[Libreoffice-qa] Minutes of ESC call 2017-08-24
Miklos Vajna
vmiklos at collabora.co.uk
Thu Aug 24 14:53:22 UTC 2017
* Present:
+ Armin, Heiko, Olivier, Shinnok, Thorsten, Miklos, Sophie, Eike, Stephan,
Michael S, Cloph, Jan-Marek
* Completed Action Items:
+ poke people if they are around for GSoC evals (Thorsten)
* Pending Action Items:
+ find out if we have projects & mentors for Capstone (Shinnok)
+ Update the roadmap wiki with new 5.3.6/7 dates (Christian)
+ https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Development/ScreenshotsAtInstall
+ work out what a good idea is here (Kendy, Thorsten)
+ next week or remove...
+ create redirect / transparent proxy so that we can use
help.libreoffice.org directly even for the new stuff (Christian)
[ sitemap exists, but not functional yet ]
+ build a write-up of the differences cross-platform (Xisco)
[ done, Heiko wants to discuss a possible multiplier ]
* Release Engineering update (Christian)
+ 5.3.6 RC1 is on the mirrors, to be announced early next week
+ 5.4.1 RC2 is due this week, a bit of delay due to additional fixes
+ https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/#/q/status:open+project:core+branch:libreoffice-5-4-1
+ Android & iOS Remote
+ Android viewer
+ 10% of users reported crashes, not yet rolling out
+ AI: connect to uznomis[m] / Ximeng to take a look if possible (Christian)
+ Online
+ Not enough tinderboxes? (Thorsten)
+ Christian’s box is the only one providing daily builds for macOS
+ Mac CI will be back in 1-2 weeks, that’s the hope
+ would be good to have 1-2 mac tinderboxes at any rate
+ Linux builds are always off for 2-3 days around releases
+ only affects RPM/DEB, Markus provides archives
* Documentation (Olivier)
+ More work on SEO data for BoD
+ Help pages for undocumented features (Impress Remote)
+ Updated help pages (SUBTOTAL, CDATE)
+ More help fixes by G. Kelemen and A. Barrientos
+ Help online: Shall we keep Google search or find a internal solution?
See “Search” tab of https://goo.gl/7zWZ8W
+ Is there any massive critics? (Thorsten)
+ The site is already crawled (large site, lots of pages * languages)
+ Can we limit hits to a single language? (Christian)
+ Not at the moment (Olivier)
+ Perhaps something less invasive (i.e. not Google but DDG?)
+ Having this as someone else’ problem is great (Thorsten)
+ Doumentation team producing Guides updates weekly
+ Target is 6.0 release in sync with code
+ Staff activities.
* UX Update (Heiko)
+ Bugzilla (topicUI) statistics
257(257) (topicUI) bugs open, 419(419) (needsUXEval) needs to be evaluated by the UXteam
+ Updates:
BZ changes 1 week 1 month 3 months 12 months
added 7(-1) 15(3) 31(2) 346(-1)
commented 44(-12) 170(7) 484(-5) 3311(13)
removed 0(-1) 2(-1) 5(-1) 44(-1)
resolved 6(-1) 31(-8) 69(3) 287(6)
+ top 10 contributors:
Tietze, Heiko made 140 changes in 1 month, and 1603 changes in 1 year
Philips, Yousuf made 49 changes in 1 month, and 1486 changes in 1 year
Foote, V Stuart made 44 changes in 1 month, and 604 changes in 1 year
Cor Nouws made 41 changes in 1 month, and 363 changes in 1 year
Faulí Tarazona, Xisco made 23 changes in 1 month, and 466 changes in 1 y
Adolfo Jayme Barrientos made 22 changes in 1 month, and 51 changes in 1 y
Thomas Lendo made 21 changes in 1 month, and 407 changes in 1 year
Timur made 13 changes in 1 month, and 70 changes in 1 year
Telesto made 12 changes in 1 month, and 73 changes in 1 year
Buovjaga made 11 changes in 1 month, and 352 changes in 1 year
+ Mascot >180 proposals, and counting
+ Open Source survey 1400 participants, evaluation comes next
+ Talked about taking direct formatting/character style from headings into ToC
question is whether or not to take all properties
+ there are related tickets, resolved and open (Miklos)
* Crash Reporting (Caolan)
+ 24(+0) import failure, ~700(+0) export failures
+ 13 coverity issues
+ Google / ossfuzz: ?? fuzzers active now
* Crash Reporter (Xisco)
+ http://crashreport.libreoffice.org/stats/?days=128
+ http://crashreport.libreoffice.org/stats/version/
+ 1982 (last 7 days)
+ http://crashreport.libreoffice.org/stats/version/
+ 420(last 7 days)
+ http://crashreport.libreoffice.org/stats/version/
+ 1982 (last 7 days)
* Hackfests & Events (Bjoern)
+ next venues / suggestions
+ LibreOffice Conference
+ Google Mentor Summit right after the conference
