[Libreoffice-qa] minutes of ESC call ...
Michael Meeks
michael.meeks at collabora.com
Thu Oct 20 14:58:12 UTC 2016
* Present:
+ Stephan, JanI, Michael, Heiko, Lionel, norbert, Eike, Cloph,
Xisco, Kendy, Miklos, Sophie, Andras, Olivier, Thorsten, Jan-Marek
* Completed Action Items:
+ add F-droid maintenance to the TDF priorities sheet (Michael)
+ simplify & cleanup broken Windows build instructions & test (JanI)
[ done, need to check a couple of bits with Norbert tomorrow.
asked experience devs to refrain from nit-picking:
Done https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Development/lode ]
+ enable linux / system library checker on CI (Norbert)
[ not sure how to debug the heisenbugs, a simple script,
parallelised it - claiming some internal library not there.
script is run after the build - trying to look at the deps. ]
+ tweak UI and get LiveConnect API key / build case for board (Christian)
[ done - sent keys to Norbert from the Mac build - question if it works.
building Alpha now with it (Norbert) ]
* Pending Action Items:
+ align release dates and issues, patch merging (Caolan, Cloph)
[ waiting on AOO decision ]
+ poke at MSDN licenses (Michael)
[ update - an ongoing issue here. ]
+ Ask beta-co-working for a couple of days before FOSDEM (Sophie)
[ will poke next week ].
* hangout issues (Michael)
+ tried to sign up for a Google Apps account.
+ don't want my money apparently - or it would be far easier.
+ E-mail on the dev-list (JanI)
+ Kobo - been testing Jitsi for a while.
+ there is one setup; QA is using it ?
+ used in the past for QA meetings (Xisco)
AI: + send some instructions out for next time (Michael)
* Release Engineering update (Cloph)
+ 5.1 → 5.1.6 rc2 update done, announcing today.
+ last release of 5.1.x announcement due next week
+ 5.2.3 RC2 (janI)
+ tag due Tuesday - 25th.
+ 5.3.0 alpha 1 Oct 18th
+ tag done before the call, libreoffice-
+ Nov 21st: branch-off & beta1 (Cloph)
+ Android & iOS Remote (Cloph)
+ still pending an update.
+ separated pootle projects but - still syncing
+ created the libreoffice-5-2 project, but copying
in the background until Sunday.
+ apparently much faster up-stream; not updated yet.
* Signing Certificate /StartCom fuzz (Cloph)
+ our extended validation certificate used for signing the windows builds was
+ issued 2015-06-01 and is valid until 2018-05-31 (so isreali standards)
* Website certs (Cloph)
+ issued in March 2016, valid until March 2019
+ Mozilla to block certs issued after October 2016
* BitDefender false-positives (Michael)
+ tested on Window 8.1 and 10 - no issue (JanI)
+ seems like a local issue so far.
* Documentation (Olivier)
+ http://documentation.libreoffice.org 99% done,
+ awating NL support,
+ 2 pages remaining to fill.
+ Support for Fabio Biocchetti - student, with Kendy and Osvaldo
+ Working now in a new help system (XHP + XSL + JS)
+ Need to have him involved into dev IRC and lists and meet JanI too.
+ Patch on documentation help entry finaly in (thanks to bubli, Samuel, Thorsten, Youssuf), tdf#96015
+ https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/gitweb?p=core.git;a=commitdiff;h=e91a1abe4c53ea3a1ac59e3c1d5dddf98141a4ee
+ some of NLP teams - interested in books on LibreOffice
+ particularly the starting guide.
+ want to continue updating them for now.
* UX Update (Heiko)
* Total number needsUXEval 472 (-2)
+ Base 1
+ Calc 34 (-2)
+ Draw 67
+ Extensions 0
+ filters and storage 1
+ framework 1
+ Impress 24
+ Installation 0
+ LibreOffice 250
+ Localization 0
+ Printing and PDF export 1
+ UI 16
+ Writer 77
* Hot topics
+ Notebookbar configuration with contextual groups
+ Ticket https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=103170)
+ GDoc https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vabkHLibXBXY8SSDJ6aa17VOoVYoCNZdPBttrv9aOFU/
+ Font substitution blog post (publish or perish?)
