[Libreoffice-ux-advise] [Bug 138628] ClearDirectFormatting does not remove page break

bugzilla-daemon at bugs.documentfoundation.org bugzilla-daemon at bugs.documentfoundation.org
Wed Dec 9 13:49:27 UTC 2020


--- Comment #20 from Telesto <telesto at surfxs.nl> ---
(In reply to Mike Kaganski from comment #17)
> (In reply to Telesto from comment #16)
> And it's not OK to be overly rigid in not accepting tools that
> mimic the other model.

Don't get me wrong. Not trying to imply such a thing. It's surely amicable. 
Only attempting to accentuate a negative side-effect. If you assume
(pre-biased) it's an formatting object (which kind of common in different
editors) and move to LibreOffice you get the impression of again being an
object (as it apparently behaves as expect. Insert page break + CTRL+ENTER +
floating toolbar at page break). Until the point you start editing. And some
point - un-expect - you become aware it's a paragraph property (which you
didn't even consider in advance.. as it isn't universal). So keeps an illusion
in tact until the bubble bursts. As the mimicking only goes to a certain point
(when you fall through). 

Some my never notice.. But if you fall through the experience becomes rather
confusing. As it totally different compared to the first appearance. You think
you got it, but surely not the case. There is no flowing seamlessly from
paradigm A into B . It's abrupt ending.. 

But that's my personal experience. 
I would even consider 'real' object page breaks next to paragraph formatted
page breaks [as I kind of in fight with it a certain points] But making stuff
likely complex too. With lots of different decoration of for source of the page
So not quite sure if this an reasonable proposal at all.

> Speaking about "not ideal", "feels like leaving
> something hanging in the air" etc. is just being idealistic, and wasting
> time. A setting allows people to make the job done. Other improvements (like
> tdf#91874) could improve discoverability. 

Merely attempted to say: more settings is not automatically a panacea. 
Say you expect Clear Formatting removing page breaks. And it isn't . And
starting to question yourself. I'm I doing something wrong? Why isn't the page
break not removed.. If you ask that question.. and start investigating (which
likely not to common; I personally opt for *argh* have to remove those
manually). You must be quite interest in the topic. Then the get the answer
there is a setting inside Tools -> options -> .. [Assuming Page breaks not
being deleted by default using clear formatting]. So how many people will find
it, use it? [And Test it]

Similar happening with my favorite example markdown auto-correct. It's enabled
by default. Typing *HELLO* [SPACE} results in bold. Without having a clue how
or why. So yes, I can disable Markdown. But simply don't know about it being
enabled. Or even considering * * being a markdown command. Similar for /Hello/
(hyperlink/ file path)
So writing a bug report.. getting report it's setting.. takes the 'angle out',
but still kind of discontent (that's the case for me at least). Here I debate
the presence of the feature (does Markdown belong to editor) to being enabled
by default. [Heiko surely getting tired of me bringing this up endlessly on
every occasion I can find; but he probably has a *shrug* mode] 

> Or of course, we may just drop
> LibreOffice code as a whole, and start making a true AI with mind-reading
> capabilities, that would produce documents without user involvement.

Hmm, preferable not. I'm mostly not totally clear what I 'think I want' and
what I actually want.  Another solution might be simply using good old typing
machine :P. Solves a lots of problems (and replaces them with new ones). 

Leaving this at the UX department to figure out what to do here. As I get the
request of comment 0, but also reluctant to add more settings. Surely not able
to weight the pro/cons

[And Mike thank you time.. answering.. I can be kind of annoying; persistent,
hard-headed. And bit sloppy in my communication]

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