[Libreoffice] Test script patch review request (1)

Yifan Jiang yfjiang at novell.com
Fri Dec 24 01:23:25 PST 2010

Here is a bigger one, I forgot to compress it before, sorry to separate them.

* 0002-replace-all-tabs-with-4-spaces.patch

    Wide influence, I replace all tabs in the script to 4 space characters
    with bash. Not fully tested, I am not quite sure how to fully verify these
    are safe or not. The script I used is:

    cat /tmp/tabs.auto.filelist.txt | \
    while read fn; do
        cat $fn > /tmp/tabfile;
        cat /tmp/tabfile | sed 's/	/    /' > /tmp/notabfile;
        cat /tmp/notabfile > $fn;

    where the tabs.auto.filelst.txt is the file list containing tabs. I also
    have this file attached.
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