[Libreoffice-qa] minutes of ESC call ...
Michael Meeks
michael.meeks at collabora.com
Thu Mar 23 16:19:43 UTC 2017
* Present:
+ Norbert, Sophie, Christian, Michael S, Miklos, Bubli, Michael M,
Jmux, Stephan, Caolan, Thorsten, Bjoern, Kendy, Xisco, Heiko, Olivier
* Completed Action Items:
* Pending Action Items:
+ look at old Duden extension to see if they use UWINAPI.DLL (Thorsten)
[ voluntered by Stephan – due end of month.
Should we have a museum for such things on TDF infra ? (Michael) ]
* Release Engineering update (Christian)
+ 5.3.2 RC1
+ now built – had a nasty Java issue with architecture confusion:
win64 and win32 java on the same machine
+ reverted the patch for RC1
+ fixed this now (Michael S)
+ turns out #ifdef WIN32 and #ifdef WIN64 are both defined at
the same time in some fun way.
+ binaries are up-loaded for all but win64 to the server.
+ had a Mac signing issue (Norbert)
+ had a patch for that, would welcome review.
+ ignores double signing warning.
+ 5.3.2 RC2
+ due next week.
+ 5.2.7 RC1
+ due April 11th - for the last 5.2 release
+ Android & iOS Remote
+ will promote the alpha channel → release today/tomorrow.
+ online (Michael)
+ various fixes going into 5-3.
* Documentation (Olivier)
+ continuing with the process as before.
+ waiting for pootle enhancements.
+ working on calc guides, and waiting on content from newcomers.
* UX Update (Heiko)
+ Bugzilla (topicUI) statistics
250(250) (topicUI) bugs open, 474(474) (needsUXEval) needs to be evaluated by the UXteam
+ Updates:
BZ changes 1 week 1 month 3 months 12 months
added 3(1) 9(-5) 33(-5) 494(-1)
commented 53(25) 183(-4) 655(-14) 3597(-17)
removed 0(0) 2(-1) 9(0) 39(0)
resolved 5(4) 19(-27) 94(0) 211(5)
+ top 10 contributors:
Tietze, Heiko made 112 changes in 1 month, and 2217 changes in 1 year
Foote, V Stuart made 46 changes in 1 month, and 676 changes in 1 year
Buovjaga made 33 changes in 1 month, and 367 changes in 1 year
Thomas Lendo made 30 changes in 1 month, and 57 changes in 1 year
Faulí Tarazona, Xisco made 26 changes in 1 month, and 391 changes in 1 year
Kainz, Andreas made 23 changes in 1 month, and 31 changes in 1 year
LibreTraining made 23 changes in 1 month, and 28 changes in 1 year
Philips, Yousuf made 11 changes in 1 month, and 1290 changes in 1 year
*UNKNOWN* made 10 changes in 1 month, and 10 changes in 1 year
Aprax made 9 changes in 1 month, and 10 changes in 1 year
+ discussed Nantes data
+ std. color palette survey almost finished
+ a proposal to move away from system-theme compliant LibreOffice
+ moving to a default style and branding unique on each system
+ suspect controversial
+ following system useful for a11y and familiarity (Michael)
+ we put lots of code & hard work into that.
+ there are code-paths already to hack-on here (Kendy)
+ if you disable native theming: looks like Win95
+ option already exists there to improve this.
+ can easily see that with the “gen” backend on Linux (Jmux)
+ will fwd. Ticket to the ML to start a discussion (Heiko)
+ been at the open-source design group meeting
+ interest in the next-gen branding task.
* Crashtest update (Caolan)
+ 18 import failure, 1 export failures
+ fallout from some work – expected fixed in next build
+ 160 coverity issues
+ up-loads to coverity failing to transfer at the moment
+ Google / ossfuzz: 24 fuzzers active now
+ no new fuzzers, PPT one still generating interest.
+ will try to expand it to UI testing
* Lot of irritating missing parentheses (tdf#106529) (Bubli)
+ tdf#80731: missing closing parenthesis in Basic code treated as error
since 5.4, 5.3 cherry-pick (silently ignored previously,
inherited from OOo)
+ change now reverted for 5.3.3
+ extensions and macros fail, some extensions authors have been
notified and fixed their code already
+ if installed system-wide i.e. macro is read-only, no way for the
user to modify the code and recover
+ to revert (on master) or not to revert, that is the question.
