[Libreoffice] [Crazy Ideas] Discuss

Joe Smith jes at martnet.com
Tue Nov 30 09:36:54 PST 2010

On 11/29/2010 07:48 PM, Mattias Johnsson wrote:
> On 30 November 2010 11:34, Joe Smith<jes at martnet.com>  wrote:
>> I was also having a lot of trouble learning anything from running OOo under
>> gdb. Gdb was acting weird and I couldn't step through the code and poke
>> around. I ended up trying to do it by adding a printf, rebuild, run, rinse,
>> repeat. No fun; less progress.
> Did you turn off compiler optimisations? I had the same problem (gdb
> hopping around in a non-intuitive way, and the values of some useful
> variables were optimised out) until I turned them off.
> If that's the problem, you can do it by configuring with
> --enable-debug, or if you're just building a single module you can do
> "build -- debug=t dbglevel=2"
> I think "dbglevel=1" also turns them off, and will give less noise,
> but I haven't checked.
> Cheers,
> Mattias

Whee! I was resisting another full build; I didn't realize this was part 
of the problem.



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