[Libreoffice-qa] minutes of ESC call ...
Michael Meeks
michael.meeks at collabora.com
Thu Nov 30 16:14:53 UTC 2017
* Present:
+ Sophie, Caolan, Heiko, Xisco, Olivier, Miklos, Kendy, Stephan,
Eike, Christian, Michael S, Jan-Marek, Shinnok, Norbert
* Completed Action Items:
+ look into ulimit -c unlimited-ness on CI slaves (Cloph)
[ done: only 2x didn’t have it set – the others did already.
Not seen issue again yet (Stephan) ]
+ check for increased crashes when enabling 5.4.3 updating (Christian)
[ not live yet – but will poke Xisco when it is ]
+ find code pointer auto-format table style config merging (Caolan)
[ dropped ]
* Pending Action Items:
+ come up with a list of retiring committers to mail (Norbert)
+ find data for x86 / Linux downloads with view to removing for 6.0 (Cloph)
[ have the data, not broken down yet: termbin.com/2jc2 ]
* Release Engineering update (Christian)
+ 6.0 Beta 1
+ tagging delayed until Saturday
+ fixes related win signing / actually packaging etc.
+ got packages for the bug-hunting session
+ a few manual disables of unit tests for windows
+ curl update makes test fail, and win file locking too.
+ now tests non-fatal if can’t delete file thanks to Stephan.
+ back-port to 6.0 if possible (Cloph)
+ late features
+ HTML help pieces (Olivier, Cloph)
[ started looking at scripts (Shinnok)
+ poked at portability issues.
+ will work with Olivier to fix details.
Like David T’s approach (Kendy)
+ lets have a CustomTarget to start with first
+ good to sync with him first ‘dtardon’ ]
+ missing piece from customization GSoC (Heiko)
[ mkara finished it so macros & styles work,
ready to submit, Bubli reviewing ]
+ 6.0 Beta 2 (optional)
+ due next week in case late-features / big fixes are ready.
+ otherwise, no pressing reason to do one.
+ issue with Mac: Impress/Draw not working: hard to test
+ 5.4.4 RC1: this week
+ not tagged yet, quite a few patches in the queue to review.
+ 9 are left, should be easy to review.
+ https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/#/q/status:open+branch:libreoffice-5-4
+ Android
+ have a workaround for the rendering issue in gerrit.
+ disabling the charts on top of tiles as a workaround.
+ have a build with those fixes for QA to test.
+ Online
+ branched and source pushed.
* FOSDEM / Brussels, 3 & 4 February 2018
+ Submit papers: **deadline this Monday: Dec 4**
+ https://penta.fosdem.org/submission/FOSDEM18
+ Submitted ?
+ Michael M – calc threading
+ Heiko - Proposal for better font handling in LibreOffice
+ Xisco – LibreOffice QA - One Year Overview.
+ Talks ?
+ Caolan – fuzzing talk ?
+ Kendy – Online dialog tunneling (?)
+ Miklos – ePUB talk (?)
+ Samuel – don’t know.
+ Christian – a dashboard talk.
+ Olivier – Converging documentation
+ Stephan – giving thought to topic.
+ Michael S – still planning.
+ mkara - Customization
+ more most welcome ...
* Documentation (Olivier)
+ Help online
+ remarks on makefiles by D. Tardon
+ some progress with shinnok
+ patch for better UI (G. Chiquinni)
+ Getting start book:
+ progressing towards 6.0, features already set.
* Testing Jitsi for ESC calls (Michael)
+ https://meet.jit.si/TDFESC ?
+ BoD & design people using it for meetings
+ Staff meeting going well with 8-9 people (Xisco)
+ audio is better without cameras (Olivier)
+ would this be ok for phone people ?
+ Stephan, Eike, Sophie, ...
=> try it next time.
* UX Update (Heiko)
+ Bugzilla (topicUI) statistics
258(258) (topicUI) bugs open, 366(366) (needsUXEval) needs to be evaluated by the UXteam
+ Updates:
BZ changes 1 week 1 month 3 months 12 months
added 6(0) 18(2) 46(-1) 115(-3)
commented 35(-30) 182(-46) 620(-12) 2313(-109)
removed 0(0) 0(0) 4(0) 19(0)
resolved 5(0) 19(-3) 56(2) 245(2)
+ top 10 contributors:
Philips, Yousuf made 66 changes in 1 month, and 802 changes in 1 year
Tietze, Heiko made 60 changes in 1 month, and 1095 changes in 1 year
Zolnai, Tamás made 54 changes in 1 month, and 134 changes in 1 year
Faulí Tarazona, Xisco made 52 changes in 1 month, and 395 changes in 1 y
Dieter Praas made 40 changes in 1 month, and 90 changes in 1 year
Thomas Lendo made 28 changes in 1 month, and 432 changes in 1 year
Henschel, Regina made 16 changes in 1 month, and 126 changes in 1 year
Buovjaga made 16 changes in 1 month, and 267 changes in 1 year
Christian Lehmann made 16 changes in 1 month, and 20 changes in 1 year
Krot, Serge made 14 changes in 1 month, and 14 changes in 1 year
+ Trouble with table styles
+ announced a shiny new feature – fancy table styles.
