ESC meeting minutes: 2025-03-27

Miklos Vajna vmiklos at
Thu Mar 27 15:31:30 UTC 2025

* Present:
   + Cloph, Hossein, Ilmari, Olivier, Jonathan, Xisco, Stephan, Miklos

NOTE: daylight saving time this weekend in Europe, so next week we'll start 16:00 UTC+2 (Xisco)

* Completed Action Items:
   + print preview is dark on macOS, file issue for Heiko (Cloph)
     + found an older bug reported already

* Pending Action Items:
   + bump the clang in LODE to version 18 (Hossein)
     + in progress
     + needs more work (Cloph)
       + works with devtoolset 13
       + should we use gcc from there or stick to devtoolset 12?
       + also no differentiation between branches
         + may or may not have issues there

* Release Engineering update (Cloph)
   + 2 announcements today
   + 24.8.7 rc1 in 3 weeks
   + 25.2.3 rc1 in 2 weeks

* Documentation (Olivier)
     + Helpcontents
        + Precisions on filepicker (A. Romedenne)
        + Help page on header/footer page menu (ohallot)
     + Guides
        + No news
     + Bugzilla Documentation statistics
         218(218) bugs open
     + Updates:
         BZ changes   1 week   1 month   3 months   12 months
            created     2(-4)    16(-4)     50(-38)   299(-5)
          commented     2(-9)    28(0)     111(-15)   865(-16)
           resolved     1(0)      7(-4)     26(-5)    174(-5)
     + top 10 contributors:
           Olivier Hallot made 22 changes in 1 month, and 372 changes in 1 year
           m.a.riosv made 7 changes in 1 month, and 31 changes in 1 year
           Dione Maddern made 4 changes in 1 month, and 121 changes in 1 year
           Rafael Lima made 4 changes in 1 month, and 9 changes in 1 year
           Dieter made 3 changes in 1 month, and 29 changes in 1 year
           nobu made 3 changes in 1 month, and 17 changes in 1 year
           Andras Timar made 3 changes in 1 month, and 3 changes in 1 year
           Ilmari Lauhakangas made 2 changes in 1 month, and 156 changes in 1 year
           Ldrap Kum made 2 changes in 1 month, and 2 changes in 1 year
           Sahil Gautam made 2 changes in 1 month, and 8 changes in 1 year

* UX Update (Heiko)
     + Missing Heiko
     + Bugzilla (topicUI) statistics
         226(226) (topicUI) bugs open, 6(6) (needsUXEval) needs to be evaluated by the UXteam
     + Updates:
         BZ changes   1 week   1 month   3 months   12 months
              added      0(-3)    1(-8)      1(-9)      10(-9)
          commented     26(-9)   95(-20)   243(-26)   1255(-36)
            removed      0(0)     0(0)       0(-1)      11(0)
           resolved      4(0)    21(3)      42(2)      217(-1)
     + top 10 contributors:
           Heiko Tietze made 42 changes in 1 month, and 639 changes in 1 year
           Ilmari Lauhakangas made 33 changes in 1 month, and 194 changes in 1 year
           Vernon, Stuart Foote made 33 changes in 1 month, and 393 changes in 1 year
           Karthik Godha made 22 changes in 1 month, and 22 changes in 1 year
           Kłos, Szymon made 10 changes in 1 month, and 10 changes in 1 year
           Mohamed Hani made 8 changes in 1 month, and 8 changes in 1 year
           Fortin Tam, Jean-François made 6 changes in 1 month, and 28 changes in 1 year
           Roman Kuznetsov made 5 changes in 1 month, and 60 changes in 1 year
           Shi Qiu made 5 changes in 1 month, and 5 changes in 1 year
           Ujjawal Kumar made 5 changes in 1 month, and 8 changes in 1 year
     + [Bug 164705] Focus on print dialog: on printer name or on number of copies?

* Crash testing (Caolan)
     + 144(+0) import failure, 32(+0) export failures
     + 4 coverity issues
     + 5 ossfuzz issues
       - 2 crashes, 1 OOM, 2 timeouts

* Crash Reporting (from (Xisco)
     +    20198(+5520)
     +    201(+11)
     +    25407(+2543)
     +    12988(+4699)
     + waiting till next week to have data from the today's 2 releases (Xisco)

