[Libreoffice] v2 of the configure.in/scp2 patch to allow selecting themes

Christian Lohmaier lohmaier+libreoffice at googlemail.com
Thu Dec 9 04:20:08 PST 2010

Hi Sebastian, *,

On Thu, Dec 9, 2010 at 1:14 PM, Sebastian Spaeth <Sebastian at sspaeth.de> wrote:
> This 2nd version also uses defines in the form of
> -DTHEME_CRYSTAL that are being used in the scp2 module. Untested,
> perhaps someone with a faster compile time than mine can see if the

I'd prefer if those would only be set in scp2 module when those are
actually used, and not globally.

As ccache stores commandline parameters as well, I guess it vill
invalidate the cache, and it just clutters *any* command even if it is
just used by one single module.

> --enable-theme="crystal tango" or --enable-theme="" or --enable-theme=""
>  (the latter 2 options should enable all themes" options work as
>  intended.

--enable is a bad choice for options that accept multiple values IMHO.
For multiple argument style ones, I'd prefer --with options..


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