+ Meta ticket https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=103342
+ GDoc https://docs.google.com/document/d/1mbs-NW_w8lczMyMwUl5Uc0GYuhFK_KE6g7NASZBnIM0/
* Tepid topics
+ Looking for junior dev to finalize area style dialog
+ already in 5.3 - but randomly crashes Heiko's system.
+ not just Heiko (Miklos)
+ Meta ticket https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=103223
+ GDoc https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ggZQgx55y0X_WAmO9mnoauB6ABRQX_uCvzsT8uK4oBI/
+ may have a student if Bubli can help mentor (JanI)
+ is there a necessity to use Google Docs for that ? (Thorsten)
+ experience shows no-one commented in the pad (Heiko)
+ hope to solve in next months with LOOL (Michael)
+ New landing page to better Get Involved in preparation
+ https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yPJG_4kbs2COkCPZpzOMWLJZScDsMMFmnlIaSwF6b9M/
+ existing page 2+ years old - time to update it.
+ any glade tweaks ? (Michael)
+ some notebookbar tweaks with Jay (Heiko)
AI: + can we get a small tweak of some sort in (Michael)
* Crashtest update (Caolan)
+ tragic lack of Caolan.
+ ? import failure, ? export failures
+ ? coverity.
* Hackfests (Bjoern)
+ tragic lack of Bjoern.
+ next venues / suggestions
+ FOSDEM - confirmed dev-room (Michael)
+ collect talks at some stage.
+ Ladies-only event in Berlin, 29th October (Bubli)
+ "Ladies who FOSS" (https://wikimedia.de/wiki/Ladies_that_FOSS)
+ Bubli will be there, and so is Heiko
+ now included into the list of projects: https://wikimedia.de/wiki/Ladies_that_FOSS/Projects
+ built a list of non-code easy-hacks; eg. palette issue.
+ 33c3 CfP open: https://events.ccc.de/2016/09/01/call-for-participation-33rd-chaos-communication-congress-en/ (Bjoern)
+ FSFE will be there, we can meet up with them.
+ opportunity to do workshops there
+ poke Bjoern if you want to show up.
+ Hackfest Granada (Xisco/janI)
+ in the early idea phase, but to be in Autumn
+ meeting with a University next week - for a decision.
+ Hackfest Turin, Italy (janI)
+ LibreItalia conference is saturday 5th November
In the afternoon, there will be a presentation for developers followed by a hackfest.
Invited by LibreItalia
* Mentoring / easyhack update (janI)
+ legend: contributors are not-yet-committers, numbers in () are +/- compared to last week
+ openhub statistics based on analysis from 2016-09-28
totals: 1573(0) people did 440976(0) commits in 8110794(0) lines of code
12 month: 282(0) people did 16464(0) commits
+ gerrit statistics
committer open, reviews, merged, abandoned
1 year 77(-3), 17560(-9451), 8054(153), 651(4),
3 month 77(-3), 4328(-2498), 2029(118), 132(5),
1 month 73(-4), 1445(-850), 797(109), 48(-5),
1 week 53(-1), 538(-6), 266(105), 10(0),
contributor open, reviews, merged, abandoned
1 year 49(9), 16676(-280), 1209(21), 435(3),
3 month 49(9), 4251(76), 330(1), 71(-11),
1 month 49(9), 1717(224), 106(22), 17(4),
1 week 35(20), 724(331), 41(31), 7(2),
+ git statistics:
1 year, 3 month, 1 month, 1 week
committer 46794(30548) 11100(7787) 4921(3592) 577(189)
contributor 5527(1311) 1280(217) 428(87) 97(24)
+ easyHack statistics:
needsDevEval, needsUXEval, cleanup_comments, total, assigned, open
29(-1) 4(0) 209(-4) 252(-4) 14(0) 206(-1)
+ top 5 contributors:
Gabor Kelemen made 72 patches in 1 month, and 90 patches in 1 year
Zdenek Crhonek made 31 patches in 1 month, and 272 patches in 1 year
Francisco Adrián Sánchez made 17 patches in 1 month, and 17 patches in 1 year
Aleksander Machniak made 12 patches in 1 month, and 12 patches in 1 year
Andrea Gelmini made 11 patches in 1 month, and 45 patches in 1 year
+ top 9 reviewers:
jan iversen made 189 review comments in 1 month, and 1533 in 1 year
Eike Rathke made 174 review comments in 1 month, and 1262 in 1 year
Noel Grandin made 150 review comments in 1 month, and 1159 in 1 year
Markus Mohrhard made 148 review comments in 1 month, and 1539 in 1 year
Miklos Vajna made 91 review comments in 1 month, and 1314 in 1 year
Caolán McNamara made 87 review comments in 1 month, and 1464 in 1 year
Michael Stahl made 86 review comments in 1 month, and 1276 in 1 year
Andras Timar made 80 review comments in 1 month, and 322 in 1 year
Stephan Bergmann made 57 review comments in 1 month, and 750 in 1 year
+ corrected esc-mentoring with ESC suggestions,
thanks to Miklos for pointing at the obvious
+ Working to make 5.2 (and master) compile and work with OS-X Sierra
and update build instructions
+ Busy helping new contributors after the development community week
+ Longer discussions on Easyhack tickets and how to act, when work is
done or in progress
+ Remark we do not have a similar problem on Gerrit (which I do not understand)
+ A "survey" among new contributors shows that:
+ the biggest deficit is the lack of a development IDE
+ clearly the top request.
