[Libreoffice-qa] Minutes of ESC call: 2016-08-25

Jan Holesovsky kendy at collabora.com
Thu Aug 25 15:27:42 UTC 2016

* Present: Stephan, Thorsten, Heiko, Jan-Marek, jan i, Robinson, Christian, Sophie, Kendy,
    Olivier, Bubli, Armin, Andras, Michael S, Eike, Lionel, Bjoern (16:08)
* Completed Action Items:
    + move component:ux-advise to component:LibreOffice keyword:UX as ninja-edit (Robinson)
       + ux-advise component disabled for new bugs
    + Program committee to work on the Conf. program (Kendy, Thorsten, Italo, Marina)
        [ published now, changes still possible, please check your availability, or if
          your talk is there at all 
          http://conference.libreoffice.org/2016/the-program/ ]
    + Disable Firebird for clang (Miklos)
        [ DONE ]
    + update the link to QA stats (Christian)
      http://tdf.io/bibibugs updated
    + bring patch for Writer regression stat update (Bjoern)
      https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/#/c/28239 and pushed
* Pending Action Items:
    + poke at MSDN licenses (Michael)
        [ waiting for a response on new process, on holiday ? ]
    + investigate a cron job that queries & auto-merges (Norbert)
        [ the solution proposed by David - using his query & a JSON script
          to refine it - will work - needs a bit more python (Norbert) ]
    + tweak UI and get LiveConnect API key / build case for board (Christian)
       + still need to get API key, rest is done
    + attempt to re-build a recent gstreamer 1.0 / core spec file
      on our CentOS6 base (tdf#94508) (Christian)
* Release Engineering update (Christian)
    + 5.1 → 5.1.6 rc1 Oct 4th
    + 5.2 → 5.2.1 rc2 next Tue (Aug 23rd)
        + tagged yesterday, builds done except Win32 (but that'll be soon)
        + will be announced shortly after the call (Cloph)
    + 5.2.2 RC1 September 6th
    + 5.3 → 5.3.0 alpha 1 Oct 18th
    + Android & iOS Remote
        + plans to update soon
* LibreOffice Conference in Brno (Kendy)
    + prepare slides, make sure you've booked travel, etc.
    + LibreOffice Conference template? (Heiko)
        + Sophie has sent info about that, and it's in the wiki too
        + https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/File:Proposal_LibOConf2016_Template.odp
    + register if you didn't do so already: http://conference.libreoffice.org/2016/registration/
        + please make sure to register even if you are a speaker (Cloph)
            + no auto-registration there
* Membership Committee plug (Michael)
    + Please send nominations and self-nominations via e-mail to
      elections at documentfoundation.org (which reaches the Board of
      Directors in private) and also (!) to
      board-discuss at documentfoundation.org (which is a public mailing
      list). We kindly ask nominees who would like to stand for
      elections to provide a statement of up to 75 words on their
      candidacy as continuous text (so no bullet lists or multiple
      paragraphs). In addition, please also provide your full name,
      e-mail address and your corporate affiliation, if any, and
      please announce that you will provide information on all future
      changes as soon as possible.
    + tooling uses git & is user-friendly for devs.
* Documentation (Olivier)
    +  New Help pages on CMIS (Remote files) and CMIS setup. Need review by experts.
        + https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/#/c/28277/
        + pending review
    + More info on [NatNum] number format modifiers (by Laurent Ballard Poirier)
    + Tweaks on documentation page in Portal http://www.libreoffice.org/get-help/documentation/
    + Mail for l10n community for links to new "Get Help Online" entry in Help menu
        + https://redmine.documentfoundation.org/issues/1988
        + some communities have their own forums, the rest redirected to
          ask.libreoffice.org (Olivier)
        + would be good to have a link from the local forums to ask.libreoffice.org
          too (Bjoern)
            + sounds good, we could probably add links to other languages (Olivier)
            + will talk about that in Brno (Bjoern / Olivier)
    + HelpContent plugin / extension helps, but still not ideal when eg. working with
      links to files etc. (Olivier)
        + tender was not possible, so the plugin is the best we can have at
          the moment (Kendy)
    + documentation from GSoC students? (Heiko)
        + couple of patches from Bubli's student (Bubli)
            + will review that (Olivier)
        + worth poking the students again (Heiko)
        + enough to get them to write plain-text, Olivier will format that into
          help page (Olivier)
AI:     + get the students write the plain-text at least (all GSoC mentors)
        + Suggested contents (olivier):
             + Short introduction
             + how to acess the function/feature, toolbar, menu, kbd
             + Description of the feature (the more the best)
             + tips, warnings
             + related topics
* GSoC 2016 (Thorsten)
    + Next deadline is August 29th 19:00 UTC for mentors to submit their evaluation
        + failure to do so will result in mentor summit slots dropped
    + reminder - blogging at a minimum helps docs / QA teams etc.
