[Libreoffice-qa] SI-GUI Java help needed (please run a jar file and post the output)

Florian Reisinger florei at libreoffice.org
Wed Jul 8 10:27:06 PDT 2015

Hi Robert,

That is kind of sad...

Do you have an idea to get to know (via command line), whether the Linux is a deb or RPM one?

Am 08. Juli 2015 19:09:05 MESZ, schrieb "Robert Großkopf" <robert at familiegrosskopf.de>:
>Hash: SHA1
>Hi Florian,
>here is mine (OpenSUSE 13.2 64bit rpm Linux)
>- ----------------------
>awt.toolkit => sun.awt.X11.XToolkit
>file.encoding => UTF-8
>file.encoding.pkg => sun.io
>file.separator => /
>java.awt.graphicsenv => sun.awt.X11GraphicsEnvironment
>java.awt.printerjob => sun.print.PSPrinterJob
>java.class.path => siguitest.jar
>java.class.version => 52.0
>java.endorsed.dirs =>
>java.ext.dirs =>
>java.home => /usr/lib64/jvm/java-1.8.0-openjdk-1.8.0/jre
>java.io.tmpdir => /tmp
>java.library.path =>
>java.runtime.name => OpenJDK Runtime Environment
>java.runtime.version => 1.8.0_45-b14
>java.specification.name => Java Platform API Specification
>java.specification.vendor => Oracle Corporation
>java.specification.version => 1.8
>java.vendor => Oracle Corporation
>java.vendor.url => http://java.oracle.com/
>java.vendor.url.bug => http://bugreport.sun.com/bugreport/
>java.version => 1.8.0_45
>java.vm.info => mixed mode
>java.vm.name => OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM
>java.vm.specification.name => Java Virtual Machine Specification
>java.vm.specification.vendor => Oracle Corporation
>java.vm.specification.version => 1.8
>java.vm.vendor => Oracle Corporation
>java.vm.version => 25.45-b02
>line.separator =>
>os.arch => amd64
>os.name => Linux
>os.version => 3.16.7-21-desktop
>path.separator => :
>sun.arch.data.model => 64
>sun.boot.class.path =>
>sun.boot.library.path =>
>sun.cpu.endian => little
>sun.cpu.isalist =>
>sun.io.unicode.encoding => UnicodeLittle
>sun.java.command => siguitest.jar
>sun.java.launcher => SUN_STANDARD
>sun.jnu.encoding => UTF-8
>sun.management.compiler => HotSpot 64-Bit Tiered Compilers
>sun.os.patch.level => unknown
>user.country => DE
>user.dir => /home/robby/Downloads
>user.home => /home/robby
>user.language => de
>user.name => robby
>user.timezone => Europe/Berlin
>- -------------------------
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