[Libreoffice-ux-advise] [Bug 150237] LINE NUMBERING DIALOG: Change interval to 1 by default

bugzilla-daemon at bugs.documentfoundation.org bugzilla-daemon at bugs.documentfoundation.org
Fri Aug 5 09:29:17 UTC 2022


--- Comment #7 from Eyal Rozenberg <eyalroz1 at gmx.com> ---
(In reply to V Stuart Foote from comment #5)
> Tools -> Line Numbering is well covered in the help [1][2]

That's not a valid argument IMHO. The UI (and UX) should be immediately
effable, without the user having to consult the help text. In other words, Help
is a "second line of defense" against the user not managing to use the app like
they want to.

> and in the Writer Guide [3].

That's not even something users can be expected to notice. I mean, it's great
if they do, but - how many users do we think have ever opened it? If it's 5%
I'd be surprised.

> See no reason to adjust current numbering interval default from 5
> to 1 other than more "hand-holding" for Benjamin users.

Well, if you think this suggestion is too focused on "Benjamin" users - the
interval could be persisted (or be pref-controlled), so once a user becomes
non-Benjamin, their preferred interval sticks.

Also, again - 1-interval is the common use case and the default elsewhere. Even
those who want intervals many not want 5, as opposed to 2 or 10, as the

> While doing so would end up annoying users bcz it is self evident on a document with more than 5 lines.

It's not self-evident even then. Perhaps by 10 lines it is self-evident. And
the fact that it's not self-evident by the second paragraph is bad.

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