[Libreoffice-ux-advise] Tooltips options removal, was: Automatically select an option page if a user clicks on a category

Cor Nouws oolst at nouenoff.nl
Thu Dec 22 07:41:50 PST 2011

Stefan Knorr (Astron) wrote (22-12-11 16:26)

> just a heads-up: the options
>> On the Load/Save page:
>> * Save>  Save URLs relative to file system
>> * Save>  Save URLs relative to internet
> need some discussion still, so it's best to wait with any action
> concerning those.

Indeed. AFAIK, people make use of the possibility to save URL's relative 
or absolute.
So I am unsure how that should be done without the options.


  - Cor
  - http://nl.libreoffice.org

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