+ application deadline is next week, hurry up if you want to go (and are a mentor)
* mentoring/easyhack update (Shinnok)
committer... 1 week 1 month 3 months 12 months
open 55(-21) 118(3) 123(1) 130(1)
reviews 584(-90) 1905(-51) 5047(60) 17022(114)
merged 180(-53) 856(-93) 2688(-54) 10507(35)
abandoned 12(-7) 65(-18) 219(-1) 649(-7)
own commits 236(37) 524(228) 1373(-273) 14353(-198)
review commits 88(16) 195(86) 355(-5) 2838(-29)
contributor... 1 week 1 month 3 months 12 months
open 33(-19) 68(0) 70(0) 74(0)
reviews 716(-205) 2432(3) 6194(134) 20715(251)
merged 51(12) 130(30) 343(11) 1256(35)
abandoned 4(-8) 28(2) 60(2) 250(3)
own commits 52(10) 116(50) 181(9) 900(35)
review commits 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0)
+ easyHack statistics:
needsDevEval 28(28) needsUXEval 1(1) cleanup_comments 196(196)
total 248(248) assigned 14(14) open 200(200)
+ top 5 contributors:
Gelmini, Andrea made 27 patches in 1 month, and 125 patches in 1 year
Dhall, Varun made 20 patches in 1 month, and 27 patches in 1 year
Carl, Jens made 19 patches in 1 month, and 93 patches in 1 year
Spiteri, Jean made 6 patches in 1 month, and 9 patches in 1 year
Dewan Aditya made 5 patches in 1 month, and 36 patches in 1 year
+ top 5 reviewers:
[ who is dummy ? ]
*dummy* made 223 review comments in 1 month, and 235 in 1 year
Stahl, Michael made 207 review comments in 1 month, and 1693 in 1 year
Mohrhard, Markus made 186 review comments in 1 month, and 1363 in 1 year
Holešovský, Jan made 169 review comments in 1 month, and 899 in 1 year
Rathke, Eike made 116 review comments in 1 month, and 1241 in 1 year
+ big CONGRATULATIONS to contributors who have at least 1 merged patch, since last report:
Cor Nouws cno at nouenoff.nl
Sanjaykumar Girishkumar Patel sp1663 at live.mdx.ac.uk
* GSoC update (Thorsten / Markus / JanI)
+ timeline:
+ August 21 - 29: pens down, wrap up – this is now!
+ August 29 - September 5: final evaluations of students
+ September 6: passing projects announced
+ one open slot for mentor summit – Oct. 15-16 (right after LibOCon)
+ tell Thorsten if you are a mentor this year & want to go!
+ if we don’t use it, it will be taken by Google soon
* Commit Access
+ None this week
* Developer Certification (Stephan/Bjoern/Kendy/Thorsten)
+ sleeping for 6 weeks
* Jenkins / CI update (Christian)
+ updated jenkins itself, updated slaves (now called “agents”) with java8 to
run jenkins client
+ granted mkara perms to cancel and retrigger jobs
from:Thu Aug 17 16:05:15 2017
master linux rel jobs: 144 ok: 139 ko: 5 fail ratio: 3.47 % break: 1 broken duration: 0.60%
master linux dbg jobs: 110 ok: 70 ko: 38 fail ratio: 34.55 % break: 22 broken duration:31.39%
master mac rel jobs: 145 ok: 139 ko: 6 fail ratio: 4.14 % break: 2 broken duration: 0.92%
master mac dbg jobs: 154 ok: 144 ko: 10 fail ratio: 6.49 % break: 5 broken duration: 4.20%
master win rel jobs: 104 ok: 88 ko: 16 fail ratio: 15.38 % break: 12 broken duration:14.77%
master win dbg jobs: 105 ok: 94 ko: 11 fail ratio: 10.48 % break: 10 broken duration:10.60%
master win64 dbg jobs: 109 ok: 101 ko: 8 fail ratio: 7.34 % break: 6 broken duration:10.21%
lo-5.3 mac jobs: 6 ok: 6 ko: 0 fail ratio: 0.00 % break: 0 broken duration: 0.00%
lo-5.4 mac jobs: 0 ok: 0 ko: 0 fail ratio: 0.00 % break: 0 broken duration: 0.00%
branch gerrit all jobs: 0 ok: 0 ko: 0 fail ratio: 0.00%
master gerrit lin jobs: 323 ok: 277 ko: 43 fail ratio:13.31%
master gerrit plg jobs: 321 ok: 212 ko: 103 fail ratio:32.09%
master gerrit win jobs: 325 ok: 271 ko: 49 fail ratio:15.08%
master gerrit mac jobs: 0 ok: 0 ko: 0 fail ratio: 0.00%
master gerrit all jobs: 327 ok: 188 ko: 126 fail ratio:38.53%
+ good idea to use topics for related changes, so deps are not missed when submitting (Thorsten, Miklos)
+ otherwise gerrit lists dependent patches under ‘Related changes’ - but
it’s easy to miss
* l10n (Sophie/Christian)
+ nothing new, work is ongoing
* QA update (Xisco)
+ UNCONFIRMED: 447 (-28)
+ enhancements: 44 (-3)
+ needsUXEval: 1 (+0)
+ haveBackTrace: 9 (-1)
+ needsDevAdvice: 31 (+0)
+ documentation: 1 (-1)
+ Most Pressing Bugs: http://tdf.io/mostressingbugs
+ New:
+ Crash sigsegv opening a file with invalid style:map
+ https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=111934
+ Michael Stahl fixed this one, thanks!