+ intended to work in writer, cf. last-year’s GSOC project.
+ better styles for tables, and people will see a great feature.
+ table itself is buggy; number formats texts → zero with table styles.
+ same type styles have to work in calc too.
-> going with new table styles cause calc regression
+ making nice table styles for calc
+ a better serialization, 1mm padding big for calc, small for writer.
+ if styles didn’t affect all pieces of the table – a better approach.
+ in Writer text disappears if you apply a number format:
+ https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=106322
+ erAck – improved the description.
+ happy to look if we can get a writer code pointer (Eike)
+ go up from number-formatter ?
+ Module specific file types at open dialog
+ https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=79803
+ by default we show ZIP files, binaries, everything
+ show an ‘All Documents’ by default – don’t use shell (Michael)
+ opening calc docs from writer constantly
+ up to UX team of course (Michael)
* Crash Hunting (Caolan)
+ 17 import failure, 91 export failures
+ 1 fail remaining
+ hoped to get a response to the chart mail to list
+ 19 coverity
+ down.
+ 40 fuzzers * 3 sanitizers+engine combos (asan+libfuzzer,
ubsan+libfuzzer, asan+afl)
+ docx active, xlsx pushed, pptx churning locally
+ interestingly XML is not a security win.
+ 401 bugs in 340 days since enabled the 1st test
+ bug and a half per day
* Crash Reporter (Xisco)
+ http://crashreport.libreoffice.org/stats/version/
+ 1889 (last 7 days)
+ http://crashreport.libreoffice.org/stats/version/
+ 614 (last 7 days)
+ http://crashreport.libreoffice.org/stats/version/
+ 1999 (last 7 days )
+ http://crashreport.libreoffice.org/stats/version/
+ 1553 (last 7 days )
+ similar numbers to last week.
+ SfxSlotPool::GetSlotPool(SfxViewFrame *)
+ https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=113755
+ Reported since 5.4
+ no reproducible steps so far
+ might be related to LibreOffice closing / shutdown with clipboard
* Hackfests & Events (Thorsten)
+ FOSDEM hack-fest / meetings ? (Heiko)
+ Italo been looking into it;
+ proposed for Monday/Tuesday at ICAB – sent on Telegram.
+ Hamburg – 1st new-style hackfest
+ deferred to next year ...
+ https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Hackfests/HackfestTNG
+ timeframe is too narrow to risk it.
+ fallback plan for March in either Italy or Germany
+ still looking for people who want help learning how to fix
their problems interactively at a hackfest.
* mentoring/easyhack update (Shinnok)
committer... 1 week 1 month 3 months 12 months
open 74(0) 125(-4) 127(-10) 132(-11)
reviews 562(52) 1740(-76) 4801(-101) 18220(-9)
merged 286(80) 1085(9) 2991(93) 11308(64)
abandoned 45(31) 101(27) 232(34) 682(21)
own commits 418(149) 1403(-122) 4077(194) 13725(8)
review commits 127(73) 323(51) 839(56) 2808(56)
contributor... 1 week 1 month 3 months 12 months
open 11(-11) 30(-8) 31(-7) 35(-7)
reviews 871(108) 2886(23) 7190(85) 23463(157)
merged 25(1) 84(7) 247(-13) 1239(14)
abandoned 6(2) 17(3) 79(-2) 344(2)
own commits 25(1) 83(6) 252(-11) 832(16)
review commits 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0)
+ easyHack statistics:
needsDevEval 35(35) needsUXEval 0(0) cleanup_comments 206(206)
total 259(259) assigned 18(18) open 204(204)
+ top 5 contributors:
Gelmini, Andrea made 33 patches in 1 month, and 195 patches in 1 year
Johnny_M made 11 patches in 1 month, and 54 patches in 1 year
Donkers, Winfried made 7 patches in 1 month, and 28 patches in 1 year
Goncharuk, Lera made 4 patches in 1 month, and 12 patches in 1 year
Jim Raykowski made 3 patches in 1 month, and 11 patches in 1 year
+ top 5 reviewers:
Pootle bot made 266 review comments in 1 month, and 677 in 1 year
Behrens, Thorsten made 198 review comments in 1 month, and 953 in 1 year
Grandin, Noel made 167 review comments in 1 month, and 1385 in 1 year
Rathke, Eike made 122 review comments in 1 month, and 1096 in 1 year
Stahl, Michael made 95 review comments in 1 month, and 1907 in 1 year
+ big CONGRATULATIONS to contributors who have at least 1 merged patch, since last report:
Fabian Jucker jucker at gyselroth.com
Teraslilja m-matti-a.lehtonen at iki.fi
qzheng qzheng at suse.com
Timotej Lazar timotej.lazar at araneo.si
AI: + get Michael access to vm174 (Christian)
* Commit Access
+ a reasonable request in the pipeline
+ few more external reviews first cf. Dev list.
