[Libreoffice-ux-advise] [Bug 115645] Should be able to permanently delete comments with track changes enabled.

bugzilla-daemon at bugs.documentfoundation.org bugzilla-daemon at bugs.documentfoundation.org
Thu Oct 6 14:33:30 UTC 2022


Heiko Tietze <heiko.tietze at documentfoundation.org> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
           Priority|low                         |lowest
     Ever confirmed|0                           |1
           Keywords|needsUXEval                 |
             Status|UNCONFIRMED                 |NEW
                 CC|libreoffice-ux-advise at lists |heiko.tietze at documentfounda
                   |.freedesktop.org            |tion.org

--- Comment #15 from Heiko Tietze <heiko.tietze at documentfoundation.org> ---
We discussed the topic in the design meeting. The suggested command with the
label "Remove All Deleted Comments" sounds like a convenient way to get rid of
the deleted comments by accepting all. It should be visible only in TC mode and
be available at the context menu and the TC toolbar.

The supposed (and similarly easy) workflow is to "Resolve" a comment and hide
those (View > [ ] Resolved Comments). Making this a very low priority.

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