        + documentation important (Thorsten)
    + 6 students attending the Conference
    + agree on mentor summit attendance
        + Oct 29th - 30th
AI:     + will ask around & come up with a proposal (Thorsten)
* UX Update (Heiko)
    + R.I.P. ux-advice, long live needsUXEval
        + Robinson killed it today (Heiko)
    + Total number of needsUXEval (507)
        + Base 1
        + Calc 14
        + Draw 74
        + Extensions 1
        + framework 3
        + Impress 9
        + LibreOffice 357
        + Localization 1
        + UI 14
        + Writer 33
    + compared to 2016-08-18
        + Changed: (507)
        + New: All-in-one settings (tdf#101609)
        + Closed: -
    + working on table styles (tdf#101349) and extended toolbar (aka notebookbar)
        + related to the appropriate GSoC tasks (Heiko)
        + will create a blog post about the table styles soon (Heiko)
* Crashtest update (Caolan)
    + ? import failure, ? export failures, ? (last time 1680) coverity issues
    + mails from the Crashtest VM seem not be coming to the ML? (Kendy)
        + probably using wrong TLS version? (Cloph)
AI:     + will have a look why it is not sending mail any more (Cloph)
* Hackfests (Bjoern)
    + next hackfests: nothing confirmed yet.
    + next venues / suggestions
        + Akademy / FSFE summit - in the week before LibOCon ? (Thorsten)
        + more suggestions welcome
    + Code for Hamburg (Eike)
        + Friday to Sunday hacking event
        + Koerberstiftung: Digital Empowerment
        + Leuphana? http://www.leuphana.de/en/research-centers/cdc/news.html
    + girls-only event in Berlin, 29th October
        + "Ladies who FOSS" (https://wikimedia.de/wiki/Ladies_that_FOSS) wikimedia and firefox already participating
        + Bubli ponders participating too
        + should we do a blogpost? (Bjoern)
            + afterwards...
* Updating ESC stats (Bjoern)
    + https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/#/c/28239
    + https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/#/c/28240
    + any objections?
        + none is seems => merged (Bjoern)
* Old non-bibisected regressions (Bjoern)
    + https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/report.cgi?x_axis_field=bug_severity&y_axis_field=component&z_axis_field=&no_redirect=1&query_format=report-table&short_desc_type=allwordssubstr&short_desc=&product=LibreOffice&bug_status=UNCONFIRMED&bug_status=NEW&bug_status=ASSIGNED&bug_status=REOPENED&bug_status=RESOLVED&bug_status=VERIFIED&bug_status=CLOSED&bug_status=NEEDINFO&bug_status=PLEASETEST&resolution=---&longdesc_type=allwordssubstr&longdesc=&bug_file_loc_type=allwordssubstr&bug_file_loc=&status_whiteboard_type=allwordssubstr&status_whiteboard=&keywords_type=allwords&keywords=regression&bug_id=&bug_id_type=anyexact&emailtype1=substring&email1=&emailtype2=substring&email2=&emailtype3=substring&email3=&chfieldvalue=&chfieldfrom=&chfieldto=Now&j_top=AND&f1=version&o1=notregexp&v1=%5E5&f2=keywords&o2=notsubstring&v2=bibisect&f3=noop&o3=noop&v3=&format=table&action=wrap
    + currently 98 non-bibisected regressions from pre-5.0 times:
