[Libreoffice-ux-advise] lp#891539: Fullscreen via F11 should work

Christoph Noack christoph at dogmatux.com
Thu Nov 17 14:31:24 PST 2011

Hi Björn, all!

Missing time only let me spent a few minutes on this issue ... so just
some hints others might pick up.

Am Donnerstag, den 17.11.2011, 18:37 +0100 schrieb Bjoern Michaelsen:
>  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libreoffice/+bug/891539
> requesting to change fullscreen shortcuts from CTRL+SHIFT+J to F11. Actually we
> had that patch in Ubuntu once, but I reverted it because:
>  a) Documentation was not updated
>  b) It broke the cross-platform experience of LibreOffice
> So if this is changed, it has to be done upstream (think l10n). Are there any
> blockers to move fullscreen to F11 on all platforms? If not, I would upstream
> the issue and EasyHackify it.

Three comments ...

First, our dear colleagues at Wikipedia provide a great table with
shortcut keys for different platforms. Except for Mac OS X, [F11] seems
common for all platforms - but I'm unsure why it doesn't work there
(some people claim F11 is bound for Exposé features, Firefox offers F11
for fullscreen view as well)

Second, F11 is not the only related feature bound to F11. Shift+F11
seems used for new styles (from selection), and Ctrl+Shift+F11 updates a
style. So binding a given feature to F11 might break the similarity of
the other F11-keybindings.

Third, are we sure that the fullscreen view is more often used than
working with the Stylist? It seems we don't have a viable (easy to
remember) shortcut for that.

Other statements?


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