[Libreoffice] [PUSHED] Re: [PATCH] Fix for bug/feature request i#8288

Jan Holesovsky kendy at suse.cz
Wed Dec 1 05:30:41 PST 2010

Hi Mattias,

Mattias Johnsson píše v Ne 28. 11. 2010 v 14:40 +1100:

> Also one of the easy hacks.
> Patch ensures that after doing "replace all" the cursor is left at
> original position, rather than moved to the position of the last
> replacement.

Wow! - what a great usability improvement, with few lines of code :-)
Pushed, the only change was using the 8288 as the bug number, instead of

Can you please move it from Easy Hacks to Completed Easy Hacks? ;-)


Thank you a lot,

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