[Libreoffice-qa] ping to retest old bugs

Aleksandr P alexpikptz at gmail.com
Fri Oct 17 11:16:54 PDT 2014

I believe that it is a good idea to check old bugs.

2014-10-16 23:00 GMT+04:00 bfoman <bfo.bugmail at spamgourmet.com>:
> Tommy wrote

> If they see the bug has gone they should mark as WORKSFORME
> if bug persist they should drop a note and leave status UNCHANGED
> if nobody answers we do nothing and leave status UNCHANGED

I think we should have an easy way to distinguish the second and the
third situation. Not only bugreporters but QA-team members and other
people would want to recheck old bugs. It could be a good task for new
contributors, because it would help to find duplicates in future.
Today, if I want to recheck some old bugs, I can sort bugs by time of
changing. Auto messages will break this possibility.

Best regards,

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