[libreoffice-design] Re: Minutes from the UX/design meeting 2023-Dec-20

Stéphane Guillou stephane.guillou at libreoffice.org
Fri Dec 22 09:50:37 UTC 2023

Hi all
On 22/12/2023 10:15, Eyal Rozenberg wrote:
> The font embedding is an example of a deeper issue:
> If LibreOffice is a 'native' ODT editor;
> and if you open an ODT in it;
> and if you don't effect any changes in that ODT, but just save;
> is it legitimate for the resulting ODT to be in any way different than
> the original (other than meta-data regarding modification date etc.) ?
I think it might be legitimate in various cases. One example I can think 
of is how fileopen checks on a few things depending on what the user has 
or doesn't have, notably linked files and images. I think there's some 
similarity: fonts might get embedded if the file properties ask to do 
it, depending on the font's availability on the system it is opened on.
Do you think there should be feedback to the user when such a thing 
happens? (e.g. a message saying "Font XYZ found, embedding it into the 
file. See File > Properties > Fonts to change that option.").

And why would you save the file in the first place, if you haven't 
changed anything?

Sorry if I'm missing the point :)

> On 22/12/2023 9:11, Heiko Tietze wrote:
>> On 21.12.23 20:05, Eyal Rozenberg wrote:
>>> "LibreOffice unexpectedly and strangely modifies an ODT file without
>>> they user having done anything, and embedding unnecessary fonts nobody
>>> asked it to."
>> Sounds like another facet of the font embedding. I would treat bug
>> 158588 about what fonts are embedded (CTL/CJK/Lat and used) and handle
>> the situation of shared documents on another. I haven't tested what
>> happens when one checks the embed fonts option and shares this document
>> with another person. Assuming her fonts would also be included,
>> silently, this is at least a privacy issue.
Just curious, what concrete privacy concerns do you see here? But maybe 
the "notification" I suggested above would be enough to make the change 
transparent and the user aware.


Stéphane Guillou
Quality Assurance Analyst | The Document Foundation

Email: stephane.guillou at libreoffice.org
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