* Mentoring (Hossein)
     + mostly focused on project ideas with interested students
     + have many people interested in the ideas
     + some may apply for more than 1 ideas
     + incoming patches for difficultyInteresting easy hacks
           committer...   1 week     1 month      3 months    12 months
                   open      52(-25)    134(-23)     135(-23)     135(-23)
                reviews     432(-70)   1524(-76)    3622(42)    13408(-86)
                 merged     174(-79)   1032(-105)   3019(-67)   14077(-86)
              abandoned      12(-6)      65(-2)      183(2)       728(-1)
            own commits      99(-43)    625(-120)   1977(-70)    9894(-64)
         review commits      40(-32)    211(-17)     622(-12)    2963(-22)
         contributor...   1 week      1 month      3 months     12 months
                   open     225(113)    1113(-6)     1120(1)       1120(1)
                reviews     606(-172)   2756(-200)   7150(-170)   30974(-154)
                 merged      21(-9)      103(-16)     315(-8)      1388(-5)
              abandoned      30(13)       90(18)      178(20)       511(22)
            own commits      19(-10)      88(-3)      249(-8)      1271(-7)
         review commits       0(0)         0(0)         0(0)          0(0)
     + easyHack statistics:
        needsDevEval 9(9)   needsUXEval 1(1)   cleanup_comments 353(353)
        total 424(424)   assigned 50(50)   open 336(336)
     + top 10 contributors:
           Simon Chenery made 14 patches in 1 month, and 40 patches in 1 year
           Karthik Godha made 7 patches in 1 month, and 7 patches in 1 year
           Armin Le Grand (allotropia) made 5 patches in 1 month, and 38 patches in 1 year
           Rashesh Padia made 4 patches in 1 month, and 18 patches in 1 year
           Bogdan B made 4 patches in 1 month, and 297 patches in 1 year
           Pierre Vacher made 3 patches in 1 month, and 6 patches in 1 year
           Ujjawal Kumar made 3 patches in 1 month, and 12 patches in 1 year
           Jan Rheinländer made 3 patches in 1 month, and 3 patches in 1 year
           Devashish gupta made 3 patches in 1 month, and 3 patches in 1 year
           Juan C. Sanz made 2 patches in 1 month, and 2 patches in 1 year
     + top 10 reviewers:
           Adolfo Jayme Barrientos made 130 review comments in 1 month, and 1064 in 1 year
           Ilmari Lauhakangas made 130 review comments in 1 month, and 812 in 1 year
           Caolán McNamara made 122 review comments in 1 month, and 1250 in 1 year
           Thorsten Behrens made 98 review comments in 1 month, and 680 in 1 year
           Vajna, Miklos made 94 review comments in 1 month, and 1116 in 1 year
           Xisco Fauli made 94 review comments in 1 month, and 790 in 1 year
           Hossein   made 88 review comments in 1 month, and 334 in 1 year
           Nabet, Julien made 84 review comments in 1 month, and 836 in 1 year
           Christian Lohmaier made 72 review comments in 1 month, and 720 in 1 year
           Michael Stahl made 70 review comments in 1 month, and 814 in 1 year
     + Patches automatically abandoned:
         Include stdio.h before include jpeglib.h ( Taichi Haradaguchi )
         test. do not push ( Xisco Fauli )
         vcl: make BitmapWriteAccess::CopyScanline() params const ( Chris Sherlock )
         tdf#43157 convert OSL_ASSERT to SAL_WARN_IF in CopyScanline() ( Chris Sherlock )
         tdf#43157 convert OSL_ASSERT to SAL_WARN_IF in CopyScanline() ( Chris Sherlock )
         vcl: remove commented out code ( Chris Sherlock )
         vcl: use lcl_NormalizeDayOfWeek() ( Chris Sherlock )
         vcl: flatten Calendar::ImplDoHitTest() and introduce CALENDAR_HITTEST_NOTHING ( Chris Sherlock )
         vcl: rename Calendar::mnMonthLine and Calendar::mnMonthPerLine ( Chris Sherlock )
         vcl: extract lcl_HitTestFirstCalendar() ( Chris Sherlock )
         vcl: extract lcl_HitTestLastCalendar() ( Chris Sherlock )
         vcl: flatten Calendar::ImplDoHitTest() ( Chris Sherlock )
         vcl: extract Bitmap::ConvertInBackend() ( Chris Sherlock )
         vcl: rename ImplIndexFromColor() to lcl_IndexFromColor() ( Chris Sherlock )
         vcl: migrate StretchAndConvert() into BitmapBuffer ( Chris Sherlock )
         vcl: rename static functions in BitmapBuffer.cxx ( Chris Sherlock )
         vcl: migrate function FastBitmapConversion() into BitmapBuffer ( Chris Sherlock )
         vcl: migrate ImplFastCopyScanline() to BitmapBuffer::FastCopyScanline() ( Chris Sherlock )
         vcl: migrate lcl_CopyImage() to BitmapBuffer::CopyImage() ( Chris Sherlock )
         vcl: move BitmapAccessMode.hxx to include/vcl/bitmap/ directory ( Chris Sherlock )
         vcl: move BitmapReadAccess.hxx to include/vcl/bitmap/ directory ( Chris Sherlock )
         vcl: move ColorMask.hxx to the include/vcl/bitmap/ directory ( Chris Sherlock )
         find-unneeded-includes: handle IWYU warnings about Qt headers ( Gabor Kelemen )
         sw: safer SwHistoryBookmark::SetInDoc() ( Ashod Nakashian )
     + big CONGRATULATIONS to contributors who have at least 1 merged patch, since last report:
           Muhammad Arsalan
           Devashish gupta

