
The exact line is: "010928B7  and         dword ptr ds:[10BCCD4h],0"

Liebe Grüße | Yours,
Florian Reisinger

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