        + 31 Writer (12 filter bugs)
        + 22 Calc
    + Ubuntu 12.04 and similar ancient releases will soon be EOL
    + I recently tried building an old LibreOffice 3.6 timeframe master for bisecting and its horrible on a modern setup
    + best to bibisect (and possibly even bisecting) there before it gets worse
        + please help! (Bjoern)
* Mentoring/easyhack update (janI)
    + legend: contributors are not-yet-committers, numbers in () are +/- compared to last week
    + summary:
       16823(0) commits in a year of which 7869(-40) were made directly, without use of gerrit
        287(0) people made commits in a year, 6(-24) in a month. 31(9) people to be emailed
    + gerrit:   committer open  56(-7)      contributor open  37(-11)
                updated merged    abandoned   updated  merged    abandoned
         year:   56(-7)  7366(4)   588(4)      37(-11)  1588(36)  505(1)
         month:  56(-4)   594(-28)  32(-5)     37(-11)   176(-5)   38(-16)
         week:   35( 0)   124(2)     7(-5)     16(-11)    48(23)    4(-2)
    + easyHacks:
         total 249(0) open 215(2) assigned 10(-3) needinfo 24(1)
         needsDevEval 488(6) of which 0(0) are easyHacks
         needsUXEval 169(6) of which 9(0) are easyHacks
         missing cleanup due to many comments 203(1)
    + top 5 contributors (based on merged patches last month):
          Zdenek Crhonek got 66 patches merged, and have a total of 193 merged patches
          Susobhan Ghosh got 21 patches merged, and have a total of 36 merged patches
          Muhammet Kara got 12 patches merged, and have a total of 57 merged patches
          Stanislav Horáček got 10 patches merged, and have a total of 83 merged patches
          Arnold Dumas got 10 patches merged, and have a total of 21 merged patches
    + new easyHacks:
          * None *
    + create your own by updating Keywords to eg. "easyHack, difficultyBeginner, skillCpp, topicCleanup"
    + please remember, a codepointer is mandatory, and typically a look from an experienced developer
    + create new easy hacks from these ones or remove "needsDevEval" if not feasible):
    + Silent week, mostly worked on pootle and wiki
    + Received invitation to participate in capstone (Portland university)
        + http://eecs.oregonstate.edu/capstone/submission/?page=home
        + Participated earlier with good results, and can help any that wants to mentor
        + UI projects are normally well seen by the students.
        + what they are looking for? (Heiko)
            + both the projects and mentors (JanI)
        + timeframe + number of stundents would be appreciated
            + Septemeber 15 - deadline for the projects
            + end of September - students vote
            + mid-October start
            + end of February - evaluation
        + no ability to select students, students pick project (JanI)
        + skills?
            + last (or 1 before last) year students
            + can do C++ too
* Commit Access
* Developer Certification (Stephan/Bjoern/Kendy/Thorsten)
     => timeout for 2 weeks.