* GSoC (Ilmari)
   + Next step: 8th April, applicant deadline
   + help with reviewing changes for easy hacks is appreciated, the review load is quite high currently, maybe higher than last year
   + Mentors: please log into Google's site and accept the year 2025 org agreement

* Commit Access

* Developer Certification (Stephan/Miklos/László/Gabriel)
   + resting since: 20 weeks (limit: 20 weeks)
AI: Miklos to start the current round

* Jenkins / CI update (Cloph)
gerrit_android_aarch64     jobs: 143 ok: 136 ko:   3 fail ratio: 2.10% mean_ok:   9 ( 11) median_ok:   6 (  8)
gerrit_android_arm         jobs: 143 ok: 138 ko:   4 fail ratio: 2.80% mean_ok:   9 ( 11) median_ok:   6 (  8)
gerrit_android_x86         jobs: 143 ok: 134 ko:   4 fail ratio: 2.80% mean_ok:   9 ( 11) median_ok:   6 (  8)
gerrit_android_x86_64      jobs: 143 ok: 139 ko:   3 fail ratio: 2.10% mean_ok:   8 ( 11) median_ok:   5 (  7)
gerrit_linux_clang_dbgutil jobs: 316 ok: 198 ko: 108 fail ratio: 34.18% mean_ok:  39 ( 40) median_ok:  37 ( 37)
gerrit_linux_gcc_release   jobs: 365 ok: 279 ko:  67 fail ratio: 18.36% mean_ok:  21 ( 23) median_ok:  19 ( 19)
gerrit_mac                 jobs: 303 ok: 254 ko:  38 fail ratio: 12.54% mean_ok:  51 ( 51) median_ok:  45 ( 45)
gerrit_windows             jobs: 294 ok: 240 ko:  48 fail ratio: 16.33% mean_ok:  35 ( 37) median_ok:  34 ( 34)
gerrit_master_ml           jobs: 397 ok: 163 ko: 208 fail ratio: 52.39% mean_ok:  68 ( 68) median_ok:  66 ( 67)
gerrit_master              jobs:  59 ok:  27 ko:  28 fail ratio: 47.46% mean_ok:  48 ( 48) median_ok:  44 ( 44)
gerrit_master_seq          jobs: 339 ok: 137 ko: 180 fail ratio: 53.10% mean_ok:  71 ( 71) median_ok:  70 ( 70)
    + tests that failed more than twice in last seven days
       4 CppunitTest_chart2_xshape                gerrit_linux_gcc_release
      10 Killed by the kill-wrapper                gerrit_linux_gcc_release
      14 CppunitTest_sd_png_export_tests                gerrit_linux_clang_dbgutil
      15 aborted by jenkins job timeout                gerrit_windows
      51 Killed by the kill-wrapper                gerrit_linux_clang_dbgutil
   + this week (Cloph)
     + CppunitTest_sd_png_export_tests is failing a lot
     + possibly related to the drawinglayer timer / shutdown change
     + also the kill rate is higher than normal
     + and had an incremental build problem
   + just today, longer queue than usual
   + seeing increased failure rates on git / http (Stephan)
     + any mitigation is still active there?
     + think so (Cloph)
     + would be great to announce such things on the dev mailing list (Stephan)
     + the intention was to throttle the web / git web requests (Cloph)
     + fixed the related Android configuration error there
     + if you still experience git checkout / pull issues over http, let #tdf-infra know
     + the throttling was added due to a ddos, bringing the whole server down

* What’s cooking (Miklos)
   + A11y update (Michael W)
   + RTL/CTL/CJK update (Jonathan)
     + tdf#165510: RTL text rendered on top of LTR text in GUI
       + General bug in VCL rendering bidi text with fallback runs
         + shows up with the UI, not in sw/ or editeng/
     + tdf#88908: DOC/DOCX balance spaces and fullwidth spaces (CJK)
       + In progress
       + Previously-unknown compat/layout flag
       + Lang packs may have set this flag by default, so affects non-CJK docs
     + we have some similar in 3 different areas (UI, Writer, editeng), is this something architecturally broken? (Hossein)
       + any opportunities to deduplicate code here?
       + Writer and editeng didn't hit this bug by accident (Jonathan)
         + just because script family were split already
         + already consolited some duplication here
         + UI and Writer/editeng already uses the same VCL code here, not bad

