[Libreoffice] 5 times LGPL installed

Sebastian Spaeth Sebastian at SSpaeth.de
Fri Nov 19 04:53:11 PST 2010

On Fri, 19 Nov 2010 11:51:32 +0000, Michael Meeks wrote:
> 	Personally, I love the LGPL - so, having it five times could be a
> feature ;-)

And +2 per language supported. And +2 per extension installed :)

> 	I'll add an easy hack to remove the other versions, unless someone here
> wants to do it.

Tried and failed: 

- Module readlicense_oo needs to be modified to not produce them. Patch
is in git (and reverted again).

- Module scp2 needs to be modified to not copy them. Patch is in git
(and reverted again)

- instsetoo_native then complained about a missing
  LICENSE-EN_es.html.orig or something, even after I had done a make
  clean. Not sure where that came from. Perhaps a reboot would have
  fixed it (our environment variable fudging is amazing).

So I had to revert this. If someone tackles it, can we put the README
and LICENSE in the existing directories please? Currently 8 out of 13
topdir entries in our installation refer to some readme or license.


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