[Libreoffice-ux-advise] [Bug 136961] Optimize handling of page orientation in Writer (based on landscape page)

bugzilla-daemon at bugs.documentfoundation.org bugzilla-daemon at bugs.documentfoundation.org
Mon Oct 12 13:52:10 UTC 2020


Heiko Tietze <heiko.tietze at documentfoundation.org> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
           Keywords|needsUXEval                 |
                 CC|libreoffice-ux-advise at lists |heiko.tietze at documentfounda
                   |.freedesktop.org            |tion.org

--- Comment #6 from Heiko Tietze <heiko.tietze at documentfoundation.org> ---
I support the idea of a shortcut to toggle the orientation of the current page
resp. the selected pages. It would be a UNO command that adds a page break
before and after and applies a new page style / direct formatting to this

Suggest to change the summary accordingly.

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