[Libreoffice-ux-advise] Table of Contents hyperlinks by default

Alexander O. Anisimov alenyashka at gmail.com
Fri Dec 23 01:01:11 PST 2011

Hi all,

Cor Nouws wrote (19-12-11 13:18)
> hyperlink on the whole line looks terrible

I agree with him.

Lior Kaplan wrote (19-12-11 00:42)
> I think we should keep the link for the whole line, otherwise we must go
to the side to click on the number instead of clicking on the text

And I agree with him too.

So, why the link character style is 'Internet Link', instead of 'Index
Link'? If the character style 'Index Link' will be used, then the whole
line in ToC will be clickable and will not be underlined. Consequently, it
will be nice and convenient.

I start talk about it here
because I wasn't subscribed to this list before.

.''`.  With best regards,
: :' : Alexander Anisimov
`. `'  JID alenyashka at gmail.com
  `-   Debian - when you have better things to do than fixing systems
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