[Libreoffice] Help on removing a DECLARE_LIST()

Joseph Powers jpowers27 at cox.net
Tue Dec 7 06:37:09 PST 2010



From calc/sc/inc/rangelst.hxx:

	typedef ScRange* ScRangePtr;
	typedef ::std::vector< ScRangePtr > ScRangeListBase;
	class SC_DLLPUBLIC ScRangeList : public ScRangeListBase, public SvRefBase { ... }

I'm changing the definition of ScRangeListBase from a DECLARE_LIST() to a ::std:vector<>. For the most part the change is going well; however, we have a method in the class named "Join" that looks like it's trying to merge two lists together.

My issues are related to nOldPos:

1) I might need to write code to do the GetPos(); this just returns the Index to the address given. This is easy and not a big concern.

2) The Remove( nOldPos ) can be replaced with an erase( begin() + nOldPos ); however, at this point I believe that it's removing the object because it's in both lists (they have the same address). I'm thinking that destroying one instance will destroy the 2nd which would make this code incorrect. (I know, it's been working for years; I just don't see how).

3) Why is this recursive? This my have something to do with ScRange acting like a ScRangeList; which is my next task to find out why.

4) All the comments being in German isn't helping... 

5) I'm thinking the Seek() is related to updating the position for the List iterator. vector<> uses a different iterator process so this can be removed; however, do I need to do something to update the vector<>'s iterator?

The code in question is calc/sc/core/tool/rangelst.cxx:

void ScRangeList::Join( const ScRange& r, bool bIsInList )
    if ( empty() )
        Append( r );
        return ;
    SCCOL nCol1 = r.aStart.Col();
    SCROW nRow1 = r.aStart.Row();
    SCTAB nTab1 = r.aStart.Tab();
    SCCOL nCol2 = r.aEnd.Col();
    SCROW nRow2 = r.aEnd.Row();
    SCTAB nTab2 = r.aEnd.Tab();
    ScRangePtr pOver = (ScRangePtr) &r;		// fies aber wahr wenn bInList
    size_t nOldPos = 0;
    if ( bIsInList )
    {	// merken um ggbf. zu loeschen bzw. wiederherzustellen
        nOldPos = GetPos( pOver );
    bool bJoinedInput = false;

    size_t nRanges = size();
    for ( size_t i = 0; i < nRanges; ++i )
        ScRangePtr p = at( i );
        if ( p == pOver )
            continue;			// derselbe, weiter mit dem naechsten
        bool bJoined = false;
        if ( p->In( r ) )
        {	// Range r in Range p enthalten oder identisch
            if ( bIsInList )
                bJoined = true;		// weg mit Range r
            {	// das war's dann
                bJoinedInput = true;	// nicht anhaengen
                break;	// for
        else if ( r.In( *p ) )
        {	// Range p in Range r enthalten, r zum neuen Range machen
            *p = r;
            bJoined = true;
        if ( !bJoined && p->aStart.Tab() == nTab1 && p->aEnd.Tab() == nTab2 )
        {	// 2D
            if ( p->aStart.Col() == nCol1 && p->aEnd.Col() == nCol2 )
                if ( p->aStart.Row() == nRow2+1 )
                {	// oben
                    p->aStart.SetRow( nRow1 );
                    bJoined = true;
                else if ( p->aEnd.Row() == nRow1-1 )
                {	// unten
                    p->aEnd.SetRow( nRow2 );
                    bJoined = true;
            else if ( p->aStart.Row() == nRow1 && p->aEnd.Row() == nRow2 )
                if ( p->aStart.Col() == nCol2+1 )
                {	// links
                    p->aStart.SetCol( nCol1 );
                    bJoined = true;
                else if ( p->aEnd.Col() == nCol1-1 )
                {	// rechts
                    p->aEnd.SetCol( nCol2 );
                    bJoined = true;
        if ( bJoined )
            if ( bIsInList )
            {	// innerhalb der Liste Range loeschen
                Remove( nOldPos );
                delete pOver;
                pOver = NULL;
                if ( nOldPos )
                    nOldPos--;			// Seek richtig aufsetzen
            bJoinedInput = true;
            Join( *p, true );			// rekursiv!
    if ( bIsInList )
        Seek( nOldPos );
    else if ( !bJoinedInput )
        Append( r );

Joe P

PS: We have a 2nd Join for the PairLIst that looks the same.
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