* Jenkins / CI update (Norbert)
    master linux rel  jobs: 100 ok:  92 ko:   8 fail ratio:  8.00 % break:   4 broken duration: 1.90%
    master linux dbg  jobs:  80 ok:  73 ko:   7 fail ratio:  8.75 % break:   6 broken duration:12.01%
    master mac rel    jobs:  87 ok:  81 ko:   4 fail ratio:  4.60 % break:   3 broken duration: 2.26%
    master mac dbg    jobs:  86 ok:  81 ko:   4 fail ratio:  4.65 % break:   3 broken duration: 2.13%
    master win rel    jobs:  75 ok:  71 ko:   4 fail ratio:  5.33 % break:   2 broken duration: 1.38%
    master win dbg    jobs:  80 ok:  75 ko:   5 fail ratio:  6.25 % break:   2 broken duration: 1.64%
    master win64 dbg  jobs:  83 ok:  77 ko:   5 fail ratio:  6.02 % break:   2 broken duration: 1.74%
    lo-5.2 mac        jobs:  11 ok:  11 ko:   0 fail ratio:  0.00 % break:   0 broken duration: 0.00%
    lo-5.1 mac        jobs:   3 ok:   3 ko:   0 fail ratio:  0.00 % break:   0 broken duration: 0.00%
    gerrit win rel    jobs: 124 ok: 111 ko:  13 fail ratio:10.48%
    gerrit lin rel    jobs: 125 ok: 103 ko:  21 fail ratio:16.80%
    gerrit mac rel    jobs: 123 ok: 108 ko:  15 fail ratio:12.20%
    gerrit clangplug  jobs: 148 ok:  79 ko:  69 fail ratio:46.62%
    gerrit all        jobs: 160 ok:  94 ko:  65 fail ratio:40.62%
* l10n (Sophie)
    + nothing new this week
* QA update (Robinson)
    + UNCONFIRMED: 678
        + enhancements: 80
        + in ux-advise: 0
        + needsUXEval: 53
    + needAdvice at 65
    + Most Pressing Bugs: http://tdf.io/mostressingbugs
        + tdf#97191 - AutoCorrect entry of Emoji using : to define is conflicting with entry
          of time in format HH:MM:SS
            + New users are running into this bug frequently
        + tdf#101220 - Fonts subset into PDF are not being used to render PDF to canvas, receive
          questionable fallback replacement
            + Several dupes
        + tdf#86926 - FILEOPEN: page format ignored on DOCX import
            + Regression from 4.x era
    + Mail merge regressions: http://tdf.io/mmregressions
        + 2 open; 2 open last meeting
    + bugs suggested for attention by Cor: tdf#62717, tdf#86926, tdf#89760, tdf#92837, tdf#94319,
      tdf#97597, tdf#101220, tdf#97191
        + highlighted by Robinson already (Bjoern)
* QA stats
  + https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/page.cgi?id=weekly-bug-summary.html
    +119    -106        (+13 overall)
    many thanks to the top bug squashers:
        Caolán McNamara        8
        V Stuart Foote         8
        Alex Thurgood          8
        Eike Rathke            7
        Yousuf (Jay) Philips   7
        Heiko Tietze           7
        Aron Budea             6
        Tor Lillqvist          4
        Laurent BP             4
        Markus Mohrhard        3
        steve -_-              3
        Julien Nabet           3
        Buovjaga               3
        Cor Nouws              2
        m.a.riosv              2
* Highest-Priority bugs (aka "MABs"):
        5.2: 1/16   -  6%
        5.1: 2/30   -  6%
        5.0: 7/53   - 13%
        4.4: 7/73   -  9%
        4.3: 5/69   -  7%
        4.2: 8/133  -  6%
        4.1: 4/79   -  5%
        4.0: 8/82   -  9%
        old: 31/246 - 12%
* Bibisected bugs open: keyword 'bibisected'
    + 325/1390 325/1383 325/1383 333/1383 340/1383 348/1382 353/1378 359/1378 362/1374 364/1371
        + http://bit.ly/VQfF3Q
* all bugs tagged with 'regression'
    + 686(-2) bugs open of 5115(+25) total 8(-2) high prio.
        * ~Component   count net * high severity regressions
                Writer -  3 (-1)
                  Calc -  2 (-1)
               Impress -  1 (+0)
           LibreOffice -  1 (+0)
                  Base -  1 (+0)
                + http://bit.ly/1HWHb3E
        * ~Component   count net * all regressions
                 Writer - 212 (-1)
                   Calc - 121 (-2)
                Impress - 53 (+0)
            LibreOffice - 45 (+1)
         graphics stack - 41 (+2)
                     UI - 37 (+0)
                Borders - 31 (+0)
                   Base - 31 (+0)
                Crashes - 29 (-2)
                   Draw - 27 (+0)
    filters and storage - 23 (+2)
                  Chart - 16 (+1)
Printing and PDF export - 13 (+1)
                  BASIC - 10 (-1)
             Linguistic -  4 (+0)
             Extensions -  3 (+0)
              framework -  2 (-1)
         Formula Editor -  1 (-2)
                    sdk -  1 (+0)
                + http://bit.ly/1BUdI8i

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