* Developer Certification (Stephan/Bjoern/Kendy/Thorsten)
+ sleep for 19 weeks.
* Jenkins / CI update (Christian)
from:Thu Nov 23 16:17:27 2017 to now
master linux rel jobs: 233 ok: 233 ko: 0 fail ratio: 0.00 % break: 0 broken duration: 0.00%
master linux dbg jobs: 213 ok: 211 ko: 1 fail ratio: 0.47 % break: 1 broken duration: 0.12%
master mac rel jobs: 116 ok: 114 ko: 2 fail ratio: 1.72 % break: 2 broken duration: 2.95%
master mac dbg jobs: 126 ok: 125 ko: 1 fail ratio: 0.79 % break: 1 broken duration: 0.25%
master win rel jobs: 102 ok: 94 ko: 8 fail ratio: 7.84 % break: 8 broken duration: 9.51%
master win dbg jobs: 101 ok: 90 ko: 11 fail ratio: 10.89 % break: 9 broken duration: 7.44%
master win64 dbg jobs: 106 ok: 96 ko: 10 fail ratio: 9.43 % break: 9 broken duration: 8.58%
lo-5.3 mac jobs: 1 ok: 1 ko: 0 fail ratio: 0.00 % break: 0 broken duration: 0.00%
lo-5.4 mac jobs: 0 ok: 0 ko: 0 fail ratio: 0.00 % break: 0 broken duration: 0.00%
branch gerrit all jobs: 0 ok: 0 ko: 0 fail ratio: 0.00%
master gerrit lin jobs: 512 ok: 441 ko: 66 fail ratio:12.89%
master gerrit plg jobs: 511 ok: 348 ko: 154 fail ratio:30.14%
master gerrit win jobs: 500 ok: 396 ko: 101 fail ratio:20.20%
master gerrit mac jobs: 503 ok: 395 ko: 106 fail ratio:21.07%
master gerrit all jobs: 507 ok: 288 ko: 203 fail ratio:40.04%
+ build-times in general went up across the board (Norbert)
+ all OS’ - but Mac hit the hardest.
+ need an additional builder or two.
+ reducing ccache a bit for mac minis.
+ difference Power-Mac (30mins) to Mac-mini (2 hours) is large
+ windows builders consistent at ~1hr/build
+ also increased by 10-15mins.
+ used to be 20-30mins
+ not clear why it got much worse; perhaps running more tests.
+ nothing sudden – but many cuts.
+ turnaround times seem much larger recently (Miklos)
+ is it an infra change ? dead slave in past days ?
+ have got worse in last days, but trending for months (Norbert)
+ win build time increased over the year (Norbert)
+ now we eat ~all the margin in the system.
+ schedule more builds than we have time for.
+ CI builds of already merged patches ? (Michael)
+ can happen – merging had a re-base etc. (Norbert)
+ Jenkins doesn’t know we merged it.
+ slow-down is on all platforms (Norbert)
+ problem must be in the source indep. Of compiler version.
+ or more tests that are not well tuned
+ don’t know if it is build, or test-time running (Jmux)
+ all builds run with ‘check’
+ possible new tests do slow the build (Miklos)
+ expected.
+ latency will be ~1hr – whatever (Norbert)
+ can switch Mac → more expensive Power-Mac (Michael)
+ 1 new PowerMac would replace the 3 mac-minis we have (Norbert)
+ Linux is getting close to windows / or slower (Norbert)
+ perhaps need 6 boxes – 2x of each.
* l10n (Sophie)
+ still waiting for fuzziness fix.
* QA update (Xisco)
+ Bug Hunting Session report for 6.0
+ last Monday
+ problem here – don’t know how many participants come.
+ wiki – list they can add themselves: but they don’t.
+ piwik – visits to wiki page: 100 each day.
+ they learn about the new version’s availability
+ so far found 8 reports vs. Beta 1
+ 6.0 looking good – modulo Mac bits.
