[Libreoffice-ux-advise] [Bug 145262] UI: Context menu for table content with Index / Bibliography entry is missing commands

bugzilla-daemon at bugs.documentfoundation.org bugzilla-daemon at bugs.documentfoundation.org
Wed Nov 10 13:40:40 UTC 2021


Heiko Tietze <heiko.tietze at documentfoundation.org> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
                 CC|libreoffice-ux-advise at lists |heiko.tietze at documentfounda
                   |.freedesktop.org            |tion.org,
                   |                            |mentoring at documentfoundatio
                   |                            |n.org
             Status|UNCONFIRMED                 |NEW
           Keywords|needsUXEval                 |difficultyBeginner,
                   |                            |easyHack, skillDesign,
                   |                            |topicUI
     Ever confirmed|0                           |1

--- Comment #7 from Heiko Tietze <heiko.tietze at documentfoundation.org> ---
(In reply to phv from comment #6)
> It's the lack of coherence in the contextual menu for the same element
> outside the table and in a table that bothers me the most...

Convincing argument. Let's add the command to the table menu. 

Code pointer in comment 5.

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