+ vi/emacs/make are for old people (includes me)
+ gdb is next to impossible to use
+ opengrok is super
+ would help to make gbuild -> IDE more complete for Visual Studio
+ how many windows developers ? (Michael) (talked to 5)
+ 2 only windows, 3 Linux + Windows.
+ like to edit on Windows.
+ would love a larger sample (Michael)
+ (Bjoern: ongoing, but Windows is such a PITA ...)
+ Contributors and licenses, since I do the "welcome" mail,
should I expand esc-mentoring to watch out for missing licenses ?
+ is it good to watch for non-licensed submission.
AI: + dig out some tooling for janI (Michael)
+ The new Acknowledgemnt pdf (signed by our chair woman) will be sent to 3 people
+ Got a suggestion to make a page for new committers, advice etc.
+ Can we please close some of the easyhacks convert foo style to xfoo style,
they cost a lot of time and seems to bring more problems ?
+ Along with cosmetic changes like typos in comments.
+ UNO service constructor changes (Stephan)
+ <https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=74608>
+ easy ones already covered
=> remove the easy hack flag (Stephan)
* Commit Access
* Developer Certification (Stephan/Bjoern/Kendy/Thorsten)
+ sleeping 8 weeks.
* Jenkins / CI update (Norbert)
from:Thu Oct 13 15:43:55 2016
master linux rel jobs: 222 ok: 194 ko: 27 fail ratio: 12.16 % break: 8 broken duration: 8.59%
master linux dbg jobs: 161 ok: 149 ko: 12 fail ratio: 7.45 % break: 10 broken duration: 4.27%
master mac rel jobs: 153 ok: 152 ko: 1 fail ratio: 0.65 % break: 1 broken duration: 0.48%
master mac dbg jobs: 148 ok: 147 ko: 1 fail ratio: 0.68 % break: 1 broken duration: 0.61%
master win rel jobs: 126 ok: 122 ko: 4 fail ratio: 3.17 % break: 3 broken duration: 2.67%
master win dbg jobs: 120 ok: 118 ko: 2 fail ratio: 1.67 % break: 2 broken duration: 0.66%
master win64 dbg jobs: 121 ok: 118 ko: 2 fail ratio: 1.65 % break: 2 broken duration: 0.76%
lo-5.2 mac jobs: 15 ok: 15 ko: 0 fail ratio: 0.00 % break: 0 broken duration: 0.00%
lo-5.1 mac jobs: 4 ok: 4 ko: 0 fail ratio: 0.00 % break: 0 broken duration: 0.00%
branch gerrit all jobs: 30 ok: 26 ko: 4 fail ratio:13.33%
master gerrit lin jobs: 470 ok: 400 ko: 69 fail ratio:14.68%
master gerrit plg jobs: 470 ok: 330 ko: 139 fail ratio:29.57%
master gerrit win jobs: 466 ok: 229 ko: 234 fail ratio:50.21%
master gerrit mac jobs: 465 ok: 419 ko: 45 fail ratio: 9.68%
master gerrit all jobs: 466 ok: 181 ko: 280 fail ratio:60.09%
+ python failure on windows - reverted already (Miklos)
+ a windows / gbuild-self-test.
