[Libreoffice-qa] New Whiteboard Statuses

Joren DC jorendc at libreoffice.org
Thu Jun 5 06:41:00 PDT 2014

Hi Kohei,

Kohei Yoshida schreef op 5/06/2014 15:06:
> So, to me personally, this practice of "witch-hunting" (or
> finger-pointing) really bogs me down, especially I receive such notice
> hundreds of times during a typical development cycle.
Well, that's at least not what I'm talking about right now.
(1) we (I) are (am) only talking about bugs we can track down to 1 
single commit or developer. Not a developer in general by component 
(writer, calc, ...), which we do now to try to avoid as much as 
possible. I'm not sure that there are that many QA'ers or reporters 
which can track down to 1 single developer/commit?
I'm not a developer at all and just to provide me an idea: do you still 
receive that much CC's on bugs compared to months/a year ago?

(2) we discussed this yesterday on the QA-call too. Our conclusion was 
to just kindly ping a developer in particular on IRC. 
If not I still am 'pro' an active approach and mail the particular 
developer (in private) or put him/her in CC.

(3) and as far my experience concerns... I already know which developers 
are and are not open for a nice (not pointing, just asking) SINGLE 
message. I think other core QA members do have such experience too.
>   Since statistically every change one makes can and will cause *some*
> regressions in some obscure corners, this disadvantages those who make
> lots of changes, even when those changes are to fix other regressions
> and bugs.
True, but luckely not all regression cases are 'obscure' and border cases.
> And some of these sometimes escalate to a (often repeated) demand of a
> revert of the commit, which is another blow especially when the change
> itself took weeks and weeks of careful coding to get conceived. One can
> be as careful as possible, and still (and almost always) break somethign
> somewhere.
Again: true. But we are not talking about: bug the particular developer 
as much as possible, if he doesn't react/revert/fix spam his email and 
IRC with threats to revert that commit ...

I think we have to find the most constructive approach to get a 
regression bug fixed, with respect to the situation (developer, commit 
message, ...) and severity.

Kind regards,

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