+ revert if it breaks old documents (Miklos)
+ agreed (Stephan, Michael)
+ would be lovely to have warnings instead (Bubli)
+ no warnings in StarBasic (Stephan)
+ would be lovely to have a Basic console with these (Michael)
+ can’t use a version in doc. due to system installed macros (Michael M)
+ version only tells you last version that wrote (Michael S)
+ not the original creator version.
* Hackfests (Bjoern)
+ next venues / suggestions
+ next week 31st of March: talk in Granada / Spain
+ Document Freedom Day (Xisco)
+ can you poke Italo to pre-announce it as/when confirmed ?
+ Ladies who FOSS – Berlin
+ monthly now (Bubli)
+ April 20th the next one
+ Italian hack-fest coming up: 4 days May 27-30th
+ Perugia University
+ https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Hackfest/Perugia2017
+ will sponsor accommodation/food for 4 core hacker – need names
+ first names to be added there win.
+ http://www.perugiaonline.com/reach_perugia_by_air.html says “The solution that we suggest to you to reach Perugia by air is to land to Rome and to continue for Perugia with bus” – is this really the best way? (Miklos)
+ plans to come, but travelling a whole day both ways is sub-optimal
+ would be good to share accommodation booking.
+ CeBit hackfest ? (Bjoern)
+ re-booting the show, want to host a hack-fest ?
+ perhaps the most expensive place to host anything (Thorsten)
+ with the worst connectivity.
+ would be for ~12 months anyway ? (Michael)
+ seems more like some enterprise / support sales event (Bjoern)
+ event in Spain (Xisco)
+ will be in Malaga for Open conference in May
+ http://www.opensouthcode.org/conference/opensouthcode2017
+ an idea to do something.
+ Xisco giving a talk there too - be good to meet up.
+ Essen meeting (Bjoern)
+ suggestions for bike-shedding topics to get people interesting
+ UX / Extensions ?
+ suggested dates in April 15th or 23rd German community coming up with that.
+ not nailed down yet
* mentoring/easyhack update (JanI)
+ openhub statistics (2017-03-20), 265(265) people did 15492(15492) commits in 12 month in 9045504(9045504) lines of code
+ gerrit/git statistics:
committer... 1 week 1 month 3 months 12 months
open 67(11) 114(18) 127(25) 134(25)
reviews 554(67) 1817(173) 4357(90) 17136(147)
merged 222(46) 799(-12) 2585(-17) 10011(116)
abandoned 12(-8) 64(0) 156(1) 658(-3)
own commits 390(-222) 1806(-82) 3711(314) 17297(30)
review commits 57(-207) 451(15) 683(47) 3426(-46)
contributor... 1 week 1 month 3 months 12 months
open 22(-11) 45(-6) 50(-6) 50(-6)
reviews 560(56) 1931(-12) 5185(20) 18813(194)
merged 37(7) 123(20) 262(23) 804(13)
abandoned 8(3) 29(1) 85(-5) 271(3)
own commits 25(9) 97(9) 174(25) 746(-1)
review commits 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0)
+ easyHack statistics:
needsDevEval 23(23) needsUXEval 0(0) cleanup_comments 187(187)
total 228(228) assigned 28(28) open 175(175)
+ received patches from 1 emails the last month without licesense statement
+ top 5 contributors:
Gelmini, Andrea made 29 patches in 1 month, and 68 patches in 1 year
Kainz, Andreas made 13 patches in 1 month, and 22 patches in 1 year
Donkers, Winfried made 10 patches in 1 month, and 54 patches in 1 year
Kumar, Rohan made 7 patches in 1 month, and 26 patches in 1 year
Johnny_M made 3 patches in 1 month, and 14 patches in 1 year
+ top 5 reviewers:
Stahl, Michael made 161 review comments in 1 month, and 1092 in 1 year
Iversen, Jan made 145 review comments in 1 month, and 1438 in 1 year
Grandin, Noel made 136 review comments in 1 month, and 1341 in 1 year
Vajna, Miklos made 108 review comments in 1 month, and 1180 in 1 year
Rathke, Eike made 102 review comments in 1 month, and 1329 in 1 year
* GsoC update (Thorsten)
+ project page: https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/organizations/5939192057036800/
+ ideas page: https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Development/GSoC/Ideas
+ please – mentors check your dashboard.
+ please poke if you don’t have a mentor setup yet:
+ pokes requested from Michael & Bjoern.