+ FWIW, not really a python issue, rather a GNU make jobserver b0rkage on Windows (Bjoern)
+ (also: a Heisenbug)
* l10n (Sophie)
+ lots of updates on pootle.
+ working on a new set of embedded templates to make them localisable
+ want a good preview of templates
+ ideal if we don't duplicate the file lots of times (Michael)
+ suggestion to do localisation free templates with Latin (Heiko)
* QA update (Xisco)
+ Bug Hunting Session 5.3.0 Alpha1 -> Tomorrow October 21
+ New wiki page created for regressions:
+ Meta-bug GTK3 created one week ago.
Almost all bugs are already fixed:
nice work done by Caolán
+ UNCONFIRMED: 561 (-30)
+ enhancements: 45 (+5)
+ needsUXEval: 4 (+4)
+ haveBackTrace: 18 (-1)
+ needsDevAdvice at 36 (0)
+ Most Pressing Bugs: http://tdf.io/mostressingbugs
+ Calc crashes adding text to a chart:
+ https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=103178
+ Chart sidebar properties no longer functional
+ https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=101402
+ tdf#94225 - Writer crashes on undo
+ a very old logic bug - inherited from OpenOffice
=> ancient, remove for next time.
+ tdf#100994 - Color-space / display issue on OSX Sierra
+ sounds very much like a core Apple memory corruption.
+ affects many other apps too.
+ Recompiling with current SDK/Xcode should fix it
https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=100994#c75 ?
+ My Mac tinderbox on Sierra (Cloph)
+ can test from Mac/TDF tinderbox to see if that fixes.
+ Sierra with XCode 8 (Build version 8A218a)
+ Tor intrigued - may poke at it.
+ exception handling a pain here (Norbert)
+ Mail merge regressions: http://tdf.io/mmregressions
+ 3 open; 2 open last meeting
* QA stats
+ https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/page.cgi?id=weekly-bug-summary.html
+181 -163 (+18 overall)
many thanks to the top bug squashers:
Xisco Faulí 24
Yousuf Philips (jay) 22
Caolán McNamara 16
Regina Henschel 13
Buovjaga 10
Winfried Donkers 7
Timur 5
Cor Nouws 4
Maxim Monastirsky 4
Gabor Kelemen 4
Aron Budea 4
Eike Rathke 4
Markus Mohrhard 3
jan iversen 3
Heiko Tietze 3
* Highest-Priority bugs (aka "MABs"):
5.2: 2/19 - 10%
5.1: 2/30 - 6%
5.0: 6/56 - 10%
4.4: 7/74 - 9%
4.3: 4/69 - 5%
4.2: 6/132 - 4%
4.1: 4/79 - 5%
4.0: 7/82 - 8%
old: 31/247 - 12%
+ http://bit.ly/2dp3mwC
* Bisected bugs open: keyword 'bisected'
+ more accurate - down to a single commit.
+ can we add this stat generation to esc-commit-stats.pl ?
Xisco: I'll do it
+ 245/891 251/886
+ http://bit.ly/2dyIfDy
* Bibisected bugs open: keyword 'bibisected'
+ 345/1516 346/1503 337/1477 349/1463 349/1445 347/1431 338/1407
+ http://bit.ly/2cSCXlS
* all bugs tagged with 'regression'
+ 649(+2) bugs open of 5261(+20) total 9(+1) high prio.
* ~Component count net * high severity regressions
Calc - 4 (+0)
LibreOffice - 2 (+0)
Chart - 1 (+1)
Impress - 1 (+0)
Base - 1 (+0)
+ http://bit.ly/1HWHb3E
* ~Component count net * all regressions
Writer: other - 119 (-2)
Calc - 111 (-4)
Impress - 51 (+2)
Writer: docx - 47 (+1)
graphics stack - 40 (+0)
LibreOffice - 39 (+1)
UI - 37 (-1)
Base - 29 (+0)
Draw - 28 (+0)
Writer: doc - 27 (+0)
Crashes - 26 (+1)
Borders - 26 (+0)
filter / storage - 17 (+1)
print / PDF export - 14 (+1)
Chart - 15 (+1)
Writer: perf - 10 (-2)
BASIC - 10 (+0)
Writer: filter - 8 (+0)
Formula Editor - 3 (+0)
framework - 3 (+0)
Extensions - 3 (+0)
sdk - 1 (+0)
+ http://bit.ly/1BUdI8i
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