[Libreoffice-qa] bugs for ESC

Cor Nouws oolst at nouenoff.nl
Wed Aug 24 21:30:25 UTC 2016


Let me mention some bugs that I marked as esp. annoying during the last
weeks and that I hope will get some visibility:

62717	FILESAVE: Names Master pages are not saved properly - all change
to <name-file>-#
86926	page format not readed in DOCX
89760	(Ambiance theme) Buttons like "Close Preview" in Print Preview are
active, but greyed out
92837	Opening a ODS file asks to update external links even if in the
options is marked as "always update"
94319	Copy/Paste of lines (and grouped object with lines inside) places
the copy in unpredictable location
97597	FILEOPEN: XLSX file on server opens with some blank tab pages
101220	Fonts subset into PDF are not being usd to render PDF to canvas,
receive questionable fallback replacement


Cor Nouws
GPD key ID: 0xB13480A6 - 591A 30A7 36A0 CE3C 3D28  A038 E49D 7365 B134 80A6
- vrijwilliger http://nl.libreoffice.org
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- The Document Foundation Membership Committee Member

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