+ timeline:
+ now - March 20 - April 3 16:00 UTC: student submissions
+ April 3 - 16: review proposals
+ April 17, 16:00 UTC: deadline to submit slot requests
+ April 19, 16:00 UTC: slot allocations announced
+ April 19 - 24 16:00 UTC: choose proposals, assign mentors
+ May 4 - 29: projects public, community bonding period starts
+ May 29: last day to report inactive students
+ May 30: coding begins
+ June 26-30: first eval
+ July 24 - second eval
+ August 21- 29: pens down, wrap up
+ August 29 - September 5: final evaluations of students
+ September 6: passing projects announced
+ going well; a number of prospective students showing up
+ April 3rd is the drop-deadline for filing proposals.
+ need to encourage people to show-up and submit things !
* crash reporter news (?)
+ http://crashreport.libreoffice.org/stats/?days=128
+ http://crashreport.libreoffice.org/stats/version/
+ looking good.
+ http://crashreport.libreoffice.org/stats/version/
+ back to ~normal-ish levels.
* Commit Access
* Developer Certification (Stephan/Bjoern/Kendy/Thorsten)
+ 5 week sleep.
* Jenkins / CI update (Norbert)
from:Thu Mar 16 14:45:58 2017
master linux rel jobs: 202 ok: 187 ko: 15 fail ratio: 7.43 % break: 9 broken duration: 9.15%
master linux dbg jobs: 157 ok: 151 ko: 1 fail ratio: 0.64 % break: 1 broken duration: 1.53%
master mac rel jobs: 198 ok: 192 ko: 6 fail ratio: 3.03 % break: 5 broken duration: 1.05%
master mac dbg jobs: 196 ok: 189 ko: 6 fail ratio: 3.06 % break: 5 broken duration: 1.73%
master win rel jobs: 160 ok: 148 ko: 12 fail ratio: 7.50 % break: 12 broken duration: 7.53%
master win dbg jobs: 158 ok: 149 ko: 9 fail ratio: 5.70 % break: 9 broken duration: 7.54%
master win64 dbg jobs: 155 ok: 142 ko: 13 fail ratio: 8.39 % break: 13 broken duration: 7.81%
lo-5.2 mac jobs: 7 ok: 7 ko: 0 fail ratio: 0.00 % break: 0 broken duration: 0.00%
lo-5.3 mac jobs: 21 ok: 21 ko: 0 fail ratio: 0.00 % break: 0 broken duration: 0.00%
branch gerrit all jobs: 9 ok: 4 ko: 5 fail ratio:55.56%
master gerrit lin jobs: 316 ok: 283 ko: 31 fail ratio: 9.81%
master gerrit plg jobs: 314 ok: 268 ko: 44 fail ratio:14.01%
master gerrit win jobs: 321 ok: 260 ko: 56 fail ratio:17.45%
master gerrit mac jobs: 319 ok: 278 ko: 36 fail ratio:11.29%
master gerrit all jobs: 318 ok: 224 ko: 89 fail ratio:27.99%
+ Nothing special
* l10n (Sophie)
+ cloph poked Ryan to move the data back, hope to move soon.
* Bug ranting incident (Bjoern)
+ screaming about your bug – not an effective way to get it
prioritized – quite the opposite (Michael)
+ re-assured Khaled on the topic (Bjoern)
* QA update (Xisco)
+ Interoperability regression tool
+ got some results this week; prepare for new regression bugs.
+ not many expected; reported 3 so far.
+ 5557 files (doc, docx, rtf)
+ Comparing f3ba0c5d4dfc44f72aa7d4809c062227649f098f ( master ) with 07ac168c60a517dba0f0d7bc7540f5afa45f0909 ( Libreoffice )
+ idea to check later with impress etc. just writer for now
+ share the pain around evenly (Miklos)
+ UNCONFIRMED: 465 (+10)
+ enhancements: 41 (+3)
+ needsUXEval: 1 (-1)
+ haveBackTrace: 11 (-1)
+ needsDevAdvice: 43 -(1)
+ documentation: 7 (+2)
+ Most Pressing Bugs: http://tdf.io/mostressingbugs
+ New:
+ [ none 2nd week in a row. ]
+ Older:
+ FORMATTING: When undo and redo, custom styles and formatting lost, or full crash.
+ https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=88555
+ Bubli ?
