[Libreoffice-qa] minutes of ESC call ... (2014-07-17)

Bjoern Michaelsen bjoern.michaelsen at canonical.com
Thu Jul 17 07:57:49 PDT 2014

* Present: Muthu, Bjoern, Eike, Mirek, Miklos, David, Norbert, Cloph, Andras,
           Caolan, Jacobo, Moggi, Kohei

* Completed Action Items:
    + try to add per-process resource limits for crashtest (Markus)
        + eg. bash's builtin ulimit [-SHacdflmnpstuv [limit]] etc.
    + switch a windows tinderbox to mst-make post 4.3 (Cloph)
        + master tinderbox (51) does this, impressive improvement
          (delta 30 minutes, release build 90 minutes now)
    + disable the new colors of formatting marks for Mac if this causes it (Quikee)

* Pending Action Items:
    + ask UX advise wrt. wrench icons (revert or not ?) (Astron)
    + blog about the sad realities of web plugins (Bjoern)
    + setup some VM's that can be created on-demand (Cloph)
        + in progress
    + open-source newer Synezip tests / speak at the conference (Umesh)
    + Ask for 1-2 more dev-list moderators & re-visit next-week (Michael)
    + contact Michael / the list when students show up (Jan Marek)

* GSOC Update (Cedric)
    + at least 6 students will be at the conference in Bern
    + a student presentation slot has been created:
        + thus students can prepare a 5-6 minute lightning talk on their project

* Release Engineering update (Christian)
    + 4.2.6 status
        + four open changes on gerrit for libreoffice-4-2-6, rc2 next week
    + 4.3.0 RC3 status
        + builds done
        + QA announce done
        + RC announce on libreoffice.org tonight
        + no open changes on gerrit for libreoffice-4-3-0
    + all on track (Cloph)
* Crashtest update (Markus)
    + crashes more frequently with 8 cores (moggi)
    + crash test machine reset to Mageia instead of Fedora, no reboots so far (Cloph)
* Certification Committee (Stephan/Bjoern/Kendy)
     + waiting until ~September

* Hackfests (Bjoern)
    + Boston Hackfest:
        + July 26-27th
        + https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Events/2014/US_Summer_Hackfest
            + Tough to line-up mentoring devs
                 + would appreciate developers via Google Hangout etc.
            + QA is happy to recruit programmers for our internal projects,
              but would like to share w/the dev team.
            + poke potential hosters again (Michael)
    + (possible) Seattle
        + Oct 25-27
        + Straw poll: Who could make these dates?
            + prolly better to ping people individually (Michael)
    + Munich hack-fest (Jan-Marek):
        + will have a BSP come-together; if someone says they're coming
          just show up etc.
           + November 21st-23rd, 2014
           + we should drop by with 2 or 3 developers, if possible
    + Toulouse Hackfest ...
        + Confirmed for Nov. 15-16th
        + more details: https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Hackfest/Toulouse2014
    + Be great to have -really- easy easy hacks for devs (Bjoern)
* 4.3 cycle Bugzilla stats (Bjoern)
                                         4.2           4.3                    Delta           Change
           BIBISECT    TOTAL             176           296                      120           68.18%
                       UNRESOLVED         60           100                       40           66.67%
                       RESOLVED          116           196                       80           68.97%
           DUPLICATES                   3725          4573                      848           22.77%
           FIXED       ALL              5320          6464                     1144           21.50%
                       ENHANCEMENTS      324           394                       70           21.60%
                       NON-ENHANCEMENTS 4996          6070                     1074           21.50%
                       enhancement fix ratio                                                   6.12%
           UNCONFIRMED                   790           977                      187           23.67%  Goal: <0% QA
           NEW         ALL              6473          7235                      762           11.77%
                       ENHANCEMENTS     1503          1745                      242           16.10%
                       NON-ENHANCEMENTS 4970          5490                      520           10.46%
           REGRESSIONS TOTAL            2206          2837                      631           28.60%
                       UNRESOLVED        349           408                       59           16.91%  Goal: <0% Development
                       RESOLVED         1857          2429                      572           30.80%
                       bibisect ratio  17.19%        24.51%                    7.32%          42.57%  Goal: >0% QA
                       bibisect resolution ratio                                              13.99% of fixed regressions were bibisected this cycle
                                                                                              66.66% of new bibisects were resolved this cycle

* QA (Robinson)
    + [ no Robinson ]
* UX Update (?)
    + [ no Astron / Mirek ]
* QA stats:
  + https://bugs.freedesktop.org/page.cgi?id=weekly-bug-summary.html
    +219    -286        (-67 overall)
    many thanks to the top bug squashers:
        QA Administrators   135
        Jay Philips         20
        Jean-Baptiste Faure 11
        Urmas               10
        ign_christian        9
        tommy27              6
        Kevin Suo            6
        Winfried Donkers     6
        Alexandr             6
        Jorendc              6
        Eike Rathke          5
        David Tardon         5
* Open 4.4 MAB
  + 2/5 1/2 1/1
  + https://bugs.freedesktop.org/showdependencytree.cgi?id=79641&hide_resolved=1
* Open 4.3 MAB
  + 14/45 19/43 10/32 6/27 5/24 5/22 3/20 5/16 4/12 2/8 3/7 2/5
     33%   44%   31%   22%  20%  22%  15%
  + https://bugs.freedesktop.org/showdependencytree.cgi?id=75025&hide_resolved=1
* Open 4.2 MAB
  + 82/229 81/222 76/215 74/212 74/210 71/207 71/205 73/200 64/190 62/184
     35%    36%    35%    34%    35%    34%    34%    36%    33%    33%
  + https://bugs.freedesktop.org/showdependencytree.cgi?id=65675&hide_resolved=1
* Bibisected bugs open: whiteboard 'bibsected'
  + 92/296 84/283 84/280 81/274 79/265 75/259 70/249 59/231 48/215
    + http://bit.ly/VQfF3Q
* all bugs tagged with 'regression'
    + 411(+7) bugs open of 2848(+30) total
            ~Component   count net *
                Writer - 123 (+2)
           Spreadsheet - 69 (+2)
               Crashes - 31 (+1)
          Presentation - 26 (+1)
           Libreoffice - 26 (+0)
                    UI - 24 (+0)
              Graphics - 23 (+0)
              Database - 21 (+1)
               Borders - 17 (+0)
               Filters - 13 (+2)
               Drawing - 13 (-2)
           Print / PDF - 10 (+0)
                 Chart -  6 (-1)
            Linguistic -  5 (+2)
            Extensions -  5 (+0)
               Formula -  5 (-1)
          Installation -  3 (+0)
             framework -  3 (+0)
                 BASIC -  2 (+0)
             Migration -  0 (-1) ** will finally drop this category **
                   sdk -  0 (+0)
        Impress Remote -  0 (+0)
  + http://bit.ly/15mM2Yn - for devs ( no NEEDINFO / UNCONFIRMED )

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