[Bug 156071] No option to automatically indent multiline list entries to align with numbering followed by space

bugzilla-daemon at bugs.documentfoundation.org bugzilla-daemon at bugs.documentfoundation.org
Wed Jul 24 11:40:59 UTC 2024


--- Comment #13 from William Friedman <will.friedman at gmail.com> ---
(In reply to Mike Kaganski from comment #11)
> I don't know about the original idea of William - I mean, how much is it
> wanted. I never saw any request similar to this before; so my suspicion is
> that that is a very niche use case. Of course, I may be wrong; it would be
> useful to see if there is some significant demand; maybe some widely used
> style guide?
> Heiko's idea is *different*; I know for fact that it would be welcome by
> more users. However, unless William decides to change the request, Heiko's
> idea must be treated separately.

I'm not sure on what basis you make assertions of the relative demand for
different enhancements. Unless there's random polling of the user base, the
absence of a request for a particular enhancement may simply mean that the
people who want a particular option haven't spoken up (either because they
don't feel that strongly, but would want it, or because they don't use the bug
site, etc.).

For an example of a style guide that could be understood to require what I'm
asking for, see: https://www.stylemanual.gov.au/structuring-content/lists

"Rules for sentence lists: ... Align run-over lines with the text, not the
bullet or number."

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