* QA update (Xisco)
     + UNCONFIRMED: 1574 (+8)
         + enhancements: 416  (+3)
         + needsUXEval: 0 (-8)
         + haveBackTrace: 14 (+1)
         + needsDevAdvice: 47 (+0)
         + documentation:  4 (+1)
         + android:  0 (+0)
         + iOS:  0 (+0)
         + Online:  7 (+0)

     + Most pressing bugs:


     + New high severity bugs of the week:
         + Crashes on sorting database table
             + Duplicated of tdf#165398
             + thanks to Noel & Xisco

* QA stats
       +92  +27 (-65) overall)
       many thanks to the top bug squashers:
        Gabor Kelemen (allotropia) 11
        Buovjaga                5
        V Stuart Foote          5
        Heiko Tietze            3
        Timur                   3
        m_a_riosv               3
        Dieter                  2
        Michael Weghorn         2
        Mike Kaganski           2
        Noel Grandin            2

     + top 10 bugs reporters:
        daniel.schaaaf          5
        Gabor Kelemen (allotropia) 4
        Maks Lysohorov          3
        Adalbert Hanßen         2
        Peter                   2
        Piotr Osada             2
        Robert Großkopf         2
        madhavkiran.sodum       2
        Eyal Rozenberg          1
        Heiko Tietze            1

     + top 10 bugs fixers:
        Kelemen, Gabor          10
        Grandin, Noel           2
        Timur Gadzo             2
        Ujjawal Kumar           2
        *UNKNOWN*               1
        Adolfo Jayme Barrientos 1
        Amin Irgaliev           1
        Aron Budea              1
        Balazs Varga            1
        Eyal Rozenberg          1

     + top 10 bugs confirmers:
        m.a.riosv               18
        *UNKNOWN*               11
        Heiko Tietze            5
        Ilmari Lauhakangas      5
        Raal                    4
        Specht, Oliver          2
        Thorsten Behrens (CIB)  2
        opp                     2
        Bogaboga Man            1
        Brian Alexander         1

* Bisected bugs open: keyword 'bisected'
    + more accurate - down to a single commit.

      done by:
         Raal                   3
         Aron Budea             2
         Adam Seskunas          1
         Ilmari Lauhakangas     1
         Kelemen, Gabor         1
         libre                  1
         Xisco Fauli            1

* Bibisected bugs open: keyword 'bibisected'

      done by:
         Raal                   3
         Roman Kuznetsov        1
         Adam Seskunas          1
         Aron Budea             1
         Ilmari Lauhakangas     1
         Kelemen, Gabor         1
         libre                  1
         Xisco Fauli            1

* all bugs tagged with 'regression'
    + 1243(-4) bugs open of 14001(+10) total 23(+0) high prio.

      done by:
         Raal                   4
         Roman Kuznetsov        1
         Andreas Heinisch       1
         Kelemen, Gabor         1
         Kaganski, Mike         1
         Vernon, Stuart Foote   1
         Xisco Fauli            1

* ~Component   count net * high severity regressions
      Writer        - 9(+0)
      Calc          - 6(+0)
      LibreOffice   - 4(+0)
      Impress       - 2(+0)
      Installation  - 1(+0)
      UI            - 1(+0)

    by OS:
      All           - 17(+0)
      Linux         - 4(+0)
      Mac OS X      - 0(+0)
      Windows       - 2(+0)

* ~Component   count net * all regressions
      Writer: other            - 409(-6)
      Calc                     - 241(+0)
      Impress                  - 131(+0)
      LibreOffice              - 55(+0)
      Draw                     - 47(+0)
      Writer: docx filter      - 45(+1)
      Crashes                  - 43(-1)
      Base                     - 36(+0)
      Borders                  - 35(+0)
      UI                       - 35(+0)
      Writer: perf             - 33(+0)
      Writer: other filter     - 30(+0)
      Chart                    - 27(+0)
      Printing and PDF export  - 25(+1)
      filters and storage      - 25(+0)
      RTL                      - 23(+0)
      BASIC                    - 19(+0)
      Writer: doc filter       - 18(+0)
      graphics stack           - 14(+0)
      Formula Editor           - 11(+0)
      framework                - 3(+0)
      sdk                      - 3(+0)
      Extensions               - 2(+0)
      Installation             - 2(+0)
      Linguistic               - 2(+0)

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