[Libreoffice-ux-advise] drawing toolbar interactions

Andre Schnabel Andre.Schnabel at gmx.net
Thu Jul 21 00:48:00 PDT 2011

Hi Michael,

> Von: Michael Meeks <michael.meeks at novell.com>
> Betreff: [Libreoffice-ux-advise] drawing toolbar interactions
> 	https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=39268
> 	I was wondering if (since users tend to get stuck in this mode), having
> 'Escape' escape from the mode back to normal 'selection' would be a
> helpful addition to make it more acceptable.

I agree that this would be helpfull for Draw, as drawing is the most obvious
activity there. Like astaron said, most drawing applications will keep the
tool active after one action. 

But: the drawing toolbar is used in other modules as well. I'm not sure,
if the implementation is different for modules, but at least for impress
it would be the same.  

And for the other modules "Drawing" is a secondary function (ok, some of
my managers would disagree). The current behaviour (single click -> draw just
one element; double click -> draw multiple elements) is implemented the same
way in many other applications (including PowerPoint, Excel and Word). 
So if we change the behaviour in general, we would please Scribus users, but
likely confuse many other users.

What is really confusing is that it is not obvious, if a tool is "sticky"
or not. E.g. Double click on rectangle will make the rectangle shape
in standard shapes sticky. But as this is hidden in a floating toolbar,
user has no info about this status.



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