+ Older:
+ CALC - crashes on COPYing 3+ whole rows to clipboard with OpenGL
+ https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=108299
+ crash-reporter shows similar issues:
Windows - dumping clipboard to OS before final exit.
+ shutdown / exit ordering nightmare wrt. Clipboard
+ apparently exacerbated by OpenGL
+ Fixed:
+ FILESAVE ODT: Crash while saving after deleting all comments
+ https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=111524
+ Fixed thanks to Michael Stahl.
+ Formulas not localized
+ https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=111332
+ Fixed thanks to cloph re-tagging 5.3.6 etc.
* QA stats
+ https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/page.cgi?id=weekly-bug-summary.html
+132 +90 (-117) overall)
many thanks to the top bug squashers:
Xisco Faulí 18
Jean-Baptiste Faure 11
Heiko Tietze 8
Cor Nouws 7
Yousuf Philips (jay) 5
Adolfo Jayme 5
Buovjaga 5
Alex Thurgood 5
Szymon Kłos 4
Julien Nabet 4
Michael Stahl 4
Justin L 4
Timur 3
Telesto 3
Olivier Hallot 3
+ top 10 bugs reporters:
Aron Budea 10
Tamás Zolnai 7
Elmar 6
krishna [:kr1shna] 6
Thomas Lendo 5
Regina Henschel 4
Xisco Faulí 3
Gabor Kelemen 3
Alex Thurgood 3
Yousuf Philips (jay) 2
Yan Pas 2
Frederic Parrenin 2
Óvári 2
Luis 2
raal 2
+ top 10 bugs fixers:
Aron Budea 10
Tamás Zolnai 7
Elmar 6
krishna [:kr1shna] 6
Thomas Lendo 5
Regina Henschel 4
Xisco Faulí 3
Gabor Kelemen 3
Alex Thurgood 3
Yousuf Philips (jay) 2
Yan Pas 2
Frederic Parrenin 2
Óvári 2
Luis 2
raal 2
* Highest-Priority bugs (aka "MABs"):
+ http://bit.ly/2lJAAJI
5.3 : 3/44 - 6 % (+2)
5.2 : 2/38 - 5 % (+0)
5.1 : 1/34 - 2 % (+0)
5.0 : 2/61 - 3 % (+0)
4.4 : 3/76 - 3 % (+0)
4.3 : 6/73 - 8 % (+0)
4.2 : 6/134 - 4 % (+0)
4.1 : 3/83 - 3 % (+0)
4.0 : 4/83 - 4 % (+0)
old : 28/257 - 10 % (+0)
* Bisected bugs open: keyword 'bisected'
+ more accurate - down to a single commit.
+ http://bit.ly/2dyIfDy
+ 381/1551 377/1541 383/1533 381/1515 380/1500 378/1488 385/1485
done by:
Faulí Tarazona, Xisco 4
Raal 4
Budea, Áron 1
Kaganski, Mike 1
* Bibisected bugs open: keyword 'bibisected'
+ http://bit.ly/2cSCXlS
+ 477/2152 471/2139 476/2129 469/2106 468/2088 468/2075 475/2071
done by:
Faulí Tarazona, Xisco 6
Raal 3
Kaganski, Mike 2
Terrence Enger 1
Budea, Áron 1
* all bugs tagged with 'regression'
+ 887(+11) bugs open of 6279(+20) total 7(+0) high prio.
done by:
Faulí Tarazona, Xisco 7
Raal 5
Kaganski, Mike 2
Faure, Jean-Baptiste 1
Terrence Enger 1
Budea, Áron 1
Buovjaga 1
* ~Component count net * high severity regressions
+ http://bit.ly/1HWHb3E
Impress - 2(+0)
Calc - 2(+1)
LibreOffice - 2(+0)
Writer - 1(-1)
by OS:
Windows - 1(+0)
Mac OS X - 3(+0)
Linux - 0(+0)
All - 3(+0)
* ~Component count net * all regressions
+ http://bit.ly/1BUdI8i
Writer: other - 147(+1)
Calc - 140(+2)
Impress - 83(+0)
Writer: docx filter - 73(+1)
LibreOffice - 73(+3)
UI - 52(+1)
Writer: doc filter - 42(+0)
Draw - 37(+0)
graphics stack - 36(+0)
Writer: perf - 32(+0)
Base - 31(+1)
Borders - 30(+0)
Writer: other filter - 29(+0)
filters and storage - 24(+1)
Chart - 20(+0)
Printing and PDF export - 17(+0)
BASIC - 15(+0)
Crashes - 15(-1)
framework - 4(+1)
Installation - 3(+0)
Extensions - 2(-1)
Linguistic - 2(+0)
sdk - 1(+1)
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