Research on missing patches on LibreOffice core master

Cor Nouws oolst at
Mon Sep 2 15:36:34 UTC 2024

Hi Andreas,

Andreas Mantke wrote on 13/08/2024 20:23:

> for certain reason I made a research about patches that were committed

Feel free to explain!

> to a distro branch of LibreOffice but never made it to the master
> branch. I thus searched for those patch titles that were committed to
> the branch distro/co-24.04 and not to the master. I got a list of more
> than 6900 patch titles. There maybe some patches which are only releated

That's an exceptional number. Are you sure you did the comparison correct?

> to the distro branch (e.g. upgrade the release number) but I have no
> clue why the other patches were not committed upstream too. You can get
> the list (with status from some days ago) here:

With my limited git experience, I couldn't help check (easily/at all), 
but I hope you asked the developers too?

> I had already a look at some of those patches, e.g. those who were
> releated to the LibreOffice Kit (LOK) and after a reminder they made it
> to the master branch. Maybe it's a good idea to review at least those
> patches from the list which didn't make it since autumn 2020 to the
> master branch when the online version was forked away. It could help to
> get those patches and their features also upstream and in the next
> LibreOffice major release.

Andreas Mantke wrote on 19/08/2024 21:41:

>> On 18.08.24 3:40 PM, Andreas Mantke wrote:
>>> I found in the
>>> master of LibreOffice core a feature named 'setBlockedCommandList'.
>> (you need to dig deeper for the actual list of commands that are
>> unavailable for LOKit)
> I already grepped for it in the source code of core and got that it was
> implemented relating to LOK. But I didn't get why commands that are not
> implemented in the LOK (API) needs to be blocked global in the
> LibreOffice core build.
> And in addition I didn't find a file in the source code which holds that
> list of blocked commands. If they were blocked for technical reasons,
> because they are not implemented yet, I'd expect a file with a list of
> those commands in the core source code (and a configure option to set
> them for building for LOK, e.g. the online version only). But that
> seemed not to be the case. Looks as if the feature has a different purpose.
> Maybe someone could give us a more comprehensible explanation? I'm curious.

Same here: in stead of mailing the general QA-list, did you ask developers?
Asking, since year or so ago you also complained about a patch (..) from 
you that was not committed, which looked a bit odd, IIRC?

Cor Nouws
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