+ UNCONFIRMED: 363 (+4)
+ enhancements: 42 (+5)
+ needsUXEval: 5 (+2)
+ haveBackTrace: 6 (+0)
+ needsDevAdvice: 32 (-2)
+ documentation: 3 (+0)
+ android: 17 (+2)
+ Most Pressing Bugs: http://tdf.io/mostressingbugs
+ New:
+ LO60b1: Impress and Draw don't run on macOS
+ https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=114086
+ cloph ? Build issue ?
+ Older:
+ Impress can't play MP4 videos on Mac
+ https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=113622
+ regression around media embedding
+ prolly related to SDK update & QuickTime deprecation
+ Writer crashes on undo times N (steps in Comment 11 or Comment 38)
+ https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=94225
+ Patch in gerrit: https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/#/c/44800/
+ thanks to Fyodor & mst_ for review.
+ Fixed:
* QA stats
+ https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/page.cgi?id=weekly-bug-summary.html
+142 +0 (-98) overall
many thanks to the top bug squashers:
Buovjaga 16
Heiko Tietze 7
Caolán McNamara 6
V Stuart Foote 6
Telesto 5
Mike Kaganski 4
Eike Rathke 4
Michael Stahl 3
Bartosz 3
Yousuf Philips (jay) 3
+ top 10 bugs reporters:
Yousuf Philips (jay) 18
Telesto 6
Dan Dascalescu 5
Alex Thurgood 4
Volga 4
Xisco Faulí 3
zyklon87 3
robert 2
Bernhard Rosenkraenzer 2
kompilainenn 2
+ top 10 bugs fixers:
McNamara, Caolán 5
Tietze, Heiko 4
Philips, Yousuf 4
Zolnai, Tamás 2
Kosiorek, Bartosz 2
Stahl, Michael 2
Rathke, Eike 2
Kü 1
Leif Lodahl 1
Köse, Gülşah 1
+ top 10 bugs confirmers:
Buovjaga 34
Faulí Tarazona, Xisco 18
Philips, Yousuf 13
Dieter Praas 7
Tietze, Heiko 4
Raal 3
Adolfo Jayme Barrientos 3
Alex Thurgood 2
Kosiorek, Bartosz 2
* Highest-Priority bugs (aka "MABs"):
+ http://bit.ly/2lJAAJI
5.3 : 2/49 - 4 % (+0)
5.2 : 2/39 - 5 % (+0)
5.1 : 1/35 - 2 % (+0)
5.0 : 2/62 - 3 % (+0)
4.4 : 2/76 - 2 % (+0)
4.3 : 5/74 - 6 % (+0)
4.2 : 6/134 - 4 % (+0)
4.1 : 3/84 - 3 % (+0)
4.0 : 4/83 - 4 % (+0)
old : 25/258 - 9 % (+0)
* Bisected bugs open: keyword 'bisected'
+ more accurate - down to a single commit.
+ http://bit.ly/2dyIfDy
+ 413/1767 416/1760 414/1748 425/1735 417/1714 412/1692 405/1663
done by:
Faulí Tarazona, Xisco 6
Buovjaga 2
* Bibisected bugs open: keyword 'bibisected'
+ http://bit.ly/2cSCXlS
+ 500/2376 502/2369 500/2355 510/2341 501/2317 497/2293 486/2260
done by:
Faulí Tarazona, Xisco 6
Telesto 1
* all bugs tagged with 'regression'
+ 879(+2) bugs open of 6572(+17) total 6(+0) high prio.
done by:
Buovjaga 9
Faulí Tarazona, Xisco 3
Telesto 3
Kosiorek, Bartosz 1
Foote, V Stuart 1
Balland-Poirier, Laurent 1
* ~Component count net * high severity regressions
+ http://bit.ly/1HWHb3E
Impress - 2(+0)
LibreOffice - 1(+0)
Writer - 1(+0)
Calc - 1(+0)
graphics stack - 1(+0)
by OS:
Mac OS X - 3(+0)
All - 3(+0)
Windows - 0(+0)
Linux - 0(+0)
* ~Component count net * all regressions
+ http://bit.ly/1BUdI8i
Writer: other - 160(+0)
Calc - 139(+1)
Impress - 89(-1)
Writer: docx filter - 74(+0)
LibreOffice - 69(+2)
UI - 48(+0)
graphics stack - 36(+0)
Writer: doc filter - 35(-1)
Draw - 34(+0)
Writer: perf - 34(+2)
Base - 30(+0)
Writer: other filter - 28(+1)
Borders - 28(+0)
filters and storage - 26(+1)
Chart - 19(+0)
Crashes - 18(-1)
Printing and PDF export - 16(-2)
BASIC - 15(+0)
framework - 5(+0)
Linguistic - 2(+0)
sdk - 1(+0)
Installation - 1(+0)
Extensions - 1(+0)
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