[Libreoffice] LO status bar annoyances

Sebastian Spaeth Sebastian at SSpaeth.de
Tue Nov 30 23:22:45 PST 2010

On Tue, 30 Nov 2010 09:54:37 -0500, Kohei Yoshida wrote:
> >   a) This is  the standard state of my documents (see,  I tend to modify
> >      docs in  a editor,  DOH), and that  exclamation mark  purports some
> >      sense of urgency and failure.
> Sorry I have to disagree there.

Thanks for the info Kohei. To avoid duplication, see the mail I just
sent as a reply to Christoph Noack's mail. The management summary: 

* My favorite solution would be to have a) the save button always work
  but b) have the save button convey the information whether it thinks
  that it is currently useful or not (grayed out, or overlaid
* More realistically, I don't have anything against a status bar icon if
  done right, ie:
  - no tooltips over empty space, and empty separators, and no
    danger-implying fat exclamation marks.

Christoph proposed nice items, that would make me totally happy.


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