[Libreoffice] LO status bar annoyances

Sebastian Spaeth Sebastian at SSpaeth.de
Thu Dec 9 15:12:58 PST 2010

On Thu, 9 Dec 2010 22:59:37 +0100, Friedrich Strohmaier <damokles4-listen at bits-fritz.de> wrote:
> What You as an individual do use or don't *must not* be a criterium
> for UI and feature changes. Even and especially not because You are a
> software developer!

Hi Friedrich,

this thread already became bigger than I ever intended, and I heard that
the state of the statusbar is a regular flamefest. I don't want to awake
any flames or add more fuel.

> over users shoulders. And be assured: *Every* bloddy feature you hid
> anywhere in the UI has a user(base) using it. That's more valid for the
> "one click available" as in the status bar.

All I am going to add is: "which user prefers single-clicks for some
status bar items and double-clicks on others, while some are not
clickable at all?". "Which user wants to launch dialogs when clicking on
apparently empty areas in the statusbar?" and finally "which user wants
2 separators between icon areas that are really empty?" "which user
wants exclamation marks for default situations rather than suitably
subtle icons that show modified doc status?" :-)

Some things can be universally be improved, other should remain customizable.
I do know that there is a reason and a proponent behind all those items. 

> The only proper way to have a "Sebastian Spaeth" UI of LibreOffice I
> see:
> Convince your developer collegues to build an UI framework which allows
> such changes without affecting other users. :o))

Ohh, but there is much of that possible already. I was able to make
myself much happier with a few lines of editing of the statusbar.xml

I am not sure what the right approach to finding good UI is. I therefore
defer those designs to others. I only know when something bothers me so
much that I really want it changed :).
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