[Libreoffice-ux-advise] Conditional Formatting, Icon Sets Feature, SVG

Stefan Knorr heinzlesspam at gmail.com
Sun Nov 11 09:22:18 PST 2012

Hi Markus, all,

I've uploaded an SVG of the proposed icons for the Icon Sets feature in
LibreOffice to the wiki. [Explanation of the feature at the end of this

We should now have parity with the Other Office Suite, but I have so far
not extended the selection to cover more sets.
I gave every group (i. e. icon) a recognisable (if sometimes long) ID
and and would somewhat like to see these reflected in the file names –
which should be easy given that if you're exporting a selection it
should automatically use the ID as the file name. I hope you can cope
with the new names, Markus. ;)

Here you go:


Also, if anyone is interested in creating extra icon sets, the only
conditions are:
+ sets of 3, 4, or 5 icons
+ 16*16 px SVGs
+ Tango colours, and if applicable, style (if you're creating very
simple glyphs, the double outlines of the Tango style might be a

I'll open a whiteboard for icon sets shortly and will then post a link
in this thread.


[If you're wondering what I am talking about: in Calc, there is a
feature called conditional formatting (Format > Conditional Formatting)
which lets you define ways in which to change the appearance of a cell
automatically, depending on its value.
With icon sets, you will (in LibreOffice 4.0) be able to automatically
add an appropriate icon to a cell, like up (positive number) or down
(negative number) arrows.]

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