[Libreoffice-ux-advise] Header and Footers separators design

Christoph Noack christoph at dogmatux.com
Tue Jul 5 14:58:41 PDT 2011

Hi Cedric!

Am Dienstag, den 05.07.2011, 10:26 +0200 schrieb Cedric Bosdonnat:
> Hi all,
> I have just added a new feature in Writer to clearly separate the
> Header/Footers edition from the document body edition. I have to admit
> that it has been seriously inspired from some competitor office suite.

Wow, it's cool to notice that such helpful hints get added :-)

> The separator mark is as shown in the attached picture because... but as
> I'm a bad designer, I'ld like you to have a look at it and tell me how
> it should look like.

I'd like to ask a few questions:
      * Is the position of the header/footer "markup line" always the
        page margin? If yes, then the dashed markup line would interfere
        (a bit) with the margin.
      * What color is used for the markup? Is it something borrowed by
        the operating system, or is it somehow hard-coded?
      * Is this just a "passive" element or is there any "active" stuff
        like another context-menu or actions on clicking the markup.
        (Rationale for that question: In MSO a dedicated header/footer
        ribbon element gets added. In our case, we might help the user
        to find out how to format the header/footer easily - e.g. by
        calling the dedicated page formatting dialog).

Final question, who is the source for adding this markup? I'm asking the
question because MSO started to remove any margin indicators, so they
need this indicator to make sure people know that they are working in
the headers/footers section. In our case, we already have such
indicators (of course, this does not imply these indicators are helpful
at all ;-)

> Thanks for your help,

Thanks for _your_ help!


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