Minutes from the UX/design meeting 2023-Feb-28

Heiko Tietze heiko.tietze at documentfoundation.org
Wed Feb 28 20:28:18 UTC 2024

Present: Sahil, John, Eyal, Heiko
Comments: Ady, Mike, Rainer, Timur, Stuart, Tomaz


  * Lowercase "a" and uppercase "A" wrongly shows as one "a" in
    Autofilter dropdown
    + https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=159737
    + AutoFilter follows the setting in the Standard Filter (Ady)
    + a) WF/NAB, b) description, c) configuration (Mike)
    + not so clear whether case-sensitivity works (Rainer)
    + would expect case-sensitivity (John)
    + users might be not aware of uppercase character/word if
      we hide it; rather let the user uncheck (Heiko)
    + all options better go to the full filter dialog (Sahil)
    + Excel shows items case-sensitive (John)
    + make it independent from standard filter option (Heiko)
    => comment

  * UI: Cell protection dialog reference menu that don't exist
    + https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=159748
    + remove this part from the string (Heiko, Timur)
    + menu does exists; against changing the string (Ady, Stuart)
    + point to the help page (Tomaz)
      + against this hint to "use the help content" (Ady)
      + link to the appropriate help pages is reasonable (Stuart)
      + idea was probably to have a hyperlink in the string
    + alternatively change the label depending on the UI mode,
      or amend the existing text with the Notebookbar solution (Eyal)
    + sheet/cell protection is not for beginners and we can expect
      users to learn the function (Sahil)
    => preferably use a more generic description

  * Manage changes dialog should allow action on all filtered changes
    + https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=115515
    + WFM/INV, at least from the sidebar (Heiko)
    => resolve ticket

  * Consistent polygon tool behavior in Draw
    + https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=131758
    + (1) how to finish the input: easy to miss and hard to undo (Eyal)
       + perhaps have some interaction to undo the last point
       + edit points allow to remove unwanted
    + (2) finishing methods: MSO ends polygon as well per double-click
       but also on escape
    + (3) close a polyline: by ctrl+click? in any case up to documentation
    + (4) how to enter PolyPoly-mode: same answer as above
    + (5) Is it really intended... obviously no user has joined the discussion
    + users tend to accept shortcomings and we might do better (Eyal)
    + would rather think of a list that takes all points and allows to edit
      independently from the interaction method (Heiko)
    + giving a hint on the interaction at the command label? not so good (John)
    + any change needs to be a convincing improvement (Eyal)
    + Inkscape behavior is similar to our workflow
    => comment
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