[Libreoffice] [UX] Progress bars - convey "this make take some time, dunno how long"

Thorsten Behrens thb at documentfoundation.org
Wed Nov 17 15:50:23 PST 2010

Christoph Noack wrote:
> Okay, so we just "move" the problem. To better understand the issue...
>       * The patch just changes the progress bar behavior, but the time
>         to be waited is the same?
>       * The progress bar is the only information - as far as I know,
>         there is no percentage completed (on any platform), or?
Yes, both times.

> If (and only for that reason) the save/load process gets stuck for
> (e.g.) min. 5 seconds, and there is no way of availability-checking of
> the network connection in advance, then we might simply bring up a
> message box that says something like "File XYZ is being saved which
> requires some time. Please wait ..." (not final, of course).
Possible, though prolly not for 3.3 (string/UI freeze).
Additionally, we may not know in advance, how long these operations
may take (it's not always transparently retrievable information, if
e.g. a file resides on a network volume).

Given your answer, I'd tend to not touch this for 3.3, and maybe
work on a better solution post-3.3.

> Cancel is optional
Even impossible, with the current code. ;)

Thanks for your insight anyway,

-- Thorsten
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