[Libreoffice-ux-advise] [Bug 132941] Make other layouts editable in master slides, not just the "Title, content" one

bugzilla-daemon at bugs.documentfoundation.org bugzilla-daemon at bugs.documentfoundation.org
Mon Aug 31 18:29:29 UTC 2020


Buovjaga <ilmari.lauhakangas at libreoffice.org> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
                 CC|                            |libreoffice-ux-advise at lists
                   |                            |.freedesktop.org
            Summary|Wishlist: make other        |Make other layouts editable
                   |layouts editable in master  |in master slides, not just
                   |slides, not just the        |the "Title, content" one
                   |"Title, content" one        |
         Whiteboard| QA:needsComment            |
           Keywords|                            |needsUXEval

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