[Bug 161972] Inserting new comment in Calc disables the "show all comments" setting

bugzilla-daemon at bugs.documentfoundation.org bugzilla-daemon at bugs.documentfoundation.org
Sun Sep 22 19:11:23 UTC 2024


Gabor Kelemen (allotropia) <kelemeng at ubuntu.com> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
         Resolution|NOTABUG                     |---
             Status|RESOLVED                    |REOPENED

--- Comment #6 from Gabor Kelemen (allotropia) <kelemeng at ubuntu.com> ---
Let me reopen this. The customer request is kinda straightforward, the current
process is confusing. Making it simpler is desired.

(In reply to Heiko Tietze from comment #4)
> The command is disabled while editing a comment. Meaning it becomes
> available once you finished to add a new comment.

Being disabled while editing a new comment is not a problem, but after editing
it changes status if it was "Enabled" (but not if it was disabled). 
Further, editing an existing comment does not turn it off - which makes sense
in itself, but inconsistent with editing a new comment.
This is not good.

> What remains is the fact that View > Comments is not a toggle. I can follow
> Ady's comment 3 in this regard. You too, Gabor?

That is exactly the problem. This current behavior (it's BOTH a status
indicator AND an action button) makes less sense than making it a toggle.

In Calc, new comments are hidden after creation and initial editing by default.

This contrasts the behavior of Excel: there the new comments are hidden or
shown depending on the status of the Show All Comments button, which also
changes the status of existing comments. Our customer was inspired by that.

Other use cases, such as the one mentioned by ady, are worth investigating in

> For instance, you can have many comments set to Show already, and you might want to 
> add several new comments but you want them to remain hidden. Unhiding all the new 
> comments is easy with the current workflow, but having to hide each new comment is 
> an extra unneeded work, even when selecting multiple cells.

- Having a file with all existing comments hidden.
Currently: New comments are added as hidden. Unhiding the new ones is a
per-comment click, but hidden ones are kept hidden.
After: (a) If View - Comments becomes a toggle which is turned off by default,
the behavior is the SAME.
(b) If it is turned on by default, new comments are added as visible and hidden
ones are kept hidden. This would match Excel behavior. This is LESS clicks than
(c) If the status is changed, all comments become visible / hidden. This is the
SAME as before, plus new comments are created according to the new visible /
hidden state.

- Having a file with all existing comments visible. Let's say we want to add
some hidden ones.
Currently: New comments are added as hidden. No clicks needed.
After: (a) If View - Comments becomes a toggle which is turned off by default,
new comments are created as hidden. This is the SAME as before.
(b) If it is turned on by default, new comments are added as visible. Hiding
them is a per-comment click.
(c) If the status is changed  all comments become visible / hidden. This is the
SAME as before, plus new comments are created according to the new visible /
hidden state.

Overall, it does not seem like there would be a huge downside. I think it would
be more consistent and less confusing on the "is this a status indicator or a
toggle command? -> Both" front.

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