+ Crash in: SwWrtShell::CalcAndSetScal - in Writer paste table from Calc
+ https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=102286
+ couldn't trigger it in the past.
+ Crash in: windows storage.dll
+ https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=106282
+ needs better drmemory trace.
+ Fixed: http://tdf.io/fixedmostpressingbugs
+ FILEOPEN: Crash of LibreOffice Calc when activating macros
+ https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=104383
+ fixed thanks to Kohei
* QA stats
+ https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/page.cgi?id=weekly-bug-summary.html
+133 -86 (+47 overall)
many thanks to the top bug squashers:
Xisco Faulí 16
V Stuart Foote 7
Buovjaga 5
Heiko Tietze 5
Markus Mohrhard 4
Pranav Kant 4
Kü 4
Caolán McNamara 4
Samuel Mehrbrodt 3
Stephan Bergmann 3
Aron Budea 2
Julien Nabet 2
Kevin Suo 2
LibreTraining 2
Mert Tumer 2
+ top 10 bugs reporters:
Mehrbrodt, Samuel 16
Faulí Tarazona, Xisco 8
Thomas Lendo 6
Kainz, Andreas 6
gilward.kukel 5
yousifjkadom 5
Kelemen, Gabor 3
Ari Latvala 3
Martin Marmsoler 3
kompilainenn 3
+ top 10 bugs fixers:
McNamara, Caolán 4
Kant, Pranav 4
Mehrbrodt, Samuel 3
Mohrhard, Markus 3
Bergmann, Stephan 2
Stahl, Michael 2
Faulí Tarazona, Xisco 1
Yoshida, Kohei 1
Michaelsen, Björn 1
Tümer, Mert 1
* Highest-Priority bugs (aka "MABs"):
5.3: 2/33 - 6% (+0)
5.2: 4/30 - 13% (-1)
5.1: 2/34 - 5% (+0)
5.0: 2/58 - 3% (+0)
4.4: 4/74 - 6% (-1)
4.3: 5/72 - 6% (+0)
4.2: 6/132 - 4% (+0)
4.1: 4/80 - 5% (+0)
4.0: 4/81 - 4% (+0)
old: 29/253 - 11% (+0)
+ http://bit.ly/2lJAAJI
* Bisected bugs open: keyword 'bisected'
+ more accurate - down to a single commit.
+ 358/1318 357/1307 351/1293 352/1284 354/1270 352/1255 350/1239
+ http://bit.ly/2dyIfDy
+ Done by:
Faulí Tarazona, Xisco 8
Budea, Áron 3
Kaganski, Mike 1
* Bibisected bugs open: keyword 'bibisected'
+ 431/1866 430/1854 420/1836 420/1826 423/1814 419/1797 419/1782
+ http://bit.ly/2cSCXlS
+ Done by:
Faulí Tarazona, Xisco 10
Budea, Áron 3
* all bugs tagged with 'regression'
+ 781(+9) bugs open of 5825(+23) total 13(-1) high prio.
+ Done by:
Faulí Tarazona, Xisco 12
Budea, Áron 3
Alex Thurgood 3
Buovjaga 2
Henschel, Regina 1
Jean-Baptiste Faure 1
Donkers, Winfried 1
* ~Component count net * high severity regressions
LibreOffice - 3 (-1)
Base - 2 (+0)
Impress - 2 (+0)
Writer - 2 (+0)
Calc - 2 (+0)
Extensions - 1 (+0)
graphics stack – 1 (+0)
+ http://bit.ly/1HWHb3E
by OS:
+ Mac - 5
+ All - 5
+ Windows - 2
+ Linux - 1
* ~Component count net * all regressions
Calc - 129 (+3)
Writer: other – 125 (+0)
Impress - 73 (+0)
Writer: docx - 68 (+0)
LibreOffice - 56 (+0)
UI - 48 (+2)
graphics stack - 38 (+0)
Writer: doc - 37 (+1)
Base - 29 (-2)
Draw – 31 (+1)
Borders – 30 (+0)
Crashes – 25 (-3)
Writer: perf – 22 (+0)
Writer: filter – 24 (+2)
filter / storage – 20 (+0)
Chart - 21 (+0)
print / PDF export - 13 (+0)
BASIC - 12 (+1)
Extensions - 4 (+1)
framework - 4 (+1)
Installation - 2 (+0)
sdk - 0 (-1) !!
+ http://bit.ly/1BUdI8i
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