[Libreoffice] comments translated in writer\sw\source\core\edit\edfmt.cxx

TentleXS TentleXS at web.de
Tue Dec 28 03:25:43 PST 2010

Am 27.12.2010 20:12, schrieb Octavio Alvarez:
> On Mon, 27 Dec 2010 10:49:19 -0800, TentleXS <TentleXS at web.de> wrote:
>> Hallo @all,
>> my name is Pascal and I would like to contribute the following
>> translated code comments in "writer\sw\source\core\edit\edfmt.cxx". My
>> native language is german so I hope it's OK that I did the translation.
> Do you take requests? :-) I've been trying to work with these files, but
> I can't get the sense out of them. I'm putting my hope on the comments
> which are currently in German.
> sw/source/core/crsr/callnk.cxx
> sw/source/core/crsr/viscrs.cxx
>> I am learning the workflow for contributing, so please excuse me if I
>> did something wrong. I am glad if you decide to point me to resources
>> where I can read up on how to contribute more effectively. I am not sure
>> if I should mention that this code and its comments is contributed under
>> LGPLv3+ / MPL ... because I just changed the comments ... but of course
>> it is. (It's just for new code/code-changes, right?)
> Also, I would send it as a git patch so the committer can keep your
> authorship information. Otherwise, if someone picks your diff up he will
> need to apply your diff and create the commit himself and your
> authorship information gets lost.
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I hope I did this right.
This should be a patch file for